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Reviews For Ministry Auror by Muggle Witch

Wednesday 19th March 2008 20:33
Ministry Auror
wow.... i thought that harry was gonna quit cause he realized that its not his duty or something..............
Wednesday 7th November 2007 18:15
Ministry Auror
wow! that's interesting! I wished that it was longer and more things about their relationship...

Thursday 13th September 2007 06:39
Ministry Auror
This story should have a special meaning to all soldiers active and retired.
It does for me.
Thursday 13th September 2007 07:16Ministry Auror (Author Response)
*blushes* Thank you. I'm so glad that you enjoyed it.
Tuesday 10th May 2005 20:42
Ministry Auror
Toby Keith fan or just heard the song and liked it?  The video's excellent..  The song works well with what you wrote.  Is this a one shot or are you going to continue it?
Tuesday 17th May 2005 13:26Ministry Auror (Author Response)
Me? A Toby Keith fan? Very much so, LOL. I am so glad you liked the story. It was planned as a one shot, but with all the wonderful feedback, I plan to write at least one more chapter.
Monday 2nd May 2005 05:16
Ministry Auror
It was short- but I would like to thank you for this story, you hit the mark so well, and you must know something of military families, because this is so true. I really liked your story, and it is a worthy post story, and a side of life that is not really written about directly- and something we should all keep in mind for those who protect our freedom and sacrifice so much of themselves.
Tuesday 17th May 2005 13:23Ministry Auror (Author Response)
Thank you so much for your kind review! I do have family in the military, so the subject matter is close to my heart. As for it being short, I have had a few request for a 'Harry coming home' chapter, so I will work on that. Thank you, again!
Sunday 1st May 2005 17:03
Ministry Auror
I LOVED it!!! it was beautifully written. the way you worked the song into it.....just marvelous!! GOOD JOB!!!
Sunday 1st May 2005 19:24Ministry Auror (Author Response)
Thank you! I am so glad you liked it.
Sunday 1st May 2005 10:15
Ministry Auror
Very good
Sunday 1st May 2005 19:24Ministry Auror (Author Response)
Thank you!