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Reviews For The Gryffin Councilor by buzzzz

Thursday 19th May 2005 20:22
The Gryffin Councilor
OOoh! So...wait...did Ron draw his wand on Harry with the intent to harm him and that placed it at mortal peril? Or was it something else? I really love this story because it's incredibly inventive and it's got some neat surprises. I hope you update soon! 
Tuesday 17th May 2005 15:56
The Gryffin Councilor
I guess he will be in mortal peril facing the Weasley'! keep up the good work.
Friday 13th May 2005 13:16
The Gryffin Councilor
Presumably, I have now learned that if Harry's identity is indeed exposed, then he'll be in Mortal Peril.  Clever.

Friday 13th May 2005 05:28
The Gryffin Councilor
Ok, I owe you. I have been reading your story for quite some time now and have read most of the stories in the archives ( im a bit obsessed with H/G) so let me just say "Brilliant". I love your story, you torture us so well, we all hope and pary for Harry and Ginny, and this is a great way to set a styory. Loss, hatred, remores, and still yet deep love and trust- mix with a rebirth and a whisper of hope among despair and add a bucket of angst. Well done- I look forward to every chapter- keep up your excellent story.
Thursday 12th May 2005 18:57
The Gryffin Councilor
Oh the excitement!
Thursday 12th May 2005 18:54
The Gryffin Councilor
This story is wonderful! Keep writing. I'm reading!
Wednesday 11th May 2005 21:03
The Gryffin Councilor
Wow, he's good at that dramatic entrance thing, I wonder how he controlled the Weasley clock or maybe it's because he couldnt think of it as home as of right then so it wasn't his home and when he realized his identity could have just been blown, he might have been put into mortal peril? Oh well, I hope you update soon, this is great!
Wednesday 11th May 2005 19:15
The Gryffin Councilor
Oh!  That was SO not nice w/that evil cliffie!  How could you?  Hmph!  Great chapter though.  I got some good insight into Ginny's perspective.  Please update this soon!  I want to find out what happens next!