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Reviews For Harry Potter and the Deadly Deception by Delylah

Wednesday 24th May 2006 19:56
Harry Potter and the Deadly Deception
It is good, but still very sad. Slytherin, Malfoy, NO Ron,Hermione,OR Ginny! Depressing. But I'm not saying the story is bad. Just it is differant. On to the next chapter.
Friday 27th May 2005 18:19
Harry Potter and the Deadly Deception
UGHHH I'm getting stressed out enough with his secrecy, it's as though I am Harry and I have to hide this from my friends...I do hope that you don't keep them in the dark for too long...Slytherin!Harry just doesn't appeal to me...
Thursday 26th May 2005 08:03
Harry Potter and the Deadly Deception

Well, since you posted the new chapter, I had to come back and read the rest! I still adore this story, though it really is the saddest incarnation of Harry in a fanfic yet. So sad.

I do adore your writing, though. So clear and descriptive!

Thank you for continuing the story!

Monday 17th January 2005 19:21
Harry Potter and the Deadly Deception
I am intrigued by this story...but it is heartbreaking!  I can't wait to see how Harry handles life as a Slytherin!