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Reviews For Once Upon a Yesteryear by Ishi

Monday 14th January 2008 05:15
Once Upon a Yesteryear
Ginny's so adorable as a toddler, great job!
Tuesday 30th October 2007 14:47
Once Upon a Yesteryear
Absolutely adorable. I liked the "Freckled nose scrunching up..." Very nice picture of Ginny as a baby Great job!
Tuesday 9th October 2007 07:49
Once Upon a Yesteryear
nice. I love how you got the actual day of the week too
Wednesday 6th December 2006 09:06
Once Upon a Yesteryear
Beautiful, just beautiful...short and telling and foretelling. Great.
Thursday 13th July 2006 05:04
Once Upon a Yesteryear
Isn't Ginny cute.
Thursday 13th July 2006 00:16
Once Upon a Yesteryear