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Reviews For Fool’s Paradise by jadzialove

Friday 2nd January 2009 21:18
Fool’s Paradise
What a lovely story - bittersweet based on our knowledge of Remus & Dora's fina fate. Very well-writtten - especially the sensory information.
Sunday 18th May 2008 07:34
Fool’s Paradise

yes . I loved it ! Who in their right mind woul not . Well written!
Friday 14th July 2006 06:06
Fool’s Paradise
YES. Moony got is act WITH Tonks.
Friday 10th February 2006 21:55
Fool’s Paradise
FINALLY got my password...this is marvelous. Well plotted, and your theories are sound. I look forward to reading more from you.
Saturday 11th February 2006 21:04Fool’s Paradise (Author Response)
Jadzia, you rock.

Thank you so much for going through and reading all of my stories and then saying such nice things about them. I really appreciate that you took the time to do that!
Saturday 27th August 2005 16:34
Fool’s Paradise
this is awesome? will you continue it?
Sunday 28th August 2005 08:52Fool’s Paradise (Author Response)
 I don't have any plans to continue with it.  I'm enjoying the missing moments right now.  Thanks for reading and reviewing! 
Wolf's Scream
Saturday 27th August 2005 14:31
Fool’s Paradise
Very well done!  Have you read FernWithy's "Shifts" (completed) and in-progress "Shades" on The Sugar Quill?  Moony/Tonks plays a big role in the former, and looks to be playing a role in the latter (only first chapter up so far); Moony calls her "Dora" in those stories, too.

Sympathy for Tracy, Nicole, and Makenzie.  :-)
Sunday 28th August 2005 08:50Fool’s Paradise (Author Response)

Thank you, Wolf.

I actually have  read "Shifts" and enjoyed it very much.  Remus as teacher is always good and I didn't hate Dudley as much as I thought I would.

"Dora" just seems a natural shortening of the name Nymphadora.  Certainly better, and I believe more acceptable to Tonks, than say, "Nymph", which might actually cause Tonks to become violent.  Don't you you think?

Tracy appreciated the sympathy.  She's learning to live with it.