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Reviews For Wood & Wild by Heliona

Friday 9th March 2007 11:59
Wood & Wild
Oh, a reserve team... Interesting, I wonder how you'll make it work with the books.

I loved the idea of everyone around Fiona and Oliver wondering when they get together. Though I always feel uneasy at the idea of parents dabbling in their kids' relationships...
Friday 9th March 2007 16:23Wood & Wild (Author Response)
Oh, a reserve team... Interesting, I wonder how you'll make it work with the books.

Well, I figured that most normal schools have second/reserve teams, so why shouldn't Hogwarts. How it works in I have no idea - the idea sprung itself on me!

I loved the idea of everyone around Fiona and Oliver wondering when they get together. Though I always feel uneasy at the idea of parents dabbling in their kids' relationships...

I know it's a little creepy, but unfortunately I know parents like that! And it'll get more interesting.
