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Reviews For Bursting a Lock by Bella

Friday 10th June 2011 14:39
Bursting a Lock
awesome yet now ya better make anohter chapter because at the moment somebodys cheating on kenneth and harry
LOL great job
Monday 8th December 2008 10:46
Bursting a Lock
this is so sweet!!!!!!
Thursday 3rd January 2008 13:12
Bursting a Lock
Sunday 30th December 2007 10:57
Bursting a Lock
FANTASTIC! EXCELLENT! Very believable, how Ginny was feeling about Harry kissing her out of nowhere, as well as Harry being utterly baffled by her reaction. I was SO happy that you had him going to Hermione for explanation about what had just happened. The scene in the Room of Requirement was so perfectly written; she explained it so well, and I loved it when Harry had hugged her in appreciation for her help and friendship. (I love reading stories where the trio, Ginny, the other Weasleys, etc. really appreciate how much they help each other and mean to each other and can express it well, even if non-verbally.) I also enjoyed how Hermione had made the room into her ideal place when they entered it. I can only wonder how her conversation with Ron would have gone when she eventually returned to the Common Room. He'd want to know what she & Harry talked about; but, Ron would learn about H & G's situation soon enough, one way or the other.

GREAT STORY! Please write more.
Thursday 15th November 2007 11:25
Bursting a Lock
Humm, Ginny kind of makes the rounds now dosn't she? Well written, love your work.
Saturday 1st September 2007 17:01
Bursting a Lock
mixed emotions I would say.
Monday 4th September 2006 17:09
Bursting a Lock
This was greeat. What is it with Harry and sobbing women.^^
Thursday 15th June 2006 13:34
Bursting a Lock
Hey! brilliant story!! except for one thing...wht happened to kenneth brown?
Sunday 9th April 2006 14:21
Bursting a Lock
awww. soo cute!!
Friday 30th September 2005 15:53
Bursting a Lock
Great story.  I'm glad Harry finally figured things out, even if Hermione had to help.
Magdalene Rose
Monday 11th July 2005 21:28
Bursting a Lock
this is very good! I really like it!
Sunday 10th July 2005 10:51
Bursting a Lock
Hah. Poor bumbling Harry.  Most of the time, Ginny cheating on others is somewhat bothersome, but you subtley added that it was hardly a relationship, only a few days old, well done on that.  Great work!
Saturday 9th July 2005 13:22
Bursting a Lock

A beautiful story very well written.

Saturday 9th July 2005 11:51
Bursting a Lock
This was a very well done fluffy piece. I never like the thought of Ginny snogging other boys (It seems to affect me as much as it should Harry.) But it seemed to have did the trick here. I also loved how Harry totally blew the moment and said all the wrong things...but in the end he got it right.
Saturday 9th July 2005 07:58
Bursting a Lock
That was nice.  I'm glad they had to work at it.  Fluff that comes too easily is just too icky sometimes! 
Saturday 9th July 2005 00:46
Bursting a Lock

This was too cute. Made my day feel a whole lot better.

Friday 8th July 2005 23:12
Bursting a Lock
Thank you for the little ficlet.  It was fun to read.
Friday 8th July 2005 19:08
Bursting a Lock

Awesome Story!!! I loved the kiss.  Especially how Harry seemd to stumble into it. 

Thanks eversomuch for the ride.


Friday 8th July 2005 18:48
Bursting a Lock
Wow.  A beautiful tale!
Friday 8th July 2005 18:48
Bursting a Lock
Wow.  A beautiful tale!