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Reviews For The New Sacrifice by Mr. Intel

Friday 22nd August 2008 13:17
The New Sacrifice
Aaaawww! Cute! But that was a weird way for him to propose.

Saturday 10th November 2007 17:47
The New Sacrifice
this was a very sweet story
Wednesday 31st October 2007 20:56
The New Sacrifice
wow! that was insane!!! Of course everything is related to love! lol

Sunday 24th June 2007 16:24
The New Sacrifice
perfect. I almost stoped reading when harry died but I'm glad that I continued I would like to think harry's love for ginny is stronger than death.
The Boss
Monday 28th May 2007 05:00
The New Sacrifice
Hey, I love the use of the snake as the final Horcruxe
Excellent short story! 10/10

The Boss
Tuesday 11th April 2006 22:47
The New Sacrifice
I enjoyed your story here. The Girl Who Lived is priceless. And leave it to Ginny to go searching through Harry's trousers. Good thing she found a ring, instead of something else entirely.

Anyway, thanks for sharing the story.
Connor Landon
Tuesday 11th April 2006 18:45
The New Sacrifice
Tuesday 11th April 2006 01:03
The New Sacrifice
It really was a "pleasant diversion". You did a great job writing this, I don't think I've read any other story that describes the final battle quite like you have. Excellent story, I really enjoyed reading this.
Monday 10th April 2006 14:18
The New Sacrifice
Very cute story! Thanks for writing!
Sunday 9th April 2006 20:21
The New Sacrifice
So completely and totally awesome! Well written and a brilliantly happy ending to boot! Bravo!
Sunday 9th April 2006 16:07
The New Sacrifice
A very pleasant diversion, indeed! Brilliant story.
Sunday 9th April 2006 15:15
The New Sacrifice
Sunday 9th April 2006 14:42
The New Sacrifice
Only four unfinished stories ? *laughs*

I'm glad you found time to be distracted.
Sunday 9th April 2006 14:16
The New Sacrifice
Cute story, very well written and touching. S.
Sunday 9th April 2006 13:09
The New Sacrifice
you had me laughing AND crying!! aww...! and may i say, impressive on the actual dying and coming back to life! and hilarity over the 'girl who lived'- nice!