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Reviews For Harry Potter and the Olympic Spirit by sonicdale

Monday 6th June 2005 00:16
Harry Potter and the Olympic Spirit
Harry was not in Hogwarts in 2004! 
Monday 6th June 2005 07:08Harry Potter and the Olympic Spirit (Author Response)
See that little "AU" at the top of my chapter there?
Means "Alternate Universe."
My timeline dosen't gel with canon, I know, but I'm past that now. I'm concentrating on having fun. That's the aim of this fic.

Thanks for reading.
Wednesday 1st June 2005 06:00
Harry Potter and the Olympic Spirit
 Nice start.  Is this going to be a long fic or just a quickie?  Will there be the usual action for Harry & Co.?
Wednesday 1st June 2005 06:21Harry Potter and the Olympic Spirit (Author Response)
I'm shooting for around 10-12 chapters.
We'll see all the major players. I like ships, and this will have elements of one, but I'm a sportswriter first.

Action: Well...that depends on what kind of action.
We'll see plenty of dueling and flying, if that's what you're asking.
Thanks for reading!
Tuesday 31st May 2005 22:00
Harry Potter and the Olympic Spirit
I certainly hope Chapter Two is being beta'ed as I write this...I'm absolutely hooked on this story simply because my husband introduced me to Tony Hawk and the X Games the first year they were played:  I marveled at the time that someone could actually make a living playing on a kid's toy and also still have fun as an adult with said toy.  I'm glad that the Muggle-born students are familiar with Tony Hawk, especially Harry since he had such a hard time watching the Muggle news in OotP and the Dursleys'.  Finally, I really like Harry's positive attitude.  He seems to have matured over the summer holiday which should do him some good now that he knows what his responsibilities to the Wizarding world happen to be.  Please post again soon.  I'll be waiting on the edge of my chair...
Tuesday 31st May 2005 22:31Harry Potter and the Olympic Spirit (Author Response)
Edge of your chair?

I hope I don't keep you waiting too long. I hope to post by this Friday.
I also got to see the XGames the first year they were played. It's gotten a bit cliched now, but I like it still.

As for Harry's 'maturity'... well, thanks for noticing. I'll have plenty of fun as soon as we get to the brooms.
Thanks for reading!
Tuesday 31st May 2005 10:19
Harry Potter and the Olympic Spirit
I don't usually like fics that introduce characters (especially real people) from far outside the HP Universe, but this works.  Let's see who else shows up in the future.  Nice job, btw.
Tuesday 31st May 2005 10:35Harry Potter and the Olympic Spirit (Author Response)
I watched a great "MTV Cribs" with Tony Hawk and he talked a lot in it. That's where I got most of the tone for his voice.

As for real life characters, we'll just have to wait and see, right?
I'll give you one taste though. We'll see a couple of other professors as 'guest instructors' during the course. I'll let you stew over who I'm talking about.
Thanks for reading!
Monday 30th May 2005 20:58
Harry Potter and the Olympic Spirit
Great job! This sounds as though its going to be fun! I look forward to seeing more. Interesting addition to Hogwarts...Tony Hawk.
Monday 30th May 2005 22:39Harry Potter and the Olympic Spirit (Author Response)
He's definately one of my best surprises. But he's not the only one, so hang on to your wizarding hat, cause this ride is going to rock and roll.

Sorry. Got carried away a bit there.
Thanks for reading.
Monday 30th May 2005 18:32
Harry Potter and the Olympic Spirit

Very interesting ideas here! I really like what you've done with Mr. Hawk, aswell. Looking forward to more!


Oh, and can Hermione get beaten in a duel by Ron? that would be very amusing!

Monday 30th May 2005 22:37Harry Potter and the Olympic Spirit (Author Response)
Hermione get beaten in a duel by Ron?
Well, I guess you'll have to read to find out!
We'll see all the main characters we know and love competing. Some against each other as well. R/Hr in this fic ... hm. I 'll put that down as a possible. Thanks!

Thanks again for reading and reviewing. Tell all your friends!
Aaran St Vines
Monday 30th May 2005 17:16
Harry Potter and the Olympic Spirit
Not exactly what I would call AU, more like and alternate-dimension-meets-missing-moment-from-the-future.

Very fascinating.
Monday 30th May 2005 22:35Harry Potter and the Olympic Spirit (Author Response)
Missing moment from the future?
Someone's been watching too much Dr. Who. I originally was shooting for a 'fun sixth year' story, but PS said this was AU. This is my first HP fic - I've spent my writing time in other worlds, so I like to stretch my legs a bit in this one.
Thanks for the review and keep on reading!

Monday 30th May 2005 16:40
Harry Potter and the Olympic Spirit
Wow - that was really neat!  I've wondered before if the wizarding world had any other sports.  This promises to be very interesting. I vaugely recall the name Hawk, but couldn't have told you anything about the guy - it was fun to learn something.  I can't wait to see what they do in the air; please post soon!
Monday 30th May 2005 22:32Harry Potter and the Olympic Spirit (Author Response)
Don't worry. We'll have plenty of flying in this story. Quidditch too.
Thanks for reading!
Muggle Witch
Monday 30th May 2005 14:07
Harry Potter and the Olympic Spirit
 I loved the Monty Python reference (who doesn’t love the Dead Parrot sketch ~ he's, ah...probably pining for the fjords )

I really like the plot, and look forward to the updates.

One critique, Lockhart was second year, not third.


Monday 30th May 2005 22:31Harry Potter and the Olympic Spirit (Author Response)
Ouch. Lockheart was in CoS. I'll have to go fix that...

Love Monty Python. Eric Idle and John Cleese are two of my favorite actors.
Thanks for reading!
*And now, for something completely different!*

Monday 30th May 2005 13:44
Harry Potter and the Olympic Spirit

This is an awesome idea for a story.

I'm looking forward to reading more of it!


Monday 30th May 2005 22:28Harry Potter and the Olympic Spirit (Author Response)
Thanks. It came to me while driving at night through the mountians of Tennesee. I always wondered if there was a Wizarding Olympics - and how would Harry react to acrobatics on a broom?

Thanks for reading!