Jinger-Marie Sunday 10th May 2015 01:25 | The Seventh Horcrux |
You do a wonderful job of sounding the part. It took a while for me to remember that this wasn't J.K. Rowling, you make the characters sound so real. I want to thank you for trying your best! |
ssimenauer Saturday 28th September 2013 05:39 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Just sent you an email with my appreciation. Absolutely love this book, it is my favourite of all time. You seriously are special and are such a good writer. This book makes me laugh and cry and everything in between. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! |
GloomyVision Sunday 22nd September 2013 10:23 | The Seventh Horcrux |
It was amazing!!!! I first read it just before "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" released. And i thought it was the original one! Your writing is awesome! I have no words to express what i felt when i read the last line... You've done an amazing work and i hope you continue it... Thank you for everything i felt during the reading.... |
Roomaan Friday 20th April 2012 00:07 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Really loved the story,it was amazing, fantastic, You're really a great writer and you keeped me hooked till the very end. Thanks for writing it, I've enjoyed it very much and I'm thinking about continue reading your stories. By the way, I'm Argentinian.
Román Feal.
moralitas Saturday 15th August 2009 00:22 | The Seventh Horcrux |
great story, i still think about it, even though i read it a while ago. 5/5, deserves to be the #1 fanfic, and i am sure it will stay as the #1 for quite some time. |
lovingharry Friday 29th May 2009 00:02 | The Seventh Horcrux |
When I ran across the app wattpad for my blackberry, I had no idea I was in for such a treat. When I saw the Harry Potter stories, I was like okay, I'll see what this is all about. The first few that I read were disappointing because Harry had become almost mean in one of them. Then I decided to read this one....I absolutely love it. I have only read the first 10 chapters but I am totally engrossed in this book. I cannot wait to see what will happen. You are a gifted writer and once I figure out how to really navigate this site and the harry potter fan fiction, I am sure I will read more of your work. Well, I thought I would take a few moments to share with you. I am a teacher so I will be giving you my two cents as I read. lol Thanks for keeping Harry going....I really do love him and all that he stands for. I have to admit, I was mad at JK when Dumbledore died. I vowed that I would not even read the last book, but you know I was there at midnight with my prepurchased voucher, and I had it finished by midnight the following night. Take care and happy writing..... |
Friday 29th May 2009 07:01 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Welcome to the addicting world of fanfiction! There's a lot of junk out there - but there's a lot of good stuff as well - particularly on this site, in my opinion anyway.
I wrote this one to help me pass the time waiting for the 7th book. I was in line at midnight, too. I so wanted it to come, to know the real end and how it all turned out, but now I'd give anything to go back to waiting for another book. I miss it.
These were my guesses - I got some right, some wrong, but I did enjoy this story's fifteen minutes. Thanks for taking the time to review. I hope you enjoy the rest. |
ROGUE_LMW Tuesday 7th October 2008 08:12 | The Seventh Horcrux |
I absolutely enjoyed this story. Keep up the great work. |
sheesh Friday 26th September 2008 23:12 | The Seventh Horcrux |
I LOVED it! I read it before DH, and I loved it back then, it kept me going... And I read after DH and I still loved it. This is one hella piece! Really great job done. I wish I could write fanfiction like that
I wouldn't have minded if this WAS DH. Really.
Much Love =) |
Unexpected Angel Tuesday 19th August 2008 13:32 | The Seventh Horcrux |
I read this story months ago but just joined and I just HAD to review this for you. This story is so amazing. you have a real knack for writting. I have told many of my friends to read this story. Every time someone tells me they love the Harry Potter Series I tell them that they have to read this story. Amazing... that's all I can say. |
taedloga Monday 14th July 2008 05:28 | The Seventh Horcrux |
This story was incredible. You have caught the essence of JK Rowling. I am still trying to figure out if you are JK Rowling. I first read this story right befor DH came out and I found it again over the weekend. The emotions that are in this book are tremendous. If you start putting full novels out please let me know so I can purchase themtcconrado@embarqmail.com |
railabuser Sunday 8th June 2008 09:17 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Great story! Read it through and through. |
DarkTom Wednesday 30th April 2008 03:59 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Hey, like others have said already, when comparing both, your stroy has so many things alike to JKR's one, it is like you can perform legilimency on her... I am so impressed. well done. I created this account just so i could congratulate you.
Thanks once again! |
DarkTom Wednesday 30th April 2008 03:52 | The Seventh Horcrux |
I loved this so much better than the real one! i am now reading it for the 2nd time and have been reading solid all day so far. i\'m up to page 469 tonight. And loving it! The Plot, pacing, and character interactions are all alot better. i can\' t wait to read some of your other works!
DarkTom Wednesday 30th April 2008 03:51 | The Seventh Horcrux |
I loved this so much better than the real one! i am now reading it for the 2nd time and have been reading solid all day so far. i\'m up to page 469 tonight. And loving it! The Plot, pacing, and character interactions are all alot better. i can\' t wait to read some of your other works!
metal9 Wednesday 26th March 2008 11:53 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Hey, I actually downloaded your book, thinking it's the Deathly Hallows, and read it right through to the end, with that same knowledge. I only realized it's not by J.K Rowling after I had finished. I've GOT to tell you:
That book is a MASTERPIECE!! I'm serious! It had to be the best I've ever read, and I've read quite a lot of famous books. It was so emotionally engaging, throughout the entire story. I know about J.K Rowling's work. YOURS BLOWS HER VERSION AWAY! Especially the part about what kind of things Harry has to do to succeed, and the pressure and maturity that builds upon him until the end.
One part that really blew me away was at the end of the book, in the final battle against Voldemort. WHERE did you come up with such a genius story? This conflict between Love and Hate? How his Love of his friends gives him the power to defeat one who knows only Hate? I was literally in tears when Harry passes into the Locked Room in the Department of Mysteries. This is the room of the mystery of Love, between Life and Death, where there is nothing but the home he's always had, and where he finally meets his parents and loved ones! You have GOT to show Rowling your book! That story is just incredible. Another aspect of how it's so good is the pure intensity of Harry and Ginny's romance. It affected me even more than it would have, since I was actually listening to "Whisper" by Evanescence while reading the final duel between Harry and Voldemort. Listen to that song, and think of the story, every word in its lyrics makes sense. |
Saturday 29th March 2008 07:47 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Hello. Thanks very much. It thrills me to hear how much you enjoyed it - and you even put music to it. Thanks for letting me know. |
gymnastgal19 Thursday 28th February 2008 09:07 | The Seventh Horcrux |
i loved this story when i read it before!!! I cant wait to read it again
I find it interesting that dudley has magic in him.... im surprised that JK didnt add that twist....
PhoenixFox32 Thursday 3rd January 2008 00:44 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Beautiful. Please write a sequel. It would be amazing |
PhoenixFox32 Thursday 3rd January 2008 00:43 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Beautiful. Please write a sequel. It would be amazing |
emma07 Sunday 18th November 2007 01:28 | The Seventh Horcrux |
please add a sequel i finished your harry potter and the power of emotion and its sequel as well... they were just as good as this one!! PLEASE write a sequel i will be so happy if you do |
emma07 Sunday 18th November 2007 01:26 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Dreamsta Sunday 4th November 2007 13:50 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Please write a sequel this was too good to end
we need you!
VinceYoung10 Saturday 3rd November 2007 19:31 | The Seventh Horcrux |
I absolutely LOVED this story. I created an account just to review. I'm going to read Power of Emotion as well as the sequel to it. I am begging you, SEQUEL. This was the greatest story I've ever read and I just can't accept the books being finished. If you would continue your line I would be INCREDIBLE appreciative. |
emma07 Monday 29th October 2007 23:50 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Hello MelindaLeo!!
I finished this story and i thought it was fantastic!!! it was really great and i'm glad you wrote it.. i am now reading Harry Potter and the Power of emotion and i'll read the second one after that aswell... thankyou so much for writing these stories they are great and i hope you write more, please reply to this if you can... i only just got an account because i wanted to review your story THANKYOU
celestlyn Friday 26th October 2007 18:19 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Loved this story!! So many parts were very close to what JKR did in DH. Amazing! Great story that flowed well and was loads of fun to read.
Celeste |
kate26bow Wednesday 19th September 2007 03:51 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Well all I can say is brilliant and i was complety hooked right from the first page and really hope you change your mind and decide to do HP8 cause you are better than JKR |
Hedwig18 Tuesday 11th September 2007 12:20 | The Seventh Horcrux |
I LOVED everything you included in this story. Bravo!!! Not too much Harry/Ginny for me ) Melinda, your fans on amazon.co.uk are asking that you please write Harry Potter 8 -- we need to know what happens after your twist at the end of the Epilogue for the "Seventh Horcrux" -- maybe "Harry Potter and the Despicable Dudders" (?) |
Hedwig Thursday 6th September 2007 03:52 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Hi, I just finished reading The Seventh Horcrux. It was passed along to me through the amazon forums, and I started off reading it just out of curiosity.
I wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed reading it! When I read the last page I was left with the same feeling of loss I got after reading Deathly Hallows.
Thank you for giving us one more book, your time and effort really is appreciated!
I hope you're not tired of writing fan fiction yet, as I'd love to read more! |
marievictoria Tuesday 4th September 2007 07:34 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Thanks for this. Oh, in fact, I read this weeks before the release of the Deathly Hallows. I loved it! Again, thanks! But I \'m just wondering, now that I\'m currently reading JKR\'s DH, how come some of the events in her book and in this story of yours are very much alike? Coincidence? Things like ... Bill and Fleur getting married and Krum as one of invited guests, Ginny\'s kind of robe for the wedding (your description\'s a lot better, though), the real locket stolen by Mundungus Fletcher, Harry visiting Godric\'s Hollow...etc., etc. You and JKR can\'t be one, no? How come you think like her? Or she thinks like you?
I haven\'t finished reading the book yet but I\'d say I was more hooked to my laptop than to the book I have at the moment. I don\'t know, hard to explain, maybe because I already know what happens in the end? I admit, I feel so disappointed as I don\'t feel excited anymore about the book. But of course, am going to finish it all the same then get back to this site to read more of your novels.
And yeah, like NotToOld, I, too, loved your action scenes!
MarieVictoria from France
Pinguin Monday 3rd September 2007 03:19 | The Seventh Horcrux |
I got hooked on the idea of your book at the amazon-UK forum about the DH and had some back and forths to get it as a pdf as I am from Germany. Later I learned about this webpage and I read all your stories so far. I really like them. It´s more realistic: I mean hallo: 3 teens in a tent and all they do is reading books, while at least two of thema re fallen for each other? And I like your action parts!! The scene in the Ministery when Voldemort finally takes over is great!
I loved the DH, but when I read yours I knew what I was missing in the real book. I think thta´s the difference between a children´s novel and a fantasy book.
I hope you will go on writing!
ginnyandharry4ever Saturday 25th August 2007 21:44 | The Seventh Horcrux |
I read this story this summer but i registered an account JUST TO REVIEW this story! i thought is story was AMAZING!!!! i WISH this was how the last book went. have you posted this on harrypotterfanfiction.com? if you havent you should. i really loved this story. i especially loved the action/ adventure and the side of romance in it. very well written almost like i was there. keep writing more stories youre really good |
AriesGirl Saturday 25th August 2007 10:29 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Dear Melindaleo:
Had to tell you my little story.
I am one of those 40 yr old mothers, that chapter read all the Harry Potter books to her children. Wonderful fiction for kids. Anyway, after reading the Deathly Hallows I felt cheated! It was not anything that I expected at all.
(She had to be kidding) how boreing was their camping in the woods forever.... and Ginny just gave up! so wrong.
My nephew told me he found a story on the net and downloaded it to his computer. He said to me that he considered this version the "real book ", and sent it to me. He was right. Your very gifted. Now I don't feel cheated
any more. And have since sent copies to other family members. who email me back their thanks. You realy should do all you can to become the writer for Harry Potters next generation. I had heard that Scholastic is looking.
I've read your other peices here. You have done nothing but improve.
Please, continue. I realy enjoyed your imagination. |
yourbuddy841 Friday 24th August 2007 16:08 | The Seventh Horcrux |
i LOVE your version.. you should write a squel... i thought something was missing from the ending of DH.. after i read yours i was like.. THATS IT!.. lol.. but yea. you should continue it. |
cash Friday 24th August 2007 00:24 | The Seventh Horcrux |
I started reading this as I was frustrated waiting for book 7. I must say that I thoroughly enjoyed reading your version of the book. Once I was done with this I also went and read your other versions of book 6 and book 7 and found them fantastic as well.
Like many other readers on this site, Ginny is one of my favorite characters and I was disappointed to see her missing in action through most of DH. This change in your version of Book 7 made it even more enjoyable.
Thanks for taking the time and effort to write this.
nykkii Thursday 23rd August 2007 19:14 | The Seventh Horcrux |
I loved yuor story!!! I liked your story much more than JKR, DH. she hardly even had ginny in hers! but they magically get married and they hardly saw eacho other!!!you should make a sequal!!! i am going to go read more of your brilliant stories! |
k10m01s Sunday 19th August 2007 12:34 | The Seventh Horcrux |
i LOVE your story! i am so engrossed in it. i have five or six chapter left to go and i can't wait to find out what happens. |
Hihavaniceda Sunday 19th August 2007 06:25 | The Seventh Horcrux |
WOW ...... from Australia
.... just read it ... took me many days (as I was tring to study).
I can honestly say that I loved it more than the real one !
The teenagers were real and action was non stop...... this was not so with JKR's Book 7.
Please write some more |
OneShot Friday 17th August 2007 10:52 | The Seventh Horcrux |
I just registered at PhoneixNet to say THANK YOU for your stories. I have just read (more or less nonstop) through all HP Books (again) before reading your Seventh Horcrux story the 2nd time (first time was before release of HPDH) and am now about halfway thru Power of Emotion ... just great stuff you wrote.
Aside from that when I read Deathly Hallows I was surprised how much of your story is in that book ... really weird.
Anyway, thank you very much for your writing ... I can't put it into words how much fun I had with your stories till now (and I'm not finished reading yet).
Cheers |
crazy4harry Wednesday 15th August 2007 06:49 | The Seventh Horcrux |
AMAZING!!!! Like everyone else I registered to share a wonderful review.
I loved your version so much more than JK Rowlings DH. My son found this version posted on a bittorrent web site before the release of DH. I fell in love after the first page and could not stop reading. I thought it was Brillant the way everything fell into place. I have been searching for other people who have read this and came across this site. I was so excited to find that you are linked with this site. Please say that you will be writing another. |
jakjakattk Sunday 12th August 2007 23:52 | The Seventh Horcrux |
I just have minute to leave to leave this review so here it goes.
On the 17th of July I found a site that said it had a detail full copy the Deathly Hallows book, I downloaded the file thinking that I had so little time that next weekend to read that maybe if I downloaded it I might be ale to finish with the rest of the muggle world. I new from the start that the book that I had started reading wasn’t the real thing, but I found my self addicted.
On the 23rd of July I finally open the deathly hallows book and found that I didn’t like the real book as much as I would have thought before reading “The Seventh Horcux”
I had told all of my friends of this other book and how I real believe that this OTHER book was/is/and should have been the way that Rowling book should have went.
The long and short of this review is that I love your edition that you made. It play off of Harry’s greatest strength “Love” and used that love throughout each and every page that I read. I have read you story twice and am emotionally stirred each time that I have read it. I have shared your story with many of my friends and will be letting them know were you had first post you story so they may also leave their thoughts.
Thank you for share this with me (us).
dungeon_master Saturday 11th August 2007 15:05 | The Seventh Horcrux |
could you tell us what you would like to write about apart from harry potter but in that style. i was thinking time travelling friends would be good. any ideas? |
xgemmax Friday 10th August 2007 15:35 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Hello Melindaleo
I just wanted to say how completely amazing this story is! I preferred a lot of it to the actual Deathly Hallows!
I felt like I was reading the real thing because I got so pulled in and gripped by it. I loved seeing the characters in a more sociable way and getting a glimpse of the naughtier side to there personality's
I also want to thank you for not killing off Fred! He is one of my favorites and I loved it how he stayed alive and happy in your version, thats one of the parts I definitely prefer about your story!
You are an extremely talented writer and I would love to read more stories from you about the Harry Potter world, maybe you could fill in that 19 years for us lol
I just wanted to say aswell that I'm Gemma Hewitt from the Amazon forums! I have e-mailed your story to at least 200 people and most of them have said they completely loved it. I stated clearly it was a fake/fan-fiction so nobody would get the wrong idea, hope that's ok?
Again thank you so much, it was such a brilliant story! |
spoon13 Friday 10th August 2007 07:05 | The Seventh Horcrux |
This is AMAZING you are a brilliant writer! You might be interested to know about the interest in this on the amazin forum:
(sorry for the long adress-also delete the a in the world wide web thing at the start-I'm not allowed 3 w's!)
another way to access is to go to amazon.co.uk, then click on 'Harry Potter' then scroll down to the forums)
if you go on any of the threads with \'fake deathly hallows\' in the title you will find loads of fans that love your work! Someone called Gemma Hewitt has been emailing the pdf version around, with some help later on.
I\'m very appreciative of the way you didnt leave Ginny out of it-she\'s just not that kind of character! You did so much other stuff amazingly-parts of it were better than JK\'s version!! (although she did kind of invent all the characters, places and main plot-you gotta respect her for the legend she is!)
Well done with the & relationship-you did it brilliantly-also & was superb.
My only objection was snape being bad-but that\'s not a down-point of the story-just my opinion of what I thought you should think should happen-if you get my meaning!
I beg you to write a sequel-though myabe not with Dudley-he\'s too stupid and I don\'t think Harry would allow him to become powerful! But if that\'s what it takes-go for it-I\'m with you!
I had the same empty feeling after finishing your version as I did after finishing the real one! YOU ARE A LEGEND!!!!!!! |
Friday 10th August 2007 08:01 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Wow! Thanks much for letting me know about those threads. I just went and took a peek and I'm flabbergasted, lol! I owe this Gemma a huge thanks, particularly since she's been very forthright that it's a fake.
I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'm not sure about a sequel. As for Dudley, well, it's true he's not very bright, but he has proven that he's a bully and has the ability to attract followers (he was the leader of his little gang). I think with the right - or wrong - magical influence, he could become a problem.
Jonh Monday 6th August 2007 22:51 | The Seventh Horcrux |
I\'ve taken the time to regiuster jus so i can tell you your history is bloody BRILLIANT
As many others, i found it while i was looking for J.k\'s one and found yours first. I can only say it was the most pleaseant mistake i\'ve had in my life.
You wrote everything exactly as I had imagined it would unfold
After several chapters I knew this wasnt the official book but finished reading it because of how good it was. After that i read the deathly hallows and was plane dissapointed at how little it was compared to yours.
It took me two days to found this site :S .. but i just had to personally for one thank you for writing this, let you know how much i enjoyed your book and as i start to re-read it to let you know also this is now among the top 3 books i\'ve read in my life (and boy! do i read a lot)
Keep on writing as you ceartably do it extraordinarily |
t-ravis Monday 6th August 2007 19:29 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Wow, that is all i have to say. Well actually it is not. I was looking to download the harry potter book off of lime wire and instead downloaded yours, but i did not know it was not the real. I must say after reading it i was amazed it was so good. After i found out it was not the real one, i read the real one, just to be dissapointed that it was no where near as good as yours. I look forward to reading more of your stories. Your super tight
Silver_Doe Monday 6th August 2007 04:11 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Hi, sorry to bother you but may be you could send me these files via e-mail? It'll take years to download them from Russia and I'm really anxious to have a look at your variant. My e-mail is lc-russia@mail.ru
Hey all, I'm working on formatting this fanfic to make it more aesthetic and Harry Potter looking. I've done 4 chapters worth in about 1 hour's time. Each chapter is its own file. I'm doing this so i can send it to a binding company to have it binded into a professional hardcover book. By the looks of it, this will end up being almost 1,000 pages (chapter 4 ends on page 105, while DH chapter 4 ends on page 62) even though each page of the fanfic has more words on average than the pages of the real HP books. If anybody is interested in doing the same thing you can check out what i've done by downloading the first chapter:
Microsoft Word 2007 version (.docx)
Microsoft Word 97-03 version (.doc)
note: The second version's headings (chapter name/number with stars on either side) is messed up because of compatibility issues |
Brit_89 Sunday 5th August 2007 12:09 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Absolutely AMAZING!!! I loved every bit of it...from Harry and Ginny's relationship to involving Malfoy and Pansy into it. It was perfect!! I think a lot of people really wanted to see more of the relationship with Harry and Ginny, and I know I was a little disappointed with how little there was about them in DH. Thank you so much for taking the time to right such an awesome version, and I'll be sure to share it with all of my friends!!!
- Brittany O'Halloran
P.S. I hope there are more to come, you are a great writer!! |
FanFicFan Thursday 2nd August 2007 07:21 | The Seventh Horcrux |
you know i'v just finished reading the last book, in the JKR line, and wow you eaither guess really well or got some kinda insider info or something, it was weird reading the book it felt as tho i\'d read it already which i hope you will take as the highest complement that a fellow HP fan can give to another.
PLEEAASSEE keep writing longer novel size pieces for they are the only way to fully appreciate any works.
keep up the great work.
your fathful reader
_fanficfan d[-_-]b |
NotTooOld Wednesday 1st August 2007 07:49 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Well done melindaleo. You are a talented author, and should consider writing as a career. Now for some constructive criticism:
Negatives: You need to improve in writing dialogue. Don't overuse phrases like "rolled her/his eyes." Also, at times the dialogue needs tightening.
Positives: Strong writing in action scenes. Strong descriptions and characterization. Loved your description of the wedding and the defense of the Burrow. Actually, I liked your version of the wedding better than JKR's. Great plot. Good pacing. The chapters after Voldemort was defeated were very appropriate and held the reader's interest (not an easy feat to accomplish since the story had essentially ended.)
Reading your book was a most enjoyable experience. Many thanks.
P.S. Forgive the negative criticism. But I am a 52-year old university professor, and could not resist. |
j0nny Sunday 29th July 2007 08:51 | The Seventh Horcrux |
congratulations from portugal. like others i registered just to say that's a wonderful story.
right now i'm reading deathly hallows and it's really disappointing me. i think this one is a lot better!
but i want to ask you this: can i make a translation of your story to portuguese? i think many people here would be very happy with that... |
j0nny Sunday 29th July 2007 08:49 | The Seventh Horcrux |
congratulations from portugal. like others i registered just to say that's a wonderful story.
right now i'm reading deathly hallows and it's really disappointing me. i think this one is a lot better!
but i want to ask you this: can i make a translation of your story to portuguese? i think many people here would be very happy with that... |
dungeon_master Sunday 29th July 2007 06:40 | The Seventh Horcrux |
if you were to write a story professionally in the style of harry potter but not witches and wizards etc what subject would you choose. and what subject would you like to see rowling tackle next maybe time traveling kids? |
assosson Sunday 29th July 2007 03:47 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Just curious but when you say "I own nothing... This is all JK's" Does it mean she can just take your work and sell it without paying a royalty? Because if it does... maybe you should, it would certainly boost your name in the world if the JK herself is promoting this fanfic. |
FutureTrackStar Saturday 28th July 2007 20:36 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Hey all, I'm working on formatting this fanfic to make it more aesthetic and Harry Potter looking. I've done 4 chapters worth in about 1 hour's time. Each chapter is its own file. I'm doing this so i can send it to a binding company to have it binded into a professional hardcover book. By the looks of it, this will end up being almost 1,000 pages (chapter 4 ends on page 105, while DH chapter 4 ends on page 62) even though each page of the fanfic has more words on average than the pages of the real HP books. If anybody is interested in doing the same thing you can check out what i've done by downloading the first chapter:
Microsoft Word 2007 version (.docx)
Microsoft Word 97-03 version (.doc)
note: The second version's headings (chapter name/number with stars on either side) is messed up because of compatibility issues |
RandomTangant Saturday 28th July 2007 08:21 | The Seventh Horcrux |
I, like so many others here, have registered just to express how wonderful i thought your story was; I certainly think it was much better than DH and I thought that that was a good story in the first place!
The things I most preferred in your's is that you seem, to me at least, to place more emphasis on the characters rather JKR did. For example, one of the scruples I had with the ending of DH was that it seemed that Fred, Remus & Tonks just seemed to die randomly and without much of a reaction from Harry, whereas in your version Remus & Tonks die protecting Harry and allowing him to escape and Percy dies for the sake of his estranged family.
Another thing I also like was your representation of Harry & Ginny's love for each other and I thought you did very well characterising the others in those snippets where we see the story from there perspective.
The only thing left to say is I couldn't help noticing that it looked like you were setting yourself up for a sequel and/or a series of shorts. All I can say to that is that it most definitely would not be a bad idea.
All the best and keep up the good work! |
craste Friday 27th July 2007 17:16 | The Seventh Horcrux |
BLOODY AMAZING !!!!!!! ok, seriously my hat is off . . .
this is the first fanfiction that i read, and it was completely wonderful,
there was a few of harry\\ginny scenes that i\'m sure would never have been written in the original, other than that the two books are pretty similar, i liked the fact that snape was one of the good guys in DH, i think the \"the tale of the price\" was priceless, but even though the two endings were pretty much the same story, i like urs better, speacialy the part when harry says to hermione that she has grown into quite a beauty . . .
i must say you have a way with words |
Friday 27th July 2007 18:39 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Thanks! I'd suspected Snape was a good guy, but I much prefer him as a baddie. Even after knowing the end, I still have no love for the man and will never see him as any kind of hero. Harry's a much better person than I! Sigh, but I'm so delighted that Harry got his happy ending. |
ramo805 Friday 27th July 2007 15:30 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Ok thats pretty weird!! there was soo much of your story in deathly hallows its krazy...your either a seer or JK Rowling got some ideas from you...when i was reading the book i was thinking about ur story so much! |
Friday 27th July 2007 18:37 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Hee - I had some lucky guesses, didn't I? I am beyond delighted by the things I got right. Thanks! |
assosson Friday 27th July 2007 08:21 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Just finished your book and am at a loss at the ending... A bit chiche, no? Makes me want a sequel yet at the same time, a tad dissapointed in the ending. If any sequel is in the works, please inform me (ill be checking regularly, but if not, i doubt ull be bothered, but my email is assosson@gmail.com) |
Friday 27th July 2007 18:36 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
No sequel planned at the moment. Sorry the ending wasn't for you, but it was exactly what I'd hoped. Probably why I'm so delighted with DH. |
superstitch626 Friday 27th July 2007 06:11 | The Seventh Horcrux |
i found a company that would print for about $18.00 a book but it was soft cover and you needed to have 25 people get in on it instantpublisher.com/ |
kamloops.bc.canada Thursday 26th July 2007 23:07 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Wonderful job. Like everyone, I registered to give a wonderful review. Liked your version much better than JK Rowling's Deathly Hallows. Couldn't put it down. You have lots of talent & should consider writing as a career. You'd do very, very well.
Hope you don't mind but I printed a copy for myself so that I can read it in bed.
Nancy |
Friday 27th July 2007 18:35 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
I don't mind at all - I'm very flattered by that! I'm so glad you enjoyed my story. Thanks for taking the time to let me know. |
kamloops.bc.canada Thursday 26th July 2007 23:00 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Awsome work. |
FutureTrackStar Thursday 26th July 2007 19:29 | The Seventh Horcrux |
It doesn't seem that Melindaleo is replying much. anywho... if you google search Grimm Book Bindery Inc. and find their site they offer vanity bindings (they have a description which is what we would need) I sent them an email for info and they said they take .pdf and word documents, but they have to be sent completely formatted since they won't do it for you. A hardcover book this size starts at $30, but it seems to be very high quality (you can even have it done in leather : ) Thats the only service i've found |
superstitch626 Thursday 26th July 2007 09:32 | The Seventh Horcrux |
what if we didnt make any profits off of printing this? and we all just got a group together and only charged what the printing price was would that be ok? |
Friday 27th July 2007 18:34 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Sorry. You can print your own copy if you like, and I'm very flattered, but I can't in any way get involved with charging anyone for anything. |
assosson Thursday 26th July 2007 03:30 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Hiya, i am currently reading this (after having read DH) and am at pg 115. So far, im just really curious how you got so many similarities to the original DH storyline. Did JK actually release all these plot points or did you just get really lucky guessing? Other than the spooky similarities, i actually find this story (in terms of plot), heaps better than DH, but the language is lacking at times (maybe because i'm constantly comparing you to JK's style). The language is also very nicely imitated, but some phrases such as "" i doubt jk will every use ^^
Anyways, VERY nice job and im looking forward to a sequel |
Friday 27th July 2007 18:33 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Hee - I'm definitely a lucky guesser! I'm thrilled that so many of my theories held up. I'm really riding the high. Thanks! |
Silver_Doe Thursday 26th July 2007 02:55 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Hi from Moscow, Russia!
I've been reading your version a couple of days before the "Deathly Hallows" release and started JKR's version right after it. What can I say... I registered here just to express my appreciation you are amazing, outstanding, marvellous! I kept suspecting that your version was actually the real one and was rather disappointed to find out that it wasn't :rolleys: you guessed all the main things (people wrote about it in other replies) and your version is more emotional, your Harry is not such a "robocop", he's got feelings and is full of love.
I'm looking forward to reading a sequel!!!
Thank you again for your wonderful novel
With all respect!
Lesia |
Friday 27th July 2007 18:32 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Aww, thanks so much! I'm overwhelmed by the new response to this story since the publication of DH. You all are making me ride on such a high! Thanks! |
firestyle Thursday 26th July 2007 01:55 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Sequel |
Turbo120 Thursday 26th July 2007 00:01 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Like alot of others I too have registerd just to praise you on what has given me a thrilling (redaing) experience.
No offence to Mrs Rowling but I didn't think much of the Deathly Hollows and I was rather dissapointed after finishing the book but then I stuble on to your version of Harry Potter 7 and although it took me 12 hours to read I couldn't look away, I love it, I wish this was the really Deathly Hollows book but still the way you give great detail in every aspect and the more true to life with how teenage kids getting drunk and the relationship story's themselves made me both laugh and cry.
A couple of things I liked above all others was the epiloge you went into so much detail and the stoy did truely feel like the way it should have ended, I also liked the idea of Dudley being a wizard and and ends up killing his parents (that's what it looked like) and Harry finally meeting his parents that made me cry but I still loved it.
The only thing I didn't like was the lack of Hagrid but beside from that it was perfect.
It's just a really shame that this will never be a legit Harry Potter book because it is more than worthy it has become my favorite Harry Potter story.
Hope you don't mind but I did download it and burned it to a CD so I will always have a copy, can't wait for your next story. =) |
Friday 27th July 2007 18:31 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Aww, thanks so much, and I do appreciate your taking the time to register and review. I'm glad you enjoyed it. |
Analog Kid Wednesday 25th July 2007 19:42 | The Seventh Horcrux |
I'm another that felt the need to register just to congratulate you on such a wonderful story! The last three nights I've stayed up till dawn turning (alright clicking) pages enthralled by your wonderful tale. It is true, as some have commented, that you could have used an editor, but the story shines brilliantly as is.
Melindaleo, I wish you the best with your writing, consider me a new fan...
The only downside might be that, halfway through Deathly Hallows, I have trouble concentrating on what I'm reading because my mind keeps conjuring your novel.
Thank you for this wonderful peek into the world of JK Rowling. Truly, I laughed and cried and felt all those emotions that a great epic is supposed to engender.
May your days be filled with magic. |
Friday 27th July 2007 18:30 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Aww, thanks so much. You've brought a huge smile to my face, and I'm thrilled that you enjoyed the story. Here's hoping some publisher somewhere will think I'm worthy to take a chance! |
FutureTrackStar Wednesday 25th July 2007 17:12 | The Seventh Horcrux |
unfortunately... there is no possible way that this could become published unless all profits were sent to Rowling... but she would never allow it so.. |
arcturus Wednesday 25th July 2007 08:08 | The Seventh Horcrux |
if there is a way by which you can publish this one.....then do it....it will definately be a success. |
Friday 27th July 2007 17:34 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Heh, thanks, but nope. The copyright laws are very strict. I'm just playing in Jo's sandbox. |
FutureTrackStar Tuesday 24th July 2007 18:18 | The Seventh Horcrux |
hey melindaleo, if i found a company that could make a single hardcover book from this for my own personal leisure.... would that be ok with you? |
Friday 27th July 2007 17:31 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Sure, I think that would be okay. The rules on fanfiction are very tricky, but if you just want to make your own copy, I don't think that would be a problem.
Thanks very much! I'm thrilled someone would want to do that with my story. |
Ladyagate Tuesday 24th July 2007 15:15 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Just wish to congratulate you on The Seventh Horcrux. I read it before TDH. Although JKR deserves praise for her brilliance and her last book is her best, I find your writing just as enjoyable, especially in your character studies and plot developments. Your ability to"fill in the blanks" satisfied my need to know more about the HP characters. It is amazing how well you understand JKR and how the books mirrored each other! You should be proud that your story preceded hers and your ideas were all your own. |
Friday 27th July 2007 17:33 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Aww, thanks so much! That brings a huge smile to my face. I'm so glad you enjoyed my story, too. |
superstitch626 Tuesday 24th July 2007 13:57 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Hello Again I just wanted to let you know that I'm with FutureTrackStar on that i would love to be able to read this book on real paper binded together. i just finished the DH and nothing against JK but i didn't like her book very much 19 YEAR GAP? what gives i don't know what took her so long to write this but i would have been much better off just reading your book and never touching her's again. in my head your book is what really happened how could she have killed off ? of all things to kill off and there was no wear near the relationship building with Harry and Ginny that you brought to the table. sorry about my rant but i just expected more from her you know i feel let down.
Thanks for the REAL 7TH BOOK
Evan |
Friday 27th July 2007 17:33 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Thanks very much. I'm glad you enjoyed my take. Personally, I loved the gap. It left no doubt that Harry had the family he'd always wanted, and he was happy. That's what I wanted for him. As for the other details - I'm just so grateful she left room for us fanfic writers! |
arcturus Tuesday 24th July 2007 10:04 | The Seventh Horcrux |
gr8 goin....well melinda i\'v read this story long ago....nd when i compared ur story with j.k.rowling\'s , i felt that your\'s was much simpler , easier to imagine and a shade better than her\'s (though i felt that the chapter \"the tale of the prince\" in the original was a master piece).
i\'ll give it to you...your\'s was better from my point of view. |
Friday 27th July 2007 17:30 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Thanks very much! I loved DH, and I'm so very pleased with the ending. |
cl_utch Monday 23rd July 2007 19:59 | The Seventh Horcrux |
i registered JUST to give you a reivew of this
i read this a couple days before DH came out and before DH came out, i convinced myself your version would be the "real" one to me at least
very very impressed with the number of similarities (RAB, mundungus stealing it, even the ways to please a witch thing.., fight at hogwarts, the diadem, i can go on forever) |
Friday 27th July 2007 17:29 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Thanks very much. I'm still thunderstruck and very pleased. I'm glad you enjoyed this one, but I'm not making any commitments as to what I want to write next just yet. Thanks for the vote of confidence though. |
FutureTrackStar Monday 23rd July 2007 15:20 | The Seventh Horcrux |
By the way, Nabe, I agree with you. read this book about 3 weeks ago, then read the first six books, then read DH, and now i want to read this again... but not on a computer screen |
FutureTrackStar Monday 23rd July 2007 15:19 | The Seventh Horcrux |
I'm curious about something. First of all, its a little annoying reading an entire book on a computer screen, and its very stressful on the eyes. I am curious to know whether there is a service somewhere out there that will build professional hardcover books from an original text simply for personal use. I'm not talking about printing hundreds of books and selling them or anything, I just wish I could give some guy this pdf file and say, "hey, make that into a hardcover book like the rest of the HP series" and then give it to me. Is there such a service? |
Nabe Monday 23rd July 2007 15:13 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Well, just as I thought it would be, Seventh Horcrux was better than DH. Congrats. I'll be rereading your fic before I even think about rereading DH. |
Friday 27th July 2007 17:27 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Whoa. Personally, I loved DH, but you saying that is certainly quite an honor. Thanks very much. |
jourdan10169 Sunday 22nd July 2007 18:50 | The Seventh Horcrux |
this is probably going to help me last the next schhol year, i moved from New orleans to virginia, and had gone to a public school, that was the best school in louisiana and mississippi, but still barely ever had any homewrork, this year, i have two honors classes, Algebra 1, Latin, argh, im probably gonna explode before the year is over, ill probably read it 20 more times during the school year, a bit each day to take the pressure off, make a book 8 fan fic, i personally think Rowling is going to make a book 8, and that\'s what the epilogue was, and introduction to the next book =] i had a few problems with the fanflic, but i don\'t even remember them, i signed up for my courses a month ago, and i am trying to forget about them, and to do so i read this, and remembering them, made me forget most of it, oh well, ill just have to go reread it, again |
jourdan10169 Sunday 22nd July 2007 18:33 | The Seventh Horcrux |
oh, sorry about double post =/ |
jourdan10169 Sunday 22nd July 2007 18:32 | The Seventh Horcrux |
i hate to admit it, but, i finished dealthly hallows about 5 hours after i got it at 8 6 o'clock Saturday morning, i had finished reading yours the day before though, and i honestly thought that this was J.K. Rowling sneaking it online, and then denying it, for more publicity for it, and i liked your version better, but somehow alot of the things in your version and J.K rowlings were the same, such as the diadem, harry was the last horcrux, etc all in all, i liked your version much better than J.K rowling's i am ashamed to say, and i have read it every day for the past 4 days, =P |
Monday 23rd July 2007 09:37 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Heh, nope, no JK here, although I can't wait for her interview to see what she has to say. Thanks, much, and I'm glad you enjoyed my version anyway! |
jourdan10169 Sunday 22nd July 2007 18:30 | The Seventh Horcrux |
i hate to admit it, but, i finished dealthly hallows about 5 hours after i got it at 8 6 o'clock Saturday morning, i had finished reading yours the day before though, and i honestly thought that this was J.K. Rowling sneaking it online, and then denying it, for more publicity for it, and i liked your version better, but somehow alot of the things in your version and J.K rowlings were the same, such as the diadem, harry was the last horcrux, etc all in all, i liked your version much better than J.K rowling's i am ashamed to say, and i have read it every day for the past 4 days, =P |
guyperson Sunday 22nd July 2007 04:05 | The Seventh Horcrux |
i loved this story, i thought it was even better than DH to be honest... you kinda knew where JK's version was leading whereas in yours i cared for the characters...
just thought id join this site to review your story... i found it by chance and it was one of the best things ive read all year...
Monday 23rd July 2007 09:39 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Aww, thanks so much. I'm delighted by the similarities and still riding the high. |
datsyum Sunday 22nd July 2007 00:21 | The Seventh Horcrux |
I think the 7th book gave you some room to write a sequel to it, or to write a book for after voldemorts death and before the epilogue i trust that you can extend the harry potter series because most fans(including I) cant really let go |
projectoasis Saturday 21st July 2007 17:16 | The Seventh Horcrux |
The Wednesday before the release I found this and the real on Bittorrent. They each had the same name, so I read the first chapter of each to decide which one was real. I chose yours to be the true book, and tossed the other book because it sounded like a hoax. The name Yaxley just sounded stupid, and the writing just didn't seem to match Rowling as much as yours did. The "fake" infuriated me so much that I deleted "that waste of a space of a book." Regardless of whether you support pirates, just know that you made a reader feel very embarassed to realize he had chosen your work over the real deal. However, I have never regretted reading your tale. Actually, in many ways I thought your predictions and touch into Harry's world outshown the accomplishments of JK Rowling. JK knew where JK was leading to; you did not, and still managed to match her.
This was the first book I gave a standing ovation to. My eyepatch and hat off are off to you. /bow |
Monday 23rd July 2007 09:40 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Aww, your review delighted me, and I'm so flattered you thought this one was the real one. You literally brought tears to my eyes. Thanks much. |
superstitch626 Saturday 21st July 2007 16:03 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Well First off it took some digging to even find who wrote this wonderful piece of literary genius. I found it on a bit torrent site and when i started reading it the only thing that gave it away was the use of the word shagging lol. finally i found this site and i just wanted to say wow this is great stuff. i wouldn't have thought of it as a fan fiction. i didn't even know things of this caliber where floating around out there. well congrats on a fantastic book and i wish you the best. hell i even signed up for this site just so i could tell you how great this story is. also i bought the DH book today i wont start reading it untill i have finished with this.
Thanks for a great book.
Evan P. Ostman |
Monday 23rd July 2007 09:42 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
OH, thanks much for all the effort to track me down. I do appreciate that, and I'm glad you enjoyed it. |
raider3700 Saturday 21st July 2007 15:40 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Hey Melindalao,
Me again... I just finished reading the Deathly Hallows and wow, it is amazing that you predicted quite a bit to be accurate, particular. I won't spoil it for people but congrats once again, you have a gift - and hopefully, I'll see more of it soon. |
Monday 23rd July 2007 09:42 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Thanks! I'm delighted by it, actually! |
patchu Friday 20th July 2007 13:36 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Just wanted to add my voice to the crowd:
Great job!
I downloaded this not knowing whether it was the real thing or not, and it took a while before I figured it out (the presence of the word "shagging" kinda gave it away). I'm only in the middle, but right now it "feels" just like the other "real" books, with great twists and fine writing.
Have you read Lloyd Alexander's Prydain Chronicles? 5 short fantasy books for pre-teens with a great universe of characters. I would love to see fan fiction from you for that series.
Keep it up and let us know when your first "real" book comes out.
gridley Friday 20th July 2007 11:16 | The Seventh Horcrux |
I'm edging back into the world of fanfic, and this is the first thing I've seen so far that I really liked.
Thanks both for writing this story and for reassuring me that this is still the place to come for good fanfic. |
Monday 23rd July 2007 09:44 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Oh, thanks very much and welcome back! It's nice to see an old familiar name. |
TRISH Friday 20th July 2007 10:35 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Superb Am enjoying very much Good follow-up JKR style! |
raider3700 Thursday 19th July 2007 20:24 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Wow... I honestly loved it. I first read it and was like "OMG - This person must be JK Rowling sending out a surprise secret release under a alias...
I just had to tell all my friends to read this AWSOME fanfiction. Great work. Hope you'll continue with all the talented work... looking forward to see how accurate you've predicted the book to be tomorrow...
Monday 23rd July 2007 09:44 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Oh, thanks much for the review, and the recommendations! |
msalmank Thursday 19th July 2007 11:40 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Amazing! Simply Amazing!
I read your entire version of the final book last night and enjoyed it a lot! HAs J.K Rowling read it?
I literally felt as if she wrote it! It was splendid. I wish that the one by J.K Rowling is as exciting as this was - though i did find some things a bit inappropriate for young children.
You ever written anything else? Thinking of writing another novel?
Salman Khalid. |
Monday 23rd July 2007 09:46 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Thanks, glad you enjoyed it! I didn't have to worry about young children as this one was rated PG-13 |
f4te Wednesday 18th July 2007 22:41 | The Seventh Horcrux |
I've always read the harry potter books the day they were released, and always found myself intoxicated by their story, craving more, and when i was on vacation a week ago, i was reading the 6th book for a second time to review for the upcoming release of the 7th... well of course i got addicted to the story, and couldn't put it down (litteraly!) and when i finished it i simply CRAVED more. When i got home, i typed into google "fake leaked harry potter" and got this site: http://themostboringblogintheworld.wordpress.com/2007/05/09/harry-potter-leaked-harry-potter-and-the-deathly-hollows-pdf-leaked-downloads/ which had a link to download. The blog said it was a good read, so i read it, and was blown away by how good it was. There were a couple things that sometimes broke the flow of the read, such as the characters name being repeated too often in a paragraph rather than using pronouns, and other small things that showed a editor hadn't looked it over, but it still blew me away. Immediatly after i finished reading it, i began looking online to see who had written this, so i could read more of your work. I haven't had time to see what else you've written, but i'm crossing my fingers hoping that you've got an 8th book that covers what happens next, or what happened between the last chapter and the epilogue and stuff... i just want to hear more!
Anyways, wonderful story, and please dear GOD write more! I BEG of you!
Thank you. Thank You. THANK YOU. From everyone i've spoken to who has loved this version, THANK YOU! |
B_lake1 Wednesday 18th July 2007 15:14 | The Seventh Horcrux |
WOW, that was so amazing!!! i was certain that it was the real thing (untill the push up bra). i have a feeling that i'll like this one better than jkr's, i always though there should be more romance in the books. i think you have comepleted the story, if i don't like the real one as much, ill just pretend this was jkr's
Thanks so much for that amazing reading experiance ! |
harrysnotgoingtodiein7 Tuesday 17th July 2007 08:10 | The Seventh Horcrux |
All i have to say is, WOW, excellent job, you really have a great understanding of human emotions and how to write them in a JKR style. I love how you follow JKR;s style but add somethings which she wouldnt do, like the push up bra, etc. I think thats you adding some brilliant, hillarious touches in your own style. Not only was the H/G // R/H fabulous, but the horcrux plot and action was thrilling, making a perfect blend of fun, romance, and ... epic battles of life and death?
I believe that the perfect 7th book would be sort of a mix between JKR and your ideas, you really do their love lifes well, something that I think JKR has not really done so well. (Power of Emotion displayed Harry's emotions better than the HBP in my opinion.)
I would be VERY interested to see what you could do with characters of your own, if you ever get the chance to do something like that. JKR sets a great web of characters to play around with, but I truly believe a book with characters you forged youself would be great too.
I hope you dont stop writing
phattyt Saturday 14th July 2007 11:36 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Hey....not be cliche but I ALSO signed up just to offer my congratulations on writing a great story. I'm currently studying for the NY bar exam and it was nice to be able to have something to distract me for a little while (although if i fail i may resent you just a little bit..hahaha) so for my general thoughts:
1) At first I was fooled and actually thought i was reading a leaked manuscript but after the pushup bra scene and realizing that you told the story from a few different perspectives (as opposed to just from Harry's point of view) I realized it wasn't....good job regardless.
2) The way things ended was actually very impressive and for the most part I think you covered most of the loose ends ....I especially loved the manifestation of Harry's power to love an increase in his magical ability b/c absent something along those lines, I don't see how Harry will defeat the greatest dark wizard in existence (at least not in any plausible way.....but what do I know right?)
3) Overall thoroughly enjoyable and well balanced....good people died, bad guys died, and harry came out on top to enjoy what was, as you commented, a well earned happily ever after.
I had a couple of ?s though
1) where'd you get the idea to translate Harry's power to love into an actual magical increase?
2) did you go onto some of the website that listed the "things we're going to find out" (according to JKR) b/c i did and you pretty much covered then all
Cheers and keep writing!! |
Monday 23rd July 2007 09:48 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it. The ideas just came from my head, lol, I don't know how else to expain it. And, no, I didn't go to sites listing those things. This story is actually about 2 years old, so it was written BEFORE we had those lists, lol.
MissJaydeAich Saturday 14th July 2007 09:15 | The Seventh Horcrux |
also can i just say tht whilst waiting for the 7th book thisone has been an excellent substitute like wen on a diet taking sweetners in your coffee as a substitute to real sugar. this book is my sweetners xx |
MissJaydeAich Saturday 14th July 2007 08:58 | The Seventh Horcrux |
I have been readiny your work and i keep thinking you are jk rowling giving us the real book but seriously this is great material im on chapter 20 and i luv it |
Lorraine Tuesday 10th July 2007 00:09 | The Seventh Horcrux |
I have only just read this first chapter, and I can't wait to read the rest! Your work is absolutely BRILLIANT! I am SO impressed! I have never read fanfiction before, and I never really expected it to be good, but you have completely changed my mind. Have you ever thought about writing your own books? You certainly have talent, and I would imagine that you would be incredibly successful. You have a gift! Sincerely, Lorraine in Ontario, Canada |
Lorraine Tuesday 10th July 2007 00:08 | The Seventh Horcrux |
I have only just read this first chapter, and I can't wait to read the rest! Your work is absolutely BRILLIANT! I am SO impressed! I have never read fanfiction before, and I never really expected it to be good, but you have completely changed my mind. Have you ever thought about writing your own books? You certainly have talent, and I would imagine that you would be incredibly successful. You have a gift! Sincerely, Lorraine in Ontario, Canada |
Alexkiro Saturday 7th July 2007 17:11 | The Seventh Horcrux |
I realy realy realy loved this fanfic. Actually when i first read it i though it was actually the original. The love betwen Harry and Ginny, Ron and Hermione and other couples made this book really interesting and captivating and it made me really understand the feelings of the characters.... thank you for writing this book.... thank you thank you thank you ! |
Saturday 7th July 2007 19:15 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Oh, thanks so much! I enjoyed writing it, and it was a great way to pass the time and work out some theories. I'm glad you enjoyed it, too. |
moober Friday 6th July 2007 13:19 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Just stumbled acroos this website and your story. It was exceptional! Much like the JKR's books, I couldn't stop reading it. I only hope that the Deathly Hollows is as good. About the only criticism I have is that the battles could have been fleshed out a bit more and the love scene occurances could have been reduced, as they tended to slow down the narrative. However, I can see that they are your strength, so that's understandable.
Overall, a great job! If you haven't written your own novel, you should.
Looking forward to reading your other fanfic and hope you do a sequel to Deathly Hollows in the furture. |
Saturday 7th July 2007 19:19 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Oh, thanks very much! Yes, I longed for more romance between Harry and Ginny, so this was my way of getting to play with that. I don't think we'll get nearly as close in DH, so this was fun to explore. Thanks so much for letting me know you enjoyed it. |
fir3 d3m0n1 Friday 6th July 2007 12:02 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Sorry one more comment, I left some things out that I wanted to say... oO
I think that really, your writing style is better than Rowling's, frankly, she's a kids book writer. Yes, the events, etc HAVE been geting more adultish as the book went on, but I think your ender had a real writer style that children (well, maybe not hehe), teens AND adults could enjoy.
It DID get a little unbelieving sometimes, but you made up for it with (I say again) your writing style.
Some of the things YOU created yourself for the story were well thought out, and obviously you did your research..
Harry Potter all the way! |
Saturday 7th July 2007 19:23 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Thanks for taking the time to comment - twice! I'm glad you enjoyed it, and I did have much more freedom than JKR since this was posted on a site much less likely to be visited by children. It gave those of us who wanted more romance a chance to get some. |
fir3 d3m0n1 Friday 6th July 2007 11:53 | The Seventh Horcrux |
This story was so cool, along with the mostly subtle romantic scenes (lol..oO) with the action..
ONE THING is the ending, I think it was made TOO brief, maybe a little bit of response from Voldemort as he died? I mean, just because he became mortal once more, doesen't mean his powers didn't try and keep him alive for maybe 10more seconds.. meh great work though! |
pauletti Friday 6th July 2007 04:19 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Hi, I just finished reading your book. Despite the fact that the style is not exactly "Rowlingish", some grammatical errors and constantly repeating expressions like "take the mickey out", I kept believing that I'm reading a genuine thing almost until the end. The story is brilliant and I'm very impressed with the depth of HP world that you managed to create with attention to small details. Actually I found this book looking for leaked copy (should I be ashamed?) and for some time had a pleasure of teasing my wife (she doesn't read english, but also a JKR fan) with it. But I'm glad I read it till the end, because many ideas are very interesting. Keep writing, I'd like to read some original stories from you! |
Saturday 7th July 2007 19:21 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Aww, thanks so much! Yes, you SHOULD wait for the real deal until JKR is ready, but I'm also glad you enjoyed this one. I had a great time writing it. I really hope to get something original out there, and if I do, I DO hope you'll read it. Thanks for taking the time to let me know you enjoyed it. |
pauletti Friday 6th July 2007 03:53 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Hi, I just finished reading your book. Despite the fact that the style is not exactly "Rowlingish", some grammatical errors and constantly repeating expressions like "take the mickey out", I kept believing that I'm reading a genuine thing almost until the end. The story is brilliant and I'm very impressed with the depth of HP world that you managed to create with attention to small details. Actually I found this book looking for leaked copy (should I be ashamed?) and for some time had a pleasure of teasing my wife (she doesn't read english, but also a JKR fan) with it. But I'm glad I read it till the end, because many ideas are very interesting. Keep writing, I'd like to read some original stories from you! |
southpaw320 Friday 6th July 2007 00:03 | The Seventh Horcrux |
First of all, in my opinion, this story was as good and maybe even better than the first six Harry Potter books!!! Me and my buddy came upon this story thinking that it was a leaked copy of Deathly Hallows. Eventually, we figured out it was fanfic. (The Harry/Ginny romance/intimacy gave it away.) But I liked those parts. It seemed much more mature and realistic that way. I think you did an awesome job and JKR should be proud. It was actually so good that I'm worried that the real version won't live up to yours. The only dissapointment I have in your version is that Snape's loyalty truly lies with Voldemort. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for him to be a good guy in spite of all he's done. You really did an outstanding job and should definitely consider a proffessional writing career.
P.S. If JKR's version sucks I make sure all my friends check out this version instead. |
Saturday 7th July 2007 19:17 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Heh, yes, I longed for more romance in HBP, so this was a way to give all us hopeful romantics what we craved. Personally, I DO think Snape will wind up working for the good in the end in the real ending, I just thought it was more fun this way.
Thanks for the vote of confidence. I hope someday to do something for real. |
southpaw320 Friday 6th July 2007 00:03 | The Seventh Horcrux |
First of all, in my opinion, this story was as good and maybe even better than the first six Harry Potter books!!! Me and my buddy came upon this story thinking that it was a leaked copy of Deathly Hallows. Eventually, we figured out it was fanfic. (The Harry/Ginny romance/intimacy gave it away.) But I liked those parts. It seemed much more mature and realistic that way. I think you did an awesome job and JKR should be proud. It was actually so good that I'm worried that the real version won't live up to yours. The only dissapointment I have in your version is that Snape's loyalty truly lies with Voldemort. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for him to be a good guy in spite of all he's done. You really did an outstanding job and should definitely consider a proffessional writing career.
P.S. If JKR's version sucks I make sure all my friends check out this version instead. |
Screetch Tuesday 3rd July 2007 02:33 | The Seventh Horcrux |
You're right, in this particular case Internet's power is amazing. I'm French and I received your story by email from an Australian friend of mine... Your script is quite a globe trotter!
I spent some time reading the reviews, don't you even take into account the comment of the frustrated "fundamentalist" HP fan who said so much nonsense about the Apparating authorizations etc.
You did great, please go on! |
Saturday 7th July 2007 19:13 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Wow! An internationally-read author! I think I like the sound of that
Thanks very much for the show of support! I do appreciate it. |
Screetch Monday 2nd July 2007 10:52 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Congratulations! your story is actually amazing! I was pretty sure I was reading the actual book until a few hours ago when I found this website. I spent a week doing nothing on my free time but reading your story, and it was worth it.
Actually, just the same way as a previous reviewer, if the true story does not end up the way I want to I am gonna choose yours as the one to remember.
In particular I think you did a really good job allowing the Harry-Ginny relationship to develop into something serious, as the Ron-Hermione relationship as well. It is perfectly realistic to me, and the timing is perfect.
The horcruxes you made up are really good, and I found the ending you imagined (ie the way the final battle between Harry and Voldemort happens and ends) amazing! It seems so logical! Like "Why didn't I think about it myself?..."
Now that I read it I can't imagine another way, a more clever way for it to end.
And I loved the flying carpet!
If I may, I would suggest the characters to be a little less enthusiastic about anything, sometines it's hard to believe (first chapter “Just stop talking for a minute and let him tell us what’s happening…then we can decide what to do about it." -Ron- A bit too much for me..)
Anyway really nice job, and we are waiting for the sequel! |
Monday 2nd July 2007 12:32 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Thanks so much! I'm astounded by the power of the Internet and how this story has made its way around. Thanks so much for taking the time to share your thoughts with me. |
tracyoan54 Sunday 1st July 2007 23:02 | The Seventh Horcrux |
omg..... this was the best one ever. i actually thought it was the real one until i found this site b/c someone sent it to me lol. i really really love this !
im going to be really sad if jkr isnt as good as this. i loved the romance between ginny and harry too !! i loved it!! |
Monday 2nd July 2007 12:24 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Oh, thanks so much. I'm sure the real thing is going to rock! Long live Harry and Ginny! I'm so thoroughly amazed by the number of people who believed this was real. Thank you so much for taking the time to let me know you enjoyed it. |
FutureTrackStar Saturday 30th June 2007 09:47 | The Seventh Horcrux |
my mistake, i've read the dates wrong lol |
FutureTrackStar Saturday 30th June 2007 09:27 | The Seventh Horcrux |
my mistake, i've read the dates wrong lol |
FutureTrackStar Saturday 30th June 2007 09:26 | The Seventh Horcrux |
wow... it seems nobody has commented in a long time, and i've just finished reading this within a month of the 7th books release lol
I was another person believing this was the real 7th book until i was a few hundred pages into the book. I must admit, it was one of the best harry potter books i've ever read (even if it isnt a real hp book) if not the best. I loved the fact that is was more mature than JKRs work. If the seventh does not satisfy as much as this had, I will always believe this story to be the true 7th book. I'm just wondering if i could somehow have the text bound into an actual book though...... |
Monday 2nd July 2007 12:16 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Thanks so much! I'm glad you enjoyed it. Not much longer to wait for the real deal now! I enjoyed showing the parts of the h/g relationship that JK can't. I'm such a fan of those two, and I enjoyed writing this. |
datsyum Thursday 28th June 2007 21:19 | The Seventh Horcrux |
This is a wonderfully written story. When i came across it i thought for it to be the real number 7. I loved the romance between harry and ginny and the explanation of the whole series. im not going to read the real number 7 because iin my mind this is the read last harry potter book |
Monday 2nd July 2007 12:15 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
OMG!!! You HAVE to read the real deal! Oh, it's stressing me out thinking you won't read it. I love that you enjoyed this story, but its just filler. Nineteen days for the real thing!
I'm so glad you liked it - and let's keep our fingers crossed together that Harry and Ginny get their happily ever after. |
jackryan68 Tuesday 26th June 2007 21:59 | The Seventh Horcrux |
I like this 'fake' Harry Potter series ender
For a fake Harry Potter, the stuff I read appealed to the sucker-for-happy-endings guy in me. I dunno how J.K. Rowling's official version would look like -- I will still buy my eldest Ezekiel's copy when the price becomes affordable -- but this fake version is, to me, a good enough alternative Harry Potter universe. Especially if the original becomes dark as advertised.
As a final word, let me say this: whoever wrote this 659-page fake deserves some accolade. On first brush, it is a believable 659-page yarn; and writing all 659 pages organized into 34 chapters is no mean feat.I like this 'fake' Harry Potter series ender |
Monday 2nd July 2007 12:04 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Hee - thanks! That writer would be me, and I'm glad you enjoyed it. I think all of canon is pretty dark, but I do believe in happy endings, and I think we'll get one in canon, too.
Just 19 days to go! |
Roco Tuesday 26th June 2007 16:43 | The Seventh Horcrux |
This was a great story. You must be a very good writer.
Congrats!! |
Monday 2nd July 2007 12:00 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it. |
Roco Tuesday 26th June 2007 15:19 | The Seventh Horcrux |
This was a great story. You must be a very good writer.
Congrats!! |
Kami Tuesday 26th June 2007 10:46 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Your story was great!! I first got it from a friend who swore it was book 7 leaked. I knew just by reading the first page of the first chapter that it wasnt. I didnt care, I needed something to by my time util the real book comes out, and your story ROCKED!!
I sometimes wish that the HP books were more grown up like this. You did a great job showing the love developing between Harry & Ginny and Ron & Hermoine.
As for the review made by Darcy, I think she missed the point that this was indeed a FANFIC story!! And never did you claim that it was written by Jo or some leaked copy... and that you are not Jo so you are allowed to used whatever words you so choose...
Great Story! |
Monday 2nd July 2007 12:00 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Thanks so much - for the review and the vote of confidence! That's what is so great about fanfiction, we CAN get all those "what if" kind of stories - and take the characters to that next level of maturity. I think there is something here for everyone.
Thanks for letting me know you enjoyed it! |
Sayan Sunday 24th June 2007 23:27 | The Seventh Horcrux |
OH. MY. GOD. Dear Melindaleo, I just wanna ask a question, please answer me seriously, ARE YOU JK ROWLING IN DISGUISE?
I sobbed when i read ur story! It was BEAUTIFUL!!!
Please continue writing !!!! Please Please pretty please!!!!
sayan_mukherjee_1990@yahoo.com |
Monday 2nd July 2007 11:58 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Hee! Oh, thanks! Nope, definitely no castle and gazillions of dollars here, lol, but I'm thrilled you enjoyed it. |
lindablinda Sunday 24th June 2007 13:46 | The Seventh Horcrux |
hi there,
i found your story on another site, you might wanna check that out.
but uh, i really really loved it.
some parts, im sorry to say, were a little predicted, but i loved in nonetheless.
i was fooled that this was really the 7th book and showed it to others, but i was saddened by someone who\'d pointed out that this was anot actually the book.
you did a really good job of guessing and interpreting what is to come in the next book..
and after i found out this was not the book, i was SO ANGRYY!
haha. i guess its because i really wanted this to book to be true because harry and everyone has a happy ending
well... everything but the dursleys...
oh yeah i have a question bout that..
harrys mom, lily, is magical but her sister petunia isnt.
implying that sometimes magical-ness doesnt run in the family
how can she pass down the magical-ness to dudley? haha
just wondering, is all
again, thanks for doing such a good job, and i apologize for the die hard fans accusing you of doing a bad job impersonating rowling.
Sunday 24th June 2007 18:14 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed the story and found out that this is its real home. I'm sorry that you were duped, but I'm trying to get people to stop doing that.
As for Petunia and Lily - well, I look as magic as sort of like a gene. It exists in a family, but it doesn't mean everyone in the family has to get it - sort of like eye or hair color. Lily is Muggleborn, but so are Colin and Dennis Creevy and they are both magical. I think it could skip a generation and pick up with Dudley. That's where I started from, anyway. |
lindablinda Sunday 24th June 2007 13:46 | The Seventh Horcrux |
hi there,
i found your story on another site, you might wanna check that out.
but uh, i really really loved it.
some parts, im sorry to say, were a little predicted, but i loved in nonetheless.
i was fooled that this was really the 7th book and showed it to others, but i was saddened by someone who\'d pointed out that this was anot actually the book.
you did a really good job of guessing and interpreting what is to come in the next book..
and after i found out this was not the book, i was SO ANGRYY!
haha. i guess its because i really wanted this to book to be true because harry and everyone has a happy ending
well... everything but the dursleys...
oh yeah i have a question bout that..
harrys mom, lily, is magical but her sister petunia isnt.
implying that sometimes magical-ness doesnt run in the family
how can she pass down the magical-ness to dudley? haha
just wondering, is all
again, thanks for doing such a good job, and i apologize for the die hard fans accusing you of doing a bad job impersonating rowling.
bl00mie Saturday 23rd June 2007 12:45 | The Seventh Horcrux |
and by "editorializing", i meant "editing". sheesh |
bl00mie Saturday 23rd June 2007 10:24 | The Seventh Horcrux |
and by "editorializing", i meant "editing". sheesh |
bl00mie Saturday 23rd June 2007 10:19 | The Seventh Horcrux |
I stumbled across this story doing a little googling about DH. I had serious doubts that a fan-written story, especially one as long as this, could keep me entertained enough to read to finish. But you had me hooked by Chapter 2, and I subsequently spent most of my free time reading it this last week.
The story was really quite excellent. I did stumble across a few typographical errors, I noticed several occurrences of repeated ideas, and there was an over-use of a few words (sorry I don't have specifics... I'm kicking myself for not taking notes). I think with a little professional editorializing, this could actually be a very well received professional novel. Too bad JKR would sue.
Anyway, excellent job! I sincerely hope you will write sequels ignoring discrepancies from DH. As JKR seems uninterested in writing sequels, I fear the version of the Potter universe that you've crafted will lend itself more readily to fun stories than the one she's going to leave us with in July. I think you would have some loyal readers. I know I would be one of them. |
Saturday 23rd June 2007 11:21 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Oh, thanks so much! I'm glad you enjoyed it, I had a lot of fun writing it. I do hope to finish something original someday, but right now I'm just caught up in the HP moment.
Thanks very much for taking the time to let me know you enjoyed it. |
Darcy Friday 22nd June 2007 18:49 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Sorry in advance for the harsh tone--a friend sent this story to me as \"the real thing,\" and in my reply I just methodically went through the 1st page and pointed out what I found wrong about it.
First, the stylistic aspects:
1. Rowling does not use ANY contractions (e.g. \"he\'d\", \"they\'d\"). Instead, she writes out the full phrase, such as in this example: \"He HAD been standing alone in this very office, savoring the triumph...\"
2. Rowling doesn\'t use parentheses; this author uses them right in the first paragraph, as in: \"(something he knew they’d have no problem expressing their displeasure over).\"
3. Rowling does not use big words such as \"morosely\", \"solidarity\", and \"politicking\"; after all, the HP series is primarily for children and young adults.
4. Rowling always writes in full sentences (i.e., noun+verb); this author has a one-word paragraph on the first page (\"Ginny\").
5. Rowling never uses ellipses; this author does.
6. \"Chucked\" is American slang--this presents two problems:
a) Rowling only writes slang in dialogue; this author is using it in narration.
b) Rowling is British.
7. Rowling does not use offensive or extreme words such as \"freak\", which appears in the first paragraph.
8. Rowling almost never uses verbs of being; this author is too passive.
Enough with the stylistic aspects; let\'s talk about facts:
9. The real version is 784 pages, while this one is only 659.
10. A \"leaked\" manuscript has not made the news--only that the ending had supposedly been leaked. Given the popularity of HP, a huge leak such as this would make the news almost immediately.
But let\'s also talk about content:
11. Harry would never describe Ron and Hermione as \"freaks\".
12. In previous books, Harry never refers to his aim of killing You-Know-Who a \"quest\".
13. There\'s an internal contradiction in the first page: in the first paragraph, Harry says that taking his friends to meet the Dursleys would be \"horrible\", yet in a flashback he definitively concludes that it would be \"quite nice.\"
14. HUGE, multi-step contradiction:
a)the author first says that Harry was going to Apparate to his house. Then he says that he took the train from King\'s Cross \"to Privet Drive.\" Finally, he says that Apparating is illegal. Hmm...
b) There\'s a railroad station on Privet Drive? Rowling would have phrased it more eloquently and correctly.
c) Apparating is NOT illegal, after one passes the test--Fred and George did it all the time in the Weasley house, before Harry\'s 4th year at Hogwarts.
And that\'s just the first page. Although good for the (albeit poor) HP fan-fiction standards (because most fans are young), to say that this is the real thing would be a HUGE stretch. it, this is why I can\'t derive enjoyment fan fiction--I just get pissed about how all fan-fic authors are unfaithful to the original text. |
Saturday 23rd June 2007 11:24 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Well, I might have thought it was harsh if not for the fact I noticed such a vast number of fallacies in your statements. If you're really such a die-hard fan of JK Rowling, than show her the respect of waiting for the real story until she's ready to tell it and not searching the Internet for leaked copies.
This is fanfiction, and I've never claimed that it was anything else. |
RandomHero Monday 18th June 2007 00:24 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Hey, just wanted to say that I really enjoyed your fanfic. My favorite part was definitely the Harry/Ginny aspect. I've always been a big fan of Ginny and was happy she okayed such a big part in the story.
Is it the same in "The Power of Emotion" and "Curse of the Damned"? |
Friday 22nd June 2007 06:41 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Thanks! Ginny is one of my favorites, too, and I like to give her a bigger role.
My other two stories are also h/g, but they take place after OotP and before HBP was written. |
BloodySeraphim Sunday 17th June 2007 15:30 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Like many others here, I signed up just to say that this was the best work I've ever read.
A friend on a forum introduced it as the "real" seventh story, but after the overemphasis on Ginny's breasts (lol), it was pretty obvious this was a fanfiction.
This was my first time reading a story in one go without a break. I think I read this in about 15 hours. Nonstop. With an occasional bathroom break though.
The epilogue was kinda...sappy though.
Once again, the best read ever. I hope J.K, Rowling's real 7th book will be at least as good as this, or I'll be extremely disappointed... |
Friday 22nd June 2007 06:42 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Thanks very much, I'm glad you enjoyed it! Yep, its definitely fanfiction and written for those of us who long for a bit more romance in Harry's life.
As for the ending - I can only hope that Harry's real ending gives us some warm fuzzies. No one deserve it more than him - I think so, anyway. |
Ragnar1211 Sunday 10th June 2007 18:45 | The Seventh Horcrux |
I read this book in a couple of days. You did a great job.
Things I really Liked:
1) The depth of the Harry/Ginny relationship was well developed.
2) How finally Harry Got Powerful (I hated how weak JKR depicted him in HBP)
3) The great teamwork to defeat Voldemort.
Things that made me cry:
1) Lupin / Tonks - what self sacrificing!
2) Harry talking with all the folks in the "Go Between", especially Sirius and his parents.
Favorite line:
"I said zat no one is going to take away ze fazer of my bebe" Classic! Tears of joy picturing Greyback get devoured!
Best Addition to the story:
The debrief and prologue after the battle - I hope JKR does something similar. I feel we all need some closure if this is going to be the last book.
Overall Thoughts:
I think the story was definately good. Maybe a little weak in the beginning but definately picked up steam and the last half was tremendous.
Main Criticism:
I think you used the word "Merlin" a little too much... for my liking anyway.
Total Rating (Compared to JKR and Compared to books in general)
7/10 compared to JKR and 9/10 compared to books in general.
Keep up the good work!
By the way, do you have a Sequel written, or was the death of Harry's aunt and uncle just a teaser?
Friday 22nd June 2007 06:45 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Thanks so much for taking the time to let me know you enjoyed it! I always love a reviewer who will give me specifics!
I'm a big fan of the "aftermath" to a battle, so I'm hoping we get some of that in this last book, tool. I think my favorite scene was in GoF in the hospital wing after the Third Task.
I don't have a sequel planned at the moment (although its certainly floating around in my head). We'll see what happens after the real deal in July. |
randomname12345 Friday 8th June 2007 01:43 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Hello Melindaleo,
A disclaimer first, I've not read all the reviews, so I may shadow another reviewer. Let me also say I was very gullible, reading the ENTIRE thing before realizing it was fanfic, heh. Comments first, then questions.
-I will not ramble on with praise about the book too long, just know it was a really wonderful and inventive story. I mostly appreciated: the connection between Harry and Ginny, turning up the romance, reading from the perspective of different readers, the scars at the end of the book, and the comedic stylings of Fred, George, and Ginny.
-I would have really appreciated elaboration in two areas:
1. JKR did an excruciating amount of foreshadowing with regard to Ron and Hermione. I feel their relationship was not emphasized or elaborated on enough in The Seventh Horcrux.
2. The occlumency lessons from Malfoy. When I started the chapter, my mind went wild with possibilities, we could have delved into the dynamics of their relationship much deeper.
Ok, question time:
-Are you married? I suspect you are married in a traditional role, because you chose for Ginny and Harry to play very traditional roles in their relationship.
-You were backed into so many corners by the thus-far story, what was the hardest thing to explain or write?
-When did you start and when did you finish writing this?
-Do you really believe Snape is 100% loyal to the Dark Lord? I sure don't.
-How much of your writing was determined by predictions and how much of it was stuff you wanted to happen?
-Are you planning a book to follow the epilogue? What role do you see Dudley playing in it?
One last comment, I've decided that if Harry and Ginny don't get together at the end of book 7 (or if Harry dies, which would make the former impossible), I'm just going to tell myself that your version is the authentic one.
Thanks for a week's worth of entertainment. |
Friday 8th June 2007 12:19 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Oh, thanks so much! I'm sorry you were duped, but I'm thrilled you enjoyed the story and took the time to review. Let me try and answer your questions:
Ron and Hermione - yes, I think they'll get together in DH, but it will all be from Harry's perspective and Harry has typically shied away from knowing anything too personal. As for me, I'm simply more a h/g fan than I am r/hr, so I focused more on them.
Yes, I am married though I'm not sure what you mean by traditional roles. The wizarding world in general appears very traditional to me. They are married and starting a family.
This was a difficult story to write since so much of it was already set so there was much less wiggle room. The hardest part was getting all the players set up where I wanted them (such as Ginny being included). There were so many details, and I'm still annoyed I didn't managed to work in the twinkle in DDs eye from GoF.
It took me about a year to write the whole thing. I think I started the September after the release of HBP.
Snape - no, I think Snape will actually be on the good side, but most people in the fandom do, so I thought it would be more fun to make him truly bad. I would absolutely love if she shocked everyone like that, but I don't think she will.
The story is a combination of my predictions, my preferences, and just plain what I thought would make an interesting story. I don't believe we'll see Umbridge as Minister, but I did think it made a fun plot twist.
I do have thoughts in mind for a sequel, but I'm holding off to see what happens in DH. Dudley, of course, would have a very significant role. I think Dudley has shown he as the ability to attract followers - he just needs a larger, evil brain to back him up.
Does that help? I'm confident in h/g. I think if Harry's great power is love, JKR wouldn't have set their whole relationship up in HBP. Harry already had his failed relationship, now he needs one that will help him survive. |
samschorb Thursday 7th June 2007 07:01 | The Seventh Horcrux |
I too registered on the site purely to congratualte you for writing such an astoundingly good piece. I'd almost prefer not to read the real thing as i would imagine it would only serve to ruin this. Pure GENIUS, i am staggered!!! |
Thursday 7th June 2007 11:42 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Aww, thanks so much! I'm delighted you enjoyed it, and also took the time to register to review. I'm certain the real deal will blow it out of the water, but in the meantime, you've really made this aspiring writer's day! |
samschorb Thursday 7th June 2007 07:01 | The Seventh Horcrux |
I too registered on the site purely to congratualte you for writing such an astoundingly good piece. I'd almost prefer not to read the real thing as i would imagine it would only serve to ruin this. Pure GENIUS, i am staggered!!! |
mistams Thursday 7th June 2007 02:16 | The Seventh Horcrux |
great book! i really should be studying but i read this instead. it's thew first fan fic i've ever read and i was so excited! thanks heaps |
dwarbucks Tuesday 5th June 2007 15:19 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Wonderful story, and beautifully written - I put off a number of things I should have been doing in order to finish it. I would have loved it if there was a way for the Weasleys to find out what Percy had done for them, but I can't see how to do it.
I was another person who found this site through the torrent, or more precisely the comments posted under it on thepiratebay. Glad I found it. |
galeena Tuesday 5th June 2007 11:21 | The Seventh Horcrux |
I had to register just so that I could congratulate you on the wonderful piece of fiction you have shared with us. Thank you! I couldn't stop reading for two days straight.
I only hope JKR's book will be half as good.
Thank you again for sharing. |
jknezek Monday 4th June 2007 12:44 | The Seventh Horcrux |
This was fabulous! The first fan-fic I read and my wife and I both loved it. Congratulations. I can't wait for Rowling's version, but I am already satisfied someone has written an excellent concluding chapter. And here comes every useless critics BUT.... the ending drug on a little bit. However, I sensed that you didn't want to leave your creation, and totally respect that knowing that I could not have done what you did. Congrats and thanks! |
Monday 4th June 2007 18:01 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Thanks so much. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I can't wait for the real thing, either! I'm not sure if you read the online version, or the one here at PS. The one here at PS has some Author Notes where I talk about the long ending. My favorite part of the canon scenes are the aftermath ones, and I never feel we get enough. I know some others feel that way, as well, so I wrote this one with a very long aftermath. I'm glad you enjyoyed the rest of it though! |
horcrux fan Friday 1st June 2007 07:26 | The Seventh Horcrux |
I was one of the many people duped into thinking that this was a 'leaked' version and I am so glad that I'm gullible!!!
In 3 days I had devoured the whole story and found it to be one of the best reads I have had in any genre since HBP. I know you say that you are only borrowing the characters and the copyright issues are vast but I will say that JKR (even with her immense prowess and talent in writing Harry) will have a tough time matching your story! I have spread the word to my family and friends who, even as an older generation, are potter maniacs for obvious reasons and have told them about the story. I do not think that Deathly Hallows will suffer in the slightest from what you have written and if anything it has made me anticipate it even more! You have done Harry Potter and the characters proud and I hope to see more of your writing, in any form, hopefully on bookshelves one day!
p.s. nice save on the secret keeper by the way!LOL |
Monday 4th June 2007 18:03 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Oh, thanks so much! I'm thrilled with all the new readers, and I'm very pleased it's being enjoyed again. I'm sorry you were duped, but can't say I'm sorry that you took the time to review and are sending others this way! Thanks very much. |
h0py Thursday 31st May 2007 18:50 | The Seventh Horcrux |
First of all, i want to congratulate you on your fantastic story i just finished reading not five minutes ago.
You have a natural talent for writing such a beautiful, awe inspiring and original story to an already fantastic series, you have done JK, the fans any no doubt many other aspiring authors proud!
I started reading this story with some doubt, as it is my first fan fiction to have read through entirely, however i picked it up straight away and i did not want to leave my computer until i had read the whole story. The only problem now is i have to remember it isnt JKs work!
Once again, thank you so much for making a fantastic story that even some professional authors have not reached. I am in doubt that any fan fiction author could write with your skill.
Thank you. |
Monday 4th June 2007 18:11 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Oh, thanks so much! I'm thrilled to hear you enjoyed it! I had a great time writing it, and I do hope to branch out into something original in the future. Thanks very much for taking the time to review. |
twinklystar_hp Monday 21st May 2007 18:42 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Great Peice of Work! Gosh i wish Rowling wud think just like you and give us more of ginny harry scenes |
silverriaz Monday 21st May 2007 04:06 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Smita Monday 21st May 2007 01:47 | The Seventh Horcrux |
I registered only to give you a review..
As many have said,its an awesome story and I took it to be original as I got it as the 'leaked' version.I was only concerned about the snogging bits as I didnt think they belonged to the 7 onwards age group that harry potter is targeted at..
Anyway, will not ramble and just salute you for such a wonderful story- one I can hang on to if jkr's book is going to end in tragedy for any of the 4 i love.
Keep writing. |
Monday 4th June 2007 18:13 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Well, thanks for registering just to leave the review, I appreciate that. As for the snogging, I think there was plenty of it in HBP, and this story is rated PG-13. I don't think there was anything more graphic than can be seen on primetime tv, and I did try to keep in that way. I'm glad you enjoyed it - and have a little faith. I really don't believe JKR intends to kill Harry. Good needs to triumph in the end. |
Kenshin_x56 Saturday 19th May 2007 04:05 | The Seventh Horcrux |
I have just finished reading all of The Seventh Horcrux and the only way to describe it would be fantastic, terrific, brilliant and it was as good as any JKR books. It took me 3 days to read (work kept interrupting my reading)
As I like \"happy endings\" and as most of the hints JKR has dropped regarding the last book indicate that her version will be anything but happy, I have a feeling that your ending of the saga will be the one I will remember.
I have just downloaded your two other big HP stories into my PDA and look forward to reading them as well.
PLEASE keep writing. |
jatilq Friday 18th May 2007 04:54 | The Seventh Horcrux |
I have to say I just finished your book as the "leaked" version and I thought it was real until I stumbled upon this site. With the exception of the sexual situations that gave me some doubts I was/am very impressed. You should continue the story or at least create your own characters. You have a fan base already. |
cracobo Monday 14th May 2007 11:22 | The Seventh Horcrux |
I just fiinished the book, and I have to say I am very impressed. It kept me awake for a couple of nights. Congratulations, for me this is a very good alternate plot, and I am eager to read JKR's version, I am expecting it to be as good or better, but also I am open to the possibility that it will disapoint me after reading yours. Good job, and keep writing. |
Vicki Saturday 12th May 2007 05:38 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Hi, great story only i have a problem, what house would dudley be in if he did go to hogwarts. Please help my son and I cant work out wihich one as he is no way a griffindor, hufflepuff no as he is too selfish, ravenclaw i dont think soo and he muggle born so he wouldnt be dracos friend. what do you think? |
Sunday 13th May 2007 06:28 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Well, I think he would be put into Slytherin. Some of the other students will give him a hard time about being Muggleborn, but Dudley has more knowledge about the wizarding world than other Muggleborns, and I think the Sorting Hat would be more concerned with getting the right fit than his heritage. That's my guess anyway - Draco did eventually come around. |
zakath Thursday 10th May 2007 13:17 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Thanks to Pottercast i have found this Fanfic of yours. I love the fist chapter I can't wait to read the rest.
steve |
Thursday 10th May 2007 14:21 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Thanks! Yay for Pottercast. I hope you enjoy the rest of the story. |
shamx Wednesday 9th May 2007 18:45 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Its a good thing you left an opening, because I would like you to continue the story beyond voldemort. I may also create my own story continuing YOUR version and maybe JKR's version too. |
shamx Wednesday 9th May 2007 18:40 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Wow, this is some work. You got some real talent, it would be great if you were able to get it published but I know the copyrighting laws forbid that. I have to say this is some great work and glad to read it along with the real copy. I have also seen reviews in other sites that this story has been ciculating with, and they all have great reviews with the exception of the 1% of people that just can't appreciate great work when its right in front of them. Just to tell you that this story is SO popular that there is a torrent circulating around the net disguising your story as the REAL "leaked" version. Whoever did that must have really liked this story and decided to spread it so people would actually read it thinking its real since it has a real feel to it. But once again greta work, this is a fantasic peice of literature created with subplots and speculations from previously published books. |
Thursday 10th May 2007 14:22 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Thanks. I'm glad you're enjoying it. I'm aware of the "leaked" version, and I really don't know what to make of it. |
ferrerinhaa Sunday 29th April 2007 12:55 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Well, I'd first like to congratulate you, because as some people did, I found this book in the torrent network as the seventh book from JKR but as I searched in the Internet I found out , before reading it, that it was yours. Even though, I couldn't read it as a book not written by JKR. You fooled me well enough. I was thrilled by the book. There were some parts I didn't feel it though. I think you could have described some places more thoroughly. Thank you, and I hope you continue writing because you are very talented. |
JustAFan Saturday 28th April 2007 08:40 | The Seventh Horcrux |
I thoroughly enjoyed this, well I was troubled with the introduction of the premarital intimacy, but it was also obvious that the author was trying to be somewhat discreet. Other than that, I thoroughly enjoyed the escape from the Muggle world and its difficulties for awhile. I found myself hoping that the real thing will be this clever and this good. JKR is wonderful, but this fanfic may be held up to see if the real thing measures up. |
ender74361 Thursday 26th April 2007 07:34 | The Seventh Horcrux |
OMG!!!!! FINALLY! I found this very story in a torrent web site on isohunt.com. It was advertised as if it was the final Harry Potter book. But around chapter 10 or something there is an author's note talking about how JFK clarified something and I realised that it was just fanfic! Which is ok with me because it's WONDERFUL fanfiction! The whole time I was trying to determine if it was JFK or not... you used good references to the past stories, your word choice was exceptional, and your content matured with the age of the characters and the target audience. I registered on this site just so I could review this so you would know how great I think this work is. I have all my fanfic on another site, but I think I'll bring it over here now as well. I'd like for you to read my stuff I'll be leaving reviews as I finish particularly good chapters in my PDF file I have downloaded, or when I have something productive to say. |
oroborous@mindspring.com Tuesday 24th April 2007 15:25 | The Seventh Horcrux |
See a review of this at World Voice News:
It\'s in the ARTS, Literary review page. |
devilsiddy Tuesday 24th April 2007 10:10 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Aww, thanks vry much. I left the ending rather ambiguous in case I ever want to return to this universe and write a sequel. I suppose a lot depends on what really happens in canon.
While Dudley on a quick glance seems rather slow-witted and a bully, he DOES have the ability to gain followers (as seen with his little school gang), and he\'s also proven to be very manipulative. I think with a certain Dark influence to help him with his magical ability - and I haven\'t planned out a story enough to know who that Dark influence would be - he could become quite a thorn in both the Ministry and Harry\'s side.
He has the need for revenge, a taste for cruelty, and a love of power. A bad mix - but just right for a future Dark Lord, no?
yepp haha never thought of it, you\'re a genius and i hope you do make a book on this i would without a doubt read it. you\'re a great writer.
thanks for the 7th horcrux ....ill keep a checkout on your work |
ohhhdear Tuesday 24th April 2007 06:32 | The Seventh Horcrux |
I can see why, of all the fanfiction I've read, that this one was "picked" as the supposed seventh JKR Potter book. It's true to canon, extremely difficult to put down, and wraps up a LOT of loose ends. (Well... Dudley, but hey... there's gotta be *something* left over for a sequel teaser!)
Please don't stop writing HP fanfic (or any other genre) when JKR's book is released in July. You have a marvelous talent and a future in the very difficult pre-teen market. |
Tuesday 24th April 2007 08:34 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Aww, thanks very much. I have no idea who "picked" it, but I'm glad it all seems to be dying down, and I'm thrilled to hear you enjoyed it whether it was real or not. Thanks much! |
jimmywonder Monday 23rd April 2007 22:57 | The Seventh Horcrux |
I read your story and all i can say is WOW. You really put a lot of effort into and it was actually really really good. I read the entire thing straight through as I could not stop reading it. The last 300-350 pages were fantastic. I hope the real book is as good as this. |
devilsiddy Monday 23rd April 2007 12:45 | The Seventh Horcrux |
heyy.......i loved this book soo much (and it was cool cause it was directed more towards teens and an older audience, hence more appealing to me ) im worried im gonna like this more than the original great work
i have a question....can you explain a bit more about the ending with the death of the dursley parents......and dudley murdering them (atleast im guessing he did) i really hope you do something on that, even if its short......just if possible can you please just inform me a bit more on that....its really interesting and has kept me wondering |
Tuesday 24th April 2007 08:37 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Aww, thanks vry much. I left the ending rather ambiguous in case I ever want to return to this universe and write a sequel. I suppose a lot depends on what really happens in canon.
While Dudley on a quick glance seems rather slow-witted and a bully, he DOES have the ability to gain followers (as seen with his little school gang), and he's also proven to be very manipulative. I think with a certain Dark influence to help him with his magical ability - and I haven't planned out a story enough to know who that Dark influence would be - he could become quite a thorn in both the Ministry and Harry's side.
He has the need for revenge, a taste for cruelty, and a love of power. A bad mix - but just right for a future Dark Lord, no? |
kate1112 Monday 23rd April 2007 07:51 | The Seventh Horcrux |
If the real one isnt as good as this one i dont want to read it!!!!!! |
kelsbellslilac Monday 23rd April 2007 01:49 | The Seventh Horcrux |
I like many have read your story through believing it was the leaked book 7. I have to say I sat up for 24 hours to read the whole thing. I think your incredibly gifted. You evoked some powerful emotions and I honestly thought vit matched J. K Rowling and once I read the real version i will be back to see if her version meets up to yours as I liked your version. I must admit the fact it is not the real book seven leaves me hope for Snape who I honestly want to believe is good and on the good side.
Loved this version though, really did |
Monday 23rd April 2007 06:16 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Heh, I must say, I'm astounded by the number of new readers I've found thinking this was a leaked version. I'm sorry you were duped, but I'm glad you found it enjoyable, anyway. Some of the theories in TSH are mine, others I just thought made for a good story, but like everyone else, I'm beyond eager for July to see what really happens.
Thanks for taking the time to respond! |
H1979 Thursday 19th April 2007 13:06 | The Seventh Horcrux |
I have to say I started reading this piece of work as I was told it was a copy book 7. As I read I knew it wasn't but bravo to the writer, what an amazing piece of fiction. I am currently on pg 64 and I have to say that it is very good! |
Thursday 19th April 2007 14:28 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Well, thank you very much for not only taking the time to find the real story, but reviewing as well. I really don't know what to make of this whole other mess, but I do hope you enjoy it. |
t_d_z Wednesday 18th April 2007 19:02 | The Seventh Horcrux |
It's a real work of art and mind. Of course there are a few questions unanswered but it's a good story. I really enjoyed reading it and i really appreciate the author. You must really think about writing novels. |
eaglesnest Wednesday 21st March 2007 22:50 | The Seventh Horcrux |
This time I'm going to start this fic and finish it. And it's a finished fic too! I don't have to agonize after a cliffie for one or two weeks. I like your style already and will look forward to the adventure. I like your detail with the characters. Already I feel like we can think along with Harry and his thoughts as he struggles. The magic with Dudley is an interesting start, but my main interest is with Ginny and you gave her a caring and supportive opening image via Roon's gentle and caring talk with Harry. I'm wondering too how you develop H/G further down the line. |
mione_16 Thursday 4th January 2007 08:32 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Hello im a new user and i just wanted to say that i love your story!! cant wait to read the rest im on chapter 4 |
lacyrachil Monday 20th November 2006 08:19 | The Seventh Horcrux |
This story was recommended by a friend to me and now I know why. I never would have thought to include that bit about Dudley. That is a stroke of genius. I enjoy the fact that they will have to live as muggles for a little while. Who knows that and Dudley may turn out to be valuable assets. I can't wait to read on. |
GryffindorDragon Tuesday 14th November 2006 15:28 | The Seventh Horcrux |
'We gave you food and shelter for all these years out of the goodness of our hearts' -- do Dursleys have any goodness in their hearts?
'Harry couldn’t blame them; Dudley wasn’t much to look at' -- leave it to Harry to misunderstand Ron and Hermione's displeasure
'she could simply cast a Cheering Charm before they left' -- yes, leave Dudley as a wizard. What are Dursleys going to do? Forbid Harry to return? They're already doing that. I suppose Dudley could become a Death Eater . . .
'25' 'chapters' -- and its now 34
Very interesting and well-written. Interesting permutations you introduce.
tsujton Wednesday 18th October 2006 13:40 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Oh frabjous day!
How do you do it? Your writing is superb.
This opening chapter is so filled with promise for another wonderful journey. The idea of Dudley as a surpressed wizard is absolutely brilliant!
This is my third Melindaleo and I couldn't be happier to see that it's 31 chapters!!!
I'm so glad you're in the HP world.
Tsuj |
arachnidz Wednesday 6th September 2006 03:16 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Great job! update quickly. |
ninkenate Tuesday 8th August 2006 12:42 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Very good first chapter. I think I waited till you're far enough ahead of me to read a lot at one time which is what I love to do.
I've picked up a few hints but don't want to state them now as to why Dudley has been showing signs of magic all year. It wasn't just after Dumbledore's death so that has a meaning.
Harry's constant thinking of Ginny was touching. I loved the way the boys agreed together on the situation at the end instead of dancing around it. |
Wednesday 9th August 2006 11:38 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Hooray! I'm so glad to see you here! I'm glad you're liking it so far, and I look forward to hearing your thoughts. |
Delfino Friday 28th July 2006 07:41 | The Seventh Horcrux |
I fell in love with power of emotion and curse of the damned. So when I saw you were writing another story of equal long length, I immediately started reading. I just wish I had been on the computer more often to read this. I have a lot of catching up to do. Anyway, great job. I absolutely loved your theory on Dudley being a wizard. Wouldn't it be wonderful if it turned out to be true in the 7th book? Keep writing and I'll keep reading!
~Delfino |
critmo Saturday 22nd July 2006 06:00 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Interesting start, Dudley certainly comes as a surprise, and I'm glad that Ginny does care. Off to read more. |
DailyProphetReporting Friday 21st July 2006 03:49 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Hey Melinda,
I doubt you'd remember but I've started your fics a couple of times before, and now that I'm getting back into reading fics after a long post-HBP break I've decided to give this one a try. Let me start by thanking you for all the hard work you've obviously put in on this. It seems that a lot of the old-crowd authors (myself certainly included) have been reticent about starting novel-length fics in the current canon environment but you've obviously dived in freely. So, again, thanks.
As for the chapter, you deserve credit for coming up with an extremely clever hook at the start of the story. Having Dudley suddenly spewing magic was a twist that caught me completely by surprise, yet by adding a little bit of backstory to background details in canon and by making Petunia's and Dudley's reactions so in character you've made it believable. I also like how it gave you an early point of conflict and let you work Hermione and Ron into the plot so smoothly. And it opens so many fun approaches you could use next, too!
Anyway, you've obviously got some wonderful ideas at play here and I like that your writing's very clean and smooth. I'm not a fan of fluff or heavy use of descriptive narration, though, so I'm holding off on an overall opinion for now. But you've definitely piqued my interest. Good work.
-KC |
Saturday 22nd July 2006 05:41 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Hello and welcome back!
I'm thrilled to see and "old face" (or I suppose "old name", and I'm delighted you're giving it a try. I'm not heavy into the fluff either - I much prefer the angst - but descriptive narration, well, that's a necessary evil. I hope you won't find it too much. |
DanAngelus Thursday 29th June 2006 06:10 | The Seventh Horcrux |
i loved it! this is exactly what i've been looking for after re-reading The Half Blood Prince again the other day! I will keep reading now.. but great work on this first chapter :-D
daniel_r_crazy22 Monday 12th June 2006 15:34 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Eww. Dudley's a wizard. That is just nasty! But, btter yet, a good surprising. I like it so far and I hope it stays good. |
Xaphania Friday 5th May 2006 06:50 | The Seventh Horcrux |
I can't believe I didn't realise you'd got a new fic going! But at least I've found it now
Great first chapter, I can tell that this story is going to be good. One good thing of finding this so late - I've got a fair bit to read!
daisymom Saturday 22nd April 2006 22:42 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Wow, Dudley a wizard! This is good! |
Enero Tuesday 14th March 2006 21:36 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Great first chapter. I especially liked the repetition of the word "Ginny." Harry's thoughts felt so natural that it didn't seemed forced and since it felt like the thought of Ginny was supposed to just keep sneaking up on him I think it had a wonderful effect.
I also love the twist that Dudley is a wizard. I have always wondered what Dumbledore would have had over Petunia to keep Harry with them every summer. Great answer to that
Looking forward to reading the next chapter and lucky for me, since I'm starting a little late reading this, there's two more waiting for me.
Billie Bowtrunckle Tuesday 14th March 2006 17:35 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Hello! I thought that reading your new fic would be a good place to start my re-introduction into reading fanfics. What a strong beginning! I appreciated how you picked up right after HBP and satisfied the Potterphile's curiosity for "what's next"? You really have your pulse on the Dursleys and I enjoyed reading Petunia's exchanges with Harry. Your interpretation of Dumbledore's words ("appalling damage" to Dud) is wonderfully ironic and sooooo satisfying. HA! Take that Dursleys! I look forward to seeing where you're going to take us and what adventures (in love *wink*) you have planned for Harry. |
tallybroom Tuesday 7th March 2006 14:28 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Welcome back! So glad you got the bug and started a new one. You've been missed.
I can't wait to
jessy Tuesday 7th March 2006 07:30 | The Seventh Horcrux |
keep it up
siobh007 Sunday 5th March 2006 02:18 | The Seventh Horcrux |
HURRAY, you're writing again!!!!!!!
Well, great start, Dudley a wizard??? HIlarious. I'm looking forward to seeing more. |
hp4-sauce Saturday 4th March 2006 21:15 | The Seventh Horcrux |
It's a great start to what promises to be a story well worth following. I've enjoyed your past work very much indeed. |
weasleysrcool Friday 3rd March 2006 23:33 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Quite a start. ProfAndrews & I have been waiting on baited breath to see if you were going to write another. So glad that you have. I especially like the comraderie between Ron and Harry at the end. Can't wait to read more. |
Saturday 4th March 2006 06:19 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Thanks! The Ron/Harry friendship dynamic has always been close to my heart. I think they've both come a long way. |
graup_hagrid Friday 3rd March 2006 17:36 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Dudley a wizard?
That is a great way to get Dursley revenge. I might smile for a week just thinking of the difficulty that would cause.
I enjoyed the chapter, and the pillow talk was really good. Harry can be a prat, especially to Ginny. Let's hope that doesn't last the whole story. I like to see her in the stories. |
Saturday 4th March 2006 06:17 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Aww, see, I don't think Harry is a prat at all (and I don't think Ginny does, either ). You'll have to let me know what you think when we get to her. |
harryheartsbeeve Friday 3rd March 2006 15:24 | The Seventh Horcrux |
back in business..i've been wondering how long it would take
but anyway
awesome first chapter
last story you were really close with a lot of the HBP stuff...i'm curious to see how you take this one...
but any way I'm glad you're back |
Saturday 4th March 2006 06:16 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Thanks! I was pumped about a few things last time as well! I hope you enjoy the story. |
cutgril Wednesday 1st March 2006 10:21 | The Seventh Horcrux |
I am so glad that you are writing again. Great first chapter. I look forward to more. |
Wednesday 1st March 2006 11:48 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Thanks! Chapter 2 should appear shortly. |
gwenstarr Tuesday 28th February 2006 13:12 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Great story! I'm looking forward to more! I'm so glad to see some of your writing again!
~gwen |
Wednesday 1st March 2006 11:48 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Thanks, Gwen. Good to see you here. I'm plugging away on more... |
dophingirl79 Monday 27th February 2006 21:07 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Wow it is good to see that you are back to writing again. I can't wait to read more. You are off to a great start! |
Tuesday 28th February 2006 05:14 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it. |
Miss Radcliffe Monday 27th February 2006 18:12 | The Seventh Horcrux |
i'm so excited that you've decided to write another story. me friend Madam Bones and I were always up to our ears in excitement about your story and had lots of fun discussing what we thought was up your sleeve. at school we could hardly contain our excitement for updates. when Curse of the Damned ended, so did a wonderful Melindaleo phase for me and Madam Bones. While we were happy to see how everything came together at the end of the story, we were devastated that it was over. That's why we're so excited about this story. i applaud Kathy, Joanne, George, Ham and Dennis for convincing you to write another story. I love your theory about Dudley. it's come up in many fics i've read and i never liked it but you made it more believeable and i'm getting used to the theory he could be a wizard. i liked how harry used Aunt Petunia's request to help Dudley to his advantage. a very harry thing to do. i also loved that harry's thoughts kept straining to ginny. Ginny. lol. keep up the great work!
Miss Radcliffe~ |
Monday 27th February 2006 20:56 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Aww, thanks! I'm thrilled to hear that story! So, where is Madam Bones then? I haven't heard from her yet, lol! I hope you enjoy the rest of the story. |
juliet Monday 27th February 2006 17:46 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Welcome back and well done. You had me hooked in the first paragraph, with the realisation that Ron and Hermione were going to go to Privet Drive.
I love how simple bits of canon are explored further such as Dudley getting upset by the dementors - can't wait to see how that pans out.
I was also pleased that Petunia and Vernon remained true to form. The internal dialogue about Ginny and the conversation between Ron and Harry were fantastic.
All warm and giggly inside now! Thanks |
Monday 27th February 2006 20:55 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Aww, thanks! I'm delighted to see you back. I hope you like the rest. |
Hank Monday 27th February 2006 09:25 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Very interesting. I love the bit about Dudley being a wizard! Talk about being cursed - raised by parents who hate wizards and then being one yourself. That was too cool! I like the way Harry reacted to it all. He's becoming very Slytherin. The bit at the end about Ginny sounded just right, too. All-in-all, a very neat start. I can't wait for more! |
Monday 27th February 2006 13:32 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it. I think Harry's always had a few Slytherin tendencies, lol, but it's how he uses them that makes him NOT a Slytherin |
IHateSnakes Sunday 26th February 2006 20:25 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Welcome back, Mel. I was so happy to see you started another story. You're back on my favorite list!
The subject of Dudders doing magic has been tossed around a bit on some of the BBs, and based on the more recent comments of JKR it certainly seems possible. You capture the pleasant personalities of Vernon and Petunia so well!
Good start, I look forward to more.
S. |
Monday 27th February 2006 05:39 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Thanks you! I'm happy you think it's at least plausible - it works for this story, anyway |
Jake Sunday 26th February 2006 19:18 | The Seventh Horcrux |
This is going to be the best post-HBP fic in fandom, I can tell. Keep up the wonderful work and update soon!
-Jake |
Monday 27th February 2006 05:38 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Oi, that's a tall order! I hope you at least enjoy it! |
cckeimig Sunday 26th February 2006 14:31 | The Seventh Horcrux |
I love it so far! I'm so glad you're doing a post-HBP, as you're one of the best fanfic authors out there. I know you'll do justice to the storyline, and am excited to read the next installment. |
Sunday 26th February 2006 17:44 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Aww, thanks! I hope it lives up to your expectations then. |
hewithnoname Sunday 26th February 2006 13:25 | The Seventh Horcrux |
I was hoping you were going to do another fic. I read this and didn't realise it was you. I look forward to reading more. Buckle up it's going to be a bumpy ride |
Sunday 26th February 2006 17:43 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
I'm glad my summary worked then! I really struggled with it for awhile. Sometimes, I think the summaries are harder than the fics themselves. |
BasketKiwi Sunday 26th February 2006 12:43 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Oh, and that *points down* was me by the way. Sorry, forgot to log in. |
Sunday 26th February 2006 12:57 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Hi, you! Thanks for the reviews, and I'm glad you're enjoying it. I don't know how I managed the last time, either. All I know is that I hated the whole thing by the end, lol. I'm going to try and keep in enjoyable this time around. |
melray1228 Sunday 26th February 2006 10:34 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Hurrah! A delicious new story from my favorite fanfic writer!! Dudley is a wizard - wow, who saw that one coming? I can't believe that Dumbledore would suppress Dudley's magic, but he would do ANYTHING to protect Harry. I can't wait to see where you take this. |
Sunday 26th February 2006 11:38 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Thanks! Yeah, I think DD would have done anything to get Petunia to agree at tha point, but I also think he knew that neither she nor Vernon would have ever allowed Dudley to attend Hogwarts even if he HAD been invited. |
hjdevnull Sunday 26th February 2006 10:19 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Squeeee! I'm so happy that you're writing another story!
This is wonderful. The interactions between the characters are perfect. I love what you did with Dudley, too -- it's so imaginative and unexpected, but at the same time, it's perfectly logical.
I can't wait to see where this is going. I don't care about weekly updates or any of that -- I'm just so excited you're writing another long story, I'll take what I can get. And I'm sure everyone else will feel the same. |
Sunday 26th February 2006 11:36 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Thank you SO much! I'm glad you feel that way, and I hope you're right. The characterizations are always important to me, so let me know if you think I stray too much. |
Tinabell Sunday 26th February 2006 09:47 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Yeah, you're back!
I thoroughly enjoyed your Pre HPB "Power of Emotion" and "Curse of the Damned"...They are both in my top 5. I appreciated your consistency in posting new chapters, being such an avid reader. Thank you for letting us know up front about how often you'll be posting.
I am anxious to see where you take the story.
So far, your charactizations are wonderful (as they always were)! I like how you keep to canon; when I read your stories I always feel that this is actually the way the plot should go, etc. So, kudos to you.
I was hoping you would write a new 7th year fic, thanks for not disappointing!
(an ADULT HP and Melinda fan!) |
Sunday 26th February 2006 11:35 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it. The second chapter is already in the works so it shouldn't be too long. I just need to get myself in gear and get some new stuff written before I work on the edits for it. |
Bart Sunday 26th February 2006 07:45 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Great start, Melindaleo!
You've created an interesting dynamic in the Dursley household for the start of the Horcrux search, should be a fun ride!
Not that I expect you to tell us, but the significance you have given to the final one, by naming the fic The Seventh Horcrux, has me as worried as it does intrigued. |
Sunday 26th February 2006 09:20 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Hello Bart! Thanks! As for the significance, you're right - I'm not going to tell you
I think you can work it out though....the Seventh will mean the end right? Voldemort can't be destroyed without getting all seven... |
kaiserzacc Sunday 26th February 2006 06:38 | The Seventh Horcrux |
this is a brilliant start...Ginny isn't really going to let Harry get away with that lame excuse is she? |
Sunday 26th February 2006 09:19 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Awww, now see, I don't think Harry's being lame at all so you'll have to let me know if you like where I take this. I tend to think JKR intended for Ginny to be much more supportive of Harry than I've seen in fanfics so far, so we'll see....
Of course, Ginny being Ginny and my love of writing her with Harry - you know I won't be able to keep them apart for long |
fraupapst Sunday 26th February 2006 05:49 | The Seventh Horcrux |
You made my day. I'm so looking forward to your story. The first chapter is very promising.
Dudley being a wizard is not exactly canon, Jo said there's nothing more to him. But I don't care. The way you put it, it explains a lot about the Dursleys. |
Sunday 26th February 2006 06:14 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Yeah, I know...but it works and I thought it seemed plausible, so I went with it. You know how the Dursleys feel about magic, so... |
martita Sunday 26th February 2006 02:30 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Wee! A new Melindaleo story! This seems really good, just like all your work is, and I'm looking forward to reading the rest.
I must say, though, I do hope Dudley isn't going to be too much of a plot point, but it's your story and I know I'll enjoy it anyway. |
Sunday 26th February 2006 06:12 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Thanks! I hope you'll enjoy it. I'm not going to say too much about Dudley right now, but I hope you'll enjoy it. |
Arnel Sunday 26th February 2006 00:21 | The Seventh Horcrux |
I was so excited when Kathy told me about a week ago that you had a new story coming out that I've been glued to the Updates list with my cursor ready to click on it ever since. The wait is well worth it. I don't know which I enjoyed more; your characterization of Aunt Petunia (who is just as horrible as she ever was) or the way Harry handled the situation and used it to his advantage. What went right to my fluffy spot was how hard it is for Harry to give up Ginny and his belated realizatiion that he might even love her. I eagerly await the next installment... |
Sunday 26th February 2006 06:11 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Thanks! Kathy has been awesome and she's keeping me moving on this story. I'm glad you liked horrible Aunt Petunia. I really hate them, but they are fun to write. I think giving up Ginny was one of the hardest things Harry's ever had to do, but he's got that silly noble thing still going on... |
uchegirl Saturday 25th February 2006 23:34 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Oooh, but this definitely suits me fine! *smiles happily to self* I mean, it means I have yet another brilliant WiP to add to my reading collection! Update at whatever speed's comfy for you and your beta, but of course. Hope you have fun writing it - I think I speak for every reader of this when I say we'll have fun reading it. |
Sunday 26th February 2006 06:09 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Oh, thanks!! That means a lot. I'll do my best and I'm glad you enjoyed it. |
J62442 Saturday 25th February 2006 21:55 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Ok. Done reading now. And, of course, I love it! In particular the scene at the end with Harry and Ron! It was touching and humorous at the same time. So very Harry and Ron with their boy-like sensibilities. Looking forward to see how or if you're going to push Ron and Hermione together. And 25 chapters is fine by me! Your work is always so interesting and well written, but most of all, good fun! So glad I can look forward to your updates once again. Fantastic to have you back (one more exclamation mark otta do it) !
~Jen |
Sunday 26th February 2006 06:08 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Aww, thanks! I'm so glad you're enjoying it. Yeah, I think giving up Ginny was very hard for Harry to do, but in his heart, he does believe he's doing the right thing - and I think Ginny understand that. They'll be more coming up. Ginny's not in the next chapter,but she'll be there soon. As for Ron and Hermione - well, to keep them in character they have to stumble around each other for a bit. |
J62442 Saturday 25th February 2006 21:19 | The Seventh Horcrux |
YES! You're back. I haven't even finished reading yet, but I had to comment. I thought the same thing too!!!! I remembered some interview with JK and she said that some people's magical abilities appeared later in life....and when I read the scene with Dumbledore and the Dursley's and his comment about treating Dudley poorly I instantly thought he had to be a wizard. I figured Petunia made a deal with Dumbledore to keep it quiet from her husband, but I like your idea better! OK, I have to go read the rest! Great to see you posting again!....p.s. loving Harry's heartache over leaving Ginny.....that's what you get Harry! |
aschowin Saturday 25th February 2006 19:40 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Dudley huh? I never would have guessed it. Great start. I really like Ron's interaction with Harry towards the end, and that Harry has matured in the way he thinks and acts. You've done a wonderful job as usual. I'm looking forward to your next chapter. |
Sunday 26th February 2006 06:06 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Thanks! I hope you'll continue to enjoy it. I love writing the interaction between Harry and Ron. I really enjoy thier friendship. |
mary-v Saturday 25th February 2006 18:41 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Ohhh I'm reeeeeally excited for this new fic from you!!! I absolutely love all your work, and I'm already lovin' this one! That was an amazing twist of the plot. I admit I was a bit iffy about dudley having powers at first, but after reading the how it came about I gotta say ! And I really don't see Ginny staying placated for too long. I can just imagine her marching up number 4 and just wacking Harry over the head the moment he answers the door .
And oh Merlin I bloody well hate the Dursleys.
"'You better not do anything to hurt my Dudley. That would be just like you, wouldn’t it? I don’t know why I’m trusting the likes of you with this. You’ve always been jealous of Dudley, because you could never be like him.'" GAH!!*shoots aunt petunia* Don't flatter yourself lady. It's exactly what she would say, however. Gah.
Anywyas, I really hope the Dursleys get their just rewards. :rant:
~Maria~ |
Saturday 25th February 2006 19:19 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Hee, hi Maria! But I offed the Dursleys the last time! I do like to play with them, even though I despise them, lol.
Ginny will be in this story, but one of the reasons I decided to write it is because I don't like the way she's been characterized in so many fics lately. I really do think she and Harry understand each other, so I hope you'll still enjoy. |
Sherylyn Saturday 25th February 2006 17:16 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Wow, Melinda, what a FANTASTIC start to another wonderful story (I can tell already )!! Reading through this was like a "coming home" -- almost like beginning JKR's next book. It's so very *Harry*, so very connected to him, to know how he thinks and feels and acts. It just feels *real* again!
I loved it all, but esp. the last bit with Harry and Ron talking about Harry and Ginny -- I love Ron, and that is so HIM in his reactions, too! You just nail the characterizations over and over again!!
Brilliant, amazing, wonderful beginning -- and I'm sure I'll need a whole new thesaurus before you're finished with this
Saturday 25th February 2006 19:15 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Aww, thank you!!! The characterizations are the most important part to me, so I'm glad you approve! You've all made my night; I'm walking on air, lol. I hope you continue to enjoy. |
EJH0904 Saturday 25th February 2006 17:13 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Wow Melindaleo, it's so awesome to see you back! I can't wait to see where you take year seven post-HBP, and I'm so glad that you decided to do this. Can't wait for the next installment!
Saturday 25th February 2006 19:14 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Thanks! I've had butterflies waiting for this to appear, but now that it's hear, I'm pretty psyched, too. I hope you continue to enjoy it. |
Spark Soliton Saturday 25th February 2006 16:51 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Woohooo - Melindaleo is back in style!!! *checks calender* No it isn't Christmas, although I could have sworn that it was with a prezzie like this!!! *does wild dance of joy*
The formatting seemed a bit "odd" but the story is great, the twist with "Duddy the Wizard" was totally unexpected but showed an ingenious interpretation of the words in HBP - I can only humbly bow to the mistress of the creativity and story-telling!
As everything you write, the storetelling is impeccable with your regular flair and style of dialogue and plot - it's enough to send me scurrying back to my cupbord and bang my head against the wall in frustration over the own fallibles as a writer as you yet again raise the standard of writing...
How on earth you manage to write as much as you do and being as creative as you are amazes me - taking care of three kids, a dog, a hubby and a house would be more than enough for any normal person - to be a fab writer on top of that just beats me! Thanks for being it though - now I have something to look forward to every weekend (I hope) an you'll probably have me biting my nails in frustration ove rthe wait for each chapter as your writing is like a drug-habit - instantly addictive (but none of the negative aspects)! Thank you, thank you, thank you for once again bringing joy to fanfic world with your wonderful writing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Saturday 25th February 2006 19:13 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Aww, Spark - you're always so inspirational. Thanks! I think I've said before - the writing is my escape. It keeps my sanity somewhat intact to take all my frustration out on poor Harry, lol. I hope you continue to enjoy. |
parakletos Saturday 25th February 2006 15:29 | The Seventh Horcrux |
You know, I was looking through some old emails this morning and came across one from you. I nearly emailed you to ask what you were up to! Now I know
Good start and I look forward to more. |
Saturday 25th February 2006 19:09 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Hee, now you know! Yep, I've been going full barrell with this one, so I hope it will be a worthy read. Good to hear from you! |
EvieMarie Saturday 25th February 2006 15:20 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Oh yes! This story is absolutely brilliant. I want to read more and more and more....
Saturday 25th February 2006 19:08 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Aww, brilliant after only one? I hope I can live up to expectations, but I'm glad you enjoyed the start. |
C_lala Saturday 25th February 2006 15:18 | The Seventh Horcrux |
Yay, a new melindaleo-fic!!! This is great, I can't wait to read more..
I really like your "guess" (I can't find the right word ) on the hints jk has given to dudley being treated worse than Harry by the Dursleys.... It would be so cool if Dudley turned out to be a wizard. And I can't believe I never wondered why Dudley had a hand covering his mouth during the dementor-attack. It does seem like it could be a possibility, that he really is a wizard...
I also really like the Harry-Ron conversation about Ginny in the end. I was smiling at the “Don’t think I won’t.” comment from Ron. That was so sweet, and protective olderbrother-ish... absolutely fabulous!!! |
Saturday 25th February 2006 19:08 | The Seventh Horcrux (Author Response) |
Hello! My first reviewer, yay! I'm thrilled to be doing this again! I don't know if canon will support this, but I certainly think there was enough there to make it plausible. I'm so glad you enjoyed and the first response was positive. Thanks! You made my day. |