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Reviews For Incurable Idiot by Kundun

Saturday 3rd January 2009 20:01
Incurable Idiot
hee hee - just found this while rooting around for some fluff - this was fully satisfactory!
Tuesday 23rd September 2008 21:10
Incurable Idiot
Saturday 13th October 2007 20:46
Incurable Idiot
What amazingly funny, sweet fluff! I was giggling and grinning while I read this, it was so cute and fun. I loved the line about a bed being named after Harry in the Hospital Wing. I also loved the line: "great and powerful Harry Potter, sitting on the Quidditch pitch, being as sappy as a Valentine's Day card in front of the whole Gryffindor team." I especially loved the last three lines of the story! So romantic and so funny! Please write more stories, even if they're one-shots. You obviously have a talent for funny, romantic one-shots, so please keep writing!
Felix Felicis
Saturday 16th September 2006 19:12
Incurable Idiot
Now that was fluffy fluff. Not that that means I didn't absolutely love it! I think you had a really original idea here. This is my favorite line:

"Well," she began impatiently. "I’ve been waiting for this for 5 years. Would you kiss me already?"

That's just like Ginny. Harry's internal struggle at the beginning was very well done. Very convincing. I also liked the switching of places in the dream. Good job overall!
Saturday 3rd September 2005 14:17
Incurable Idiot
he he cute
Saturday 2nd July 2005 08:08
Incurable Idiot

That was amazing.  I loved the whole ending when  Harry fell off his broom. 

Perfect amount of funny and fluff

great job, keep writing, and Plez write back


Laurel Carmer
Thursday 30th June 2005 10:42
Incurable Idiot
I like H/G very much, but that gave even me a sacchrine overload.  LOL  In a good way, of course.
Thursday 30th June 2005 06:08
Incurable Idiot
An idiot.
Sappy fluff. I needed a good dose of that today. Good work....

.... did Harry REALLY accidentally crash?????

Thursday 30th June 2005 01:00
Incurable Idiot

Yeah, you were right, lots of fluff.  But you know what?  Sometimes fluff is just what the doctor ordered.  I love fluff. Keep writing from passion.  Wonderful little fic.  I loved every word of it. 

Wednesday 29th June 2005 18:42
Incurable Idiot
I really liked this. It was a great blend of Fluff and Funny. The title was perfect with the ending. Good job.
Thursday 30th June 2005 14:43Incurable Idiot (Author Response)

My Lit teacher is always talking about "bookend" essays, how things in the beginning relate to things in the end. Obviously, this was the result. Thanks for the review.

Wolf's Scream
Wednesday 29th June 2005 15:40
Incurable Idiot
Cute.  All it took was a whack upside the head, then, eh?  :-}  Well-written.
Wednesday 29th June 2005 15:35
Incurable Idiot
 cute! really cute!
Wednesday 29th June 2005 14:35
Incurable Idiot

Very sweet.

I'm always amazed how other people can fit a whole story into 2500 words, when I seem to take about 10,000 to do the same thing.  Excellent job.


Wednesday 29th June 2005 15:56Incurable Idiot (Author Response)

Really? It's the exact opposite for me. I am amazed at the 10,000 word stories. Thanks for the review.

Aaran St Vines
Wednesday 29th June 2005 13:26
Incurable Idiot
I cannot imagine that this could possibly happen this way in canon, but I like the way you had it happen in this story.
Wednesday 29th June 2005 15:54Incurable Idiot (Author Response)
Thank you, and that's what I like about fan fiction: it doesn't have to be canon.