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Reviews For The Reason by emmamoonpotter

Sunday 21st August 2005 07:53
The Reason

No problem! you can do it! just keep going.

Cherry xxx


Sunday 21st August 2005 07:56The Reason (Author Response)
Thanks again! I will be working on it today and hopefully tomorrow. I have Quidditch tryouts and the wonderful Ima Quidditch Fan is going to look it over for me. I'm very lucky to have her and my beta for this story. And of course awesome reviewers like you Cherry. Thanks.
Sunday 21st August 2005 07:17
The Reason

BRILLIANT!! I hope you are doing another chapter or maybe loads, lol. you are really good please keep writing.

Sunday 21st August 2005 07:50The Reason (Author Response)
Thanks so much! I appreciate your review alot! I'm currently writing Chapter 6. It's a monster to write. Lots happening. Once I'm done, I'll give it to my wonderful beta ninkenate. Thanks again!