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Reviews For Acceptance by Gabriella Du Sult

Monday 23rd June 2014 08:05
good story
Aqua Fountain*
Monday 26th February 2007 08:29
James is probably, once he's recovered, ganna be like-


Monday 11th July 2005 13:02

I was looking for a good James/Lily story and it looks like I've found one! I know, I know, the sequels tell me Remus is the real focus of the story, but when it comes to something this well written I'm not one to split hairs.

In case that you didn't read between the lines there, I really like the setup of the story. I love the fact that's you've skipped the bit where James needed to 'deflate his head' and went straight for the bit where Lily decides to take pity on the poor guy. Sounds like he's going to need a lot more help to get it right huh? Well, I'm poised to find out.

So far:

Talk to you again after chapter 2.

Muggle Witch
Monday 18th April 2005 14:14
That was so cute, well done!
Thursday 31st March 2005 14:13
Aw what an adorable story! James is so cute! "He looked like he was going to swoon" Too funny! Awesome! Ha just like Lily to give James a hard time about excepting her invite!
Wednesday 30th March 2005 20:45
Nice one shot :)  Looks like Moony knew what was going to happen beforehand?