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Reviews For An Observation of Love by kjcp

The Boss
Sunday 27th May 2007 06:42
An Observation of Love
Wow, excellent story.
Love the use of The Burrow and Grimmuald Place as key areas of their relationship.
+ + kjcp = excellent story

The Boss
Aqua Fountain*
Wednesday 4th April 2007 07:48
An Observation of Love
But learning that she had snogged Krum, after all the times she told him that she and Krum were only friends, was the worst day of his life. Well, one of the worst days, anyway. Really, the day his teddy turned into a spider was still on his list of very bad days.


The major turning point, and he knew it was a major turning point himself, which he was proud of because perhaps his emotional range had gone from a teaspoon to a whole cup, was during Dumbledore’s funeral.
Those two are so funny.

Aswome little story
Aqua Fountain*
Wednesday 4th April 2007 07:46
An Observation of Love
But learning that she had snogged Krum, after all the times she told him that she and Krum were only friends, was the worst day of his life. Well, one of the worst days, anyway. Really, the day his teddy turned into a spider was still on his list of very bad days.


The major turning point, and he knew it was a major turning point himself, which he was proud of because perhaps his emotional range had gone from a teaspoon to a whole cup, was during Dumbledore’s funeral.
Those two are so funny.

Aswome little story
Monday 11th December 2006 10:43
An Observation of Love
Very nice. I enjoy the different POV's on the situation and the conversation. I love Ron and Hermione as a couple. Thanks for writing.
Monday 1st May 2006 03:25
An Observation of Love
Very, very good... Loved the last sentece especially.
Saturday 1st October 2005 11:09
An Observation of Love

Aww, how sweet!

Cherry xxx

Wednesday 21st September 2005 22:11
An Observation of Love
Aww. Very cute. I loved it! A very nice analysis of the different character's POV's in this one. Keep up the good work!
Wednesday 21st September 2005 08:05
An Observation of Love
Very nicely done, very touching!
Tuesday 20th September 2005 20:47
An Observation of Love

*sniffle* Hopefully Harry learns this too!

"The power to vanquish the Dark Lord..."



Tuesday 20th September 2005 17:20
An Observation of Love
Interesting take on their relationship.  I enjoyed the different points of view.  Good job.