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Reviews For No Devil or Redeemer by Mullvaney

Monday 24th March 2008 07:58
No Devil or Redeemer
I decided to read this based on how much I like your short story - and the fact that you have updated recently. I was not sure it would capture my attention based on the main characters, but so far I am quite interested.
Connor Landon
Thursday 5th April 2007 11:55
No Devil or Redeemer
Ooh, very intriguing so far! I love the wealth of the history you have painted. Amazing. I've never read anything of the like before. Maybe I should read historical fictions more often...Nah, I'll just stick with yours. I'm going to read the rest, obviously, but I just wanted to get in my review, as I will probably be too engrossed to bother to leave one. I will on the last chapter, though, I promise! Wonderful story.
Saturday 3rd June 2006 23:34
No Devil or Redeemer
Ooh, this is quite intriguing. Beautiful descriptions and you've evoked the era brilliantly. I'm quite keen to see what happens from here and how all these various wizarding families will interact. I love all the family cameos and the gossip and most of all Lucrezia's opinions on the whole thing. I'm feeling a bit uneasy though, because I'm not sure if I should like these people or not - given what we know of their families in the generations to come.
Wednesday 7th June 2006 05:08No Devil or Redeemer (Author Response)
Thianks! You may *not* like some of them by the end of the story; evil people don't consider themselves evil, and I don't think the character of the old Wizarding families has changed much since the time of this story