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Reviews For Just a Lark by Gabriella Du Sult

Friday 30th January 2009 17:07
Just a Lark
Loved It!!!!
Monday 1st September 2008 10:19
Just a Lark
hehe nice
Friday 28th December 2007 03:25
Just a Lark
Irene rocks!! It's about time Sirius met his match. I'd love to see a continuation of this story, anyone who can put Sirius in his place deserves the effort! I enjoyed reading this, keep up the good work!
Tuesday 28th March 2006 16:16
Just a Lark
So cute I love Sirius, he's probably my favorite Marauder. Or maybe Remus. Or James. Anyone but Wormtail Great job, and I LOVE Irene!
Wednesday 29th March 2006 11:53Just a Lark (Author Response)
Thank you for reading this rusty old one-shot! The (real) Marauders are hard to choose from. I think HBP finally settled it on Sirius for me (the other two being spoken for).
Monday 20th June 2005 11:00
Just a Lark
Sirius, you dog!
Monday 20th June 2005 10:00
Just a Lark
 Methinks Sirius has met his match...  Too funny.  Now if we can just get past both of their egos to see if anything might happen.  I think Sirius seriously deserves his fair share of fiction...  Please continue!!!!!