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Reviews For 'Twas a Long Night by Scarlett71177

Monday 24th May 2010 12:45
'Twas a Long Night
I think I may have read this on but I found it on here and had to read it again, this is great! and I'm glad I read it again, I love it Great writing and a funny/sweet plot, keep it up
Monday 24th May 2010 17:39'Twas a Long Night (Author Response)
Thank you so much!
Thursday 4th December 2008 19:23
'Twas a Long Night
oo that was good. hey you ever though of doing a sequel. another Halloween party but with a proposal and news from ron the Hermione pregnant + a few funny extras haha any way great story
Wednesday 23rd April 2008 15:48
'Twas a Long Night
Lovely story to go with a beautiful drawing.
Tuesday 8th April 2008 23:14
'Twas a Long Night
aww!!! this was really awesome!
and im glad that harry doesnt always think about sex and realizes that

" knowing by the time they arrived to his flat Ginny would be asleep, and there would be no further hanky-panky tonight. It did not matter; he loved her, and if spending the night sleeping, with his arm wound around his girlfriend, was the best he would get tonight- then it was more than enough. "Yes, my love, it was."

that im glad for
Hermione Granger-Weasley
Wednesday 12th December 2007 00:45
'Twas a Long Night
I loved it! Here's hoping for another chapter!
Thursday 13th December 2007 20:43'Twas a Long Night (Author Response)
aw thanks, sorry to disappoint, but it was a one shot. Thanks for reading though!

Tuesday 27th November 2007 20:37
'Twas a Long Night
wow. nice story, kinda sad to hear collins name tho, now that we know-well-yah. : (
Thursday 13th December 2007 20:44'Twas a Long Night (Author Response)
Thank you- it is tough to write about the characters we've lost. :-(
Thursday 22nd November 2007 06:56
'Twas a Long Night
I love this story! It was ingenious!an entire muggle costume party! That would be awesome! I love how ron was so embarrassed :p I was a pumpkin for halloween one year lol.
The ending was reall cute and harry really is a gentleman!

Thursday 22nd November 2007 21:57'Twas a Long Night (Author Response)
Thank you ! Glad you liked it!

Friday 5th October 2007 16:25
'Twas a Long Night
Great story. I loved Ginny's costume; so funny and cheeky that a real witch be a Muggle witch for the party. Harry's was a great choice, too. I could just picture him in a vampire costume with his dark hair and all. Hermione's and Ron's costumes were funny. It would be fun to read a one-shot about how he was talked into wearing the pumpkin costume; there had to be extreme measures taken to make that happen. I'm glad you married off Seamus and Lavender. They'd be a good match, I agree. Marriage would probably only somewhat settle down those two, as evidenced by this very creative Muggle party idea. (Seamus always loved to party.) I was surprised that Mr. & Mrs. Weasley wouldn't mind Ginny staying the night at Harry's, even if she was really was just sleeping. Maybe they're so tolerant of it because they're just happy that she and Harry are such a long-term couple. I wonder if Harry and Ginny's teams ever played each other, or if they're in different leagues.

Thanks for a fun, romantic story.
Friday 5th October 2007 19:52'Twas a Long Night (Author Response)
Thank you, my inspiration was the lovely artwork linked in my A/N, she created such a beautiful image.

Glad you liked it!
Saturday 28th July 2007 14:20
'Twas a Long Night
Sunday 1st April 2007 19:04
'Twas a Long Night
cute, verry cute!!!!
Tuesday 1st November 2005 19:20
'Twas a Long Night
Aw what an adorable ending. Really well done. Too cute. Hahaha Vampire!Harry, and witch!Ginny, lol. It's a really nice picture too. Wonderful job.
Shadow Hider
Tuesday 1st November 2005 13:58
'Twas a Long Night
awwww ^_^ cute!
Monday 31st October 2005 13:19
'Twas a Long Night
Well done! A great compliment to a great pic! :-)
Monday 31st October 2005 07:07
'Twas a Long Night
Nicely done, and a very realistic scenario, if I may say so.
Sunday 30th October 2005 23:30
'Twas a Long Night

aww...a funny and very sweet story...i enjoyed it.  good job!! thing i thought i'd point out...this isn't a post-HBP story...yet the setting says so...

well, it could pass for one if you didnt mention this:
"After finding his nerve, he decided the first step toward living each day fully was by asking Ginny Weasley to the first Hogsmeade weekend of his sixth year at Hogwarts. It was Halloween. And now five Halloween's later, it was still the best decision Harry ever made."

anyway, just thought i'd point that out...

otherwise, great story, and i also cant wait for your next update of "Time Enough"!!

Connor Landon
Sunday 30th October 2005 19:45
'Twas a Long Night
Awww, this was sweet! I was expecting "and Harry and Ginny full-monty-ed the night away" for an ending, but this was ten times better! Thanks, this was great. I really enjoyed reading.
Sunday 30th October 2005 00:09
'Twas a Long Night

Great story!  And how true to real life, too.  Sometimes the need for rest just overtakes you and you have to settle for a snuggle instead of something more vigorous.  Hmmmm.  You've done a nice job with showing the depth of Harry's and Ginny's relationship and the fact that he really does feel at a loss when he isn't with her.  I'm hoping Seamus' request does come true.

On another note, I feel sorry for Ron because of the juxtapositioning of his costume with that of my preschool-age son and his father: I've made them matching jack-o-lantern costumes this year and Daddy is not happy with my son's choice of costume! (My husband has red hair just like Ron's...heeheehee!)

Please  post again soon.  I'll be looking for your name.

Saturday 29th October 2005 15:04
'Twas a Long Night

Aww, so sweet, and naughty at the same time, hehe.

Cherry xxx

Saturday 29th October 2005 07:09
'Twas a Long Night

Well Done Scarlett!

I especially enjoyed how vivid your atmosphere was.  It was like looking into a pensieve at Harry's memory of the party.  For a split second I thought Ron and Hermione would be Raggedy Ann and Andy, but the pumpkin was a brilliant idea.  Poor Ron!  Next year it'll be Hermione's turn to wear the humiliating costume.  Write another about next year's party from Ron's point of view.