The_Critic Friday 23rd May 2008 09:18 | The Funeral of the Greatest Wizard Who Ever Lived |
lol. Can't breathe...Laughing to hard...*falls off chair* Filch's dream eh? lol. I think I love Voldemort and Mcgonagal the best..NO, DUMBLEDORE...wait...I dont know...10/10 |
The_Critic Friday 23rd May 2008 09:17 | The Funeral of the Greatest Wizard Who Ever Lived |
lol. Can't breathe...Laughing to hard...*falls off chair* Filch's dream eh? lol. I think I love Voldemort and Mcgonagal the best..NO, DUMBLEDORE...wait...I dont know...10/10 |
kd112 Monday 24th March 2008 11:14 | The Funeral of the Greatest Wizard Who Ever Lived |
you kept me guessing till the end.
i was cursing you to just write who this wizaed was who would cause even voldemort to cry.
again brilliant story!!!!!!
Delfino Thursday 27th September 2007 15:06 | The Funeral of the Greatest Wizard Who Ever Lived |
I had to read and review again, after all this time.
This is pure genius! |
lacyrachil Thursday 16th November 2006 08:55 | The Funeral of the Greatest Wizard Who Ever Lived |
That was nice...kept you guessing. |
Lunar Wednesday 23rd August 2006 15:07 | The Funeral of the Greatest Wizard Who Ever Lived |
The Dumbledore bit (SNNNEERKK) was hilarious!!
Oh, and the Filch thing Moohahaha!:
taalia2289 Tuesday 2nd May 2006 13:20 | The Funeral of the Greatest Wizard Who Ever Lived |
oh god.
that was beautiful. |
Delfino Saturday 28th January 2006 18:46 | The Funeral of the Greatest Wizard Who Ever Lived |
Oh my gosh! This is sooooo funny! I knew right away it was going to be someone unexpected. I nearly fell off my chair when Voldemort came in. This is awesome, great job! I'm so glad you wrote this!! |
Crookshanks Sunday 4th September 2005 15:52 | The Funeral of the Greatest Wizard Who Ever Lived |
lol... who would have guessed?
jeanne Friday 1st July 2005 17:19 | The Funeral of the Greatest Wizard Who Ever Lived |
Poor ,unappreciated Argus Filch. Bless his old heart. This was priceless,and kept in the spirit of "Thurber".Well done. |
sonicdale Friday 18th March 2005 12:51 | The Funeral of the Greatest Wizard Who Ever Lived |
I love james Thurber and saw where you were going with this - but Filch? Ha! That was a surprise! I love the fading from reality to his dream world.
Thurber would be proud. |
Aibhinn Wednesday 23rd February 2005 16:27 | The Funeral of the Greatest Wizard Who Ever Lived |
This was wonderfully, gloriously, inescapably hilarious! Oh, man,
I'm so impressed with this... James Thurber would have been so proud of
you! (So would Calvin of "Calvin and Hobbes"; I don't think even
Spaceman Spiff could rival The Greatest Wizard to Ever Live!)
angelmorph Sunday 20th February 2005 15:40 | The Funeral of the Greatest Wizard Who Ever Lived |
Hehehe... I actually considered Filch half-way through but then I thought: "Wait a second, Filch isn't a wizard!" Nicely done... poor Filch he's so underapprechiated (doesn't even have an emoticon of his own...hehehe)
Angelmorph |
unople Tuesday 8th February 2005 01:44 | The Funeral of the Greatest Wizard Who Ever Lived |
We are not worthy. We are not worthy.
Oh. My. God. This fic is absolutely fantastic. I laughed for about 10 mins. Filch... LOL!
Pugpal Thursday 20th January 2005 00:02 | The Funeral of the Greatest Wizard Who Ever Lived |
HAHAHA!! I love it! That was awesome, great job! |
Bunny Tuesday 18th January 2005 06:22 | The Funeral of the Greatest Wizard Who Ever Lived |
Thankyou, that made me smile so much.
As I was going through the list wondering who the Greatest wizard was, I laughed out loud when I read Argus Filch.
XiaoXiao Tuesday 18th January 2005 01:50 | The Funeral of the Greatest Wizard Who Ever Lived |
Hah. That was very amusing, especially McGonagall's outburst at the end. |
dophingirl79 Monday 17th January 2005 23:09 | The Funeral of the Greatest Wizard Who Ever Lived |
Definately a diffrent kind of story. He would of ever thought. Good work. I hope you write more stories! |
p0tterfan Monday 17th January 2005 22:38 | The Funeral of the Greatest Wizard Who Ever Lived |
Probably what Filch dreams of every night :) Good one!
Delani Monday 17th January 2005 19:45 | The Funeral of the Greatest Wizard Who Ever Lived |
HAH! I felt terrible that while reading this I was tempted to comment that it all seemd a bizarre dream to me; how odd that I should be right! You left me guessing this whole time, grinning more as we moved along; surely this had to be a dream! I'll look into Thurber now that you mention it....Well done!
Delani |
Robert Owen Monday 17th January 2005 16:48 | The Funeral of the Greatest Wizard Who Ever Lived |
Kudos! You had me going thinking it was Snape or Neville or somebody, anybody but Filch!
Bravo! |
radcliffe23 Monday 17th January 2005 14:52 | The Funeral of the Greatest Wizard Who Ever Lived |
This was great! You actually had me going there for a second. You're one of the few who would even mention Filch, and it was great. I will read every story you write if they're just a funny. Very refreshing.
Tarkas Monday 17th January 2005 09:13 | The Funeral of the Greatest Wizard Who Ever Lived |
Oh, this is priceless! And so, so very Filch.
Of course, Mrs Norris should have spoken at the funeral -- perhaps after TGWTEL had freed her from the cruel forced Animagus transformation that she'd been locked into for so many years... The lamentations of his long-time companion would have added true poignancy to the scene -- and then she and McGonagall could have had a catfight (sorry...) over their lost love...
Seriously, this is hilarious. Very well done!
Phil |
DADAGinny Monday 17th January 2005 09:07 | The Funeral of the Greatest Wizard Who Ever Lived |
*snerk* I can see Filch having these daydreams. But there was a
little too much squickiness when McGonagall was mourning him --
ick! Having his kids?
That was funny!