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Reviews For To the Gates of Hell by kaiserzacc

Sunday 15th May 2005 12:29
To the Gates of Hell
Really interesting! I can't wait to see what happens next!
Muggle Witch
Sunday 17th April 2005 18:58
To the Gates of Hell
That was so good. The prophecy was very well written. Poor Harry.
Spark Soliton
Sunday 17th April 2005 18:33
To the Gates of Hell

An intriguing beginning, avoiding most of the pitfalls with the beginning and making it fairly fresh. I had expected perhaps to see some older Order-member to come and check up on Harry but as we don't know what kind of fuss Ron and Ginny have kicked up over "visitation rights" they might just have pestered themselves into a visit - since it's a Weasley on guard duty as well he might be more inclined to call on his younger siblings.

The dialogue didn't quite flow for me, it worked for Ginny and George but it felt a bit stilted with Ron - he never struck me as for explaining this to Ginny.

Looking forward to the next chapter though, there is something is the telling of the story that has got me hooked.

Thursday 17th March 2005 19:04
To the Gates of Hell
Another of the prophecy fics :)  Let's see how this goes ... hopefully something different.
Robert Owen
Thursday 17th March 2005 04:14
To the Gates of Hell

Very interesting premise and start.  Where are the Dursleys?  Will we see their reaction if Ginny goes back to Harry's things?



Thursday 17th March 2005 12:37To the Gates of Hell (Author Response)

We will learn more about the Dursley's later in the story. I originally thought about having them react to Ginny and Ron coming by but decided to keep them out of the way this time. Thanks for reading.