Dad Friday 19th March 2010 12:53 | Ghostly Past |
A bit sad, but a little gem.
Delfino Monday 19th November 2007 15:17 | Ghostly Past |
I'm crying!! This was so sad, but wonderfully done. Great job! |
Monday 19th November 2007 22:28 | Ghostly Past (Author Response) |
Thanks |
gymnastgal19 Monday 12th November 2007 21:22 | Ghostly Past |
awww!!! I like this!!! I guess ginny hung around because she didnt know harry's feelings for her...
It has never been known whether Ginny did wait for Harry, but, on his deathbed at age one-hundred-and-eighty-seven, Harry told those around him that he could see Ron, Hermione and Ginny waiting for him. He died with a smile on his face.
I love this ending!!! so awesome!!!
Monday 19th November 2007 22:32 | Ghostly Past (Author Response) |
Thank you very much! |
No Idea Why I Smile Tuesday 13th February 2007 17:06 | Ghostly Past |
i cant swallow thanks to the lump in my throat...that was sad...good but was the other i read...but you have a slight morbid streak, no? |
lacyrachil Monday 11th December 2006 13:56 | Ghostly Past |
That is both sad and cheeful at the same time. Thanks for writing. |
Monday 11th December 2006 21:11 | Ghostly Past (Author Response) |
Thank you very much for reading. |
Rocky235 Monday 20th November 2006 09:03 | Ghostly Past |
Pretty dang good.
Made me blow my nose. That isn't how I always measure the greatness of a story though.
Thank you for sharing. |
Monday 20th November 2006 22:13 | Ghostly Past (Author Response) |
Thank you very much for reading! This story has really lost its touch to me, but that's no reason for others not to read it! |
Astrid Friday 22nd September 2006 23:32 | Ghostly Past |
Beautiful and bittersweet. |
Saturday 23rd September 2006 01:16 | Ghostly Past (Author Response) |
Thank you Astrid. I didn't think anyone was still reading this! But thank you for reviewing! *hug* |
Uzamaki-girl Sunday 3rd September 2006 14:49 | Ghostly Past |
That was sad but good.^^ |
Tuesday 5th September 2006 22:06 | Ghostly Past (Author Response) |
Thank you ever so much for the review. Now that the competition's over, I don't get any Your review is:
Highly Appreciated! |
GryffindorDragon Tuesday 25th July 2006 07:27 | Ghostly Past |
Very nice. Too sad for Harry to lose Ginny . Very nice touch with Ginny as a ghost till Harry tells her he loves her. She was trapped by her "unrequited" love. That part is very sweet. But Harry should be happy, not stuck living for 170 years without the love of his life.
Saturday 29th July 2006 03:24 | Ghostly Past (Author Response) |
*holds up her index finger wisely*
Ah, but who said Ginny was the love of his life? He could have been married, had kids. She was one of his best friends. Surely that is enough to have him see her while he's on the edge of the Death Realms?
lol. Thanks for reviewing. Sorry if I'm bagging you out. |
DailyProphetReporting Monday 24th July 2006 04:33 | Ghostly Past |
That's quite a cleaver twist. I thought this was going to be one of those dime-a-dozen, sappy reunion fics until Hermione realized Ginny was a ghost. OK, so it did end a bit sappily, but you gave us a very poignant moment recognizes his confesses his love and sets things right, and that definitely makes the ending work nicely.
I thought you did a very nice job with the characters. They're all believable, and I found Ginny's confusion and shock particularly fitting of the situation. The story telling did feel a bit rushed, but considering you wrote this in just 1,300 words, you did an excellent job getting a message across.
Nice work,
-KC |
Saturday 29th July 2006 03:21 | Ghostly Past (Author Response) |
Thanks, DPR. It's always good to see someone I know review my story/s.
Dime-a-dozen? Something to do with me? Pssht. As if anything to do with me would be dime-a-dozen!
Sappy ending? I agree! I must have been in a weird mood or something when I wrote that!
As I think I said earlier, I have to write the whole thing in a sitting, or the Plot Bunny scarpers. Then, I really don't like looking back over it, because I bag myself out so much.
Message? What message? Oh, that message. Thanks. |
daniel_r_crazy22 Sunday 23rd July 2006 20:31 | Ghostly Past |
That was really good. And I love how you ended it. And it was sad how Ginny didn't know she was dead and Harry was the one she died on. |
Saturday 29th July 2006 03:16 | Ghostly Past (Author Response) |
I tried the "gut punch" effect, but it didn't seem to work for me. I'll go back to writing other sentence stories, and you can boost my ego on those ones.
In all seriousness, thanks for reviewing! |
WhiteWitch Friday 14th July 2006 15:24 | Ghostly Past |
So he didn't marry and have little Harrys? Aw, htat sux |
Saturday 29th July 2006 03:14 | Ghostly Past (Author Response) |
I just love to torture Harry. It's one of my favourite past times. No "Little Harrys" seemed a good way to do it.
Thanks for your review! |
paladin Friday 14th July 2006 10:13 | Ghostly Past |
Tremendous storyline!
If I’m right, you went for that 'gut punch' feeling that you get from truly emotional moments, and you delivered. The emotion that all those concerned would be feeling at that moment would be incredible at that point and I hope that other readers can try and empathize with this fic to give it a true review. Just the thought of having the person you dearly love die, without getting to express your true feelings… and then re-appear so you can, would be one of those, second-chance, body tingling times in one’s life that don’t come too often.
I’m sure you were constrained with time because the scene on the staircase between you could have built up with more content and had people crying. Please, don’t take that as a knock down; just as some food for thought.
The ending of Harry smiling while departing was a nice touch. That's the way I know I want all of my loved ones to leave this world.
~Great job! |
Saturday 29th July 2006 03:12 | Ghostly Past (Author Response) |
Yeah, I did go for that feeling, but I'm really bad at things like Romance. Angsty stuff is my skill.
Not so much "constrained for time," as you put it, but I have to write in one sitting, or the Plot Bunny scarpers.
A sitting is roughly 20 minutes, lest I find another idea to develop, or a scene to draw. I can't really pick stories back up after I finish them.
I appreciate all your knock downs/food for thought; they'll help me fix up my other stories I hope to post!
I thought the ending shouldn't really be there, that I simply put it there because I felt like it. I, personally, think it would be better gone, but majority seems to rule in favour of it staying.
Thank You Very Much! |
Evelyn Friday 14th July 2006 08:41 | Ghostly Past |
Glad to see this story up! I'm feeling really sorry for Ginny right now... And Harry.
Hopefully that doesn't happen in canon. |
Saturday 29th July 2006 03:06 | Ghostly Past (Author Response) |
Glad to see you had a peek, Evelyn! :lub: |
MysterySilkRules_lol Friday 14th July 2006 06:52 | Ghostly Past |
Nice Story. |
Saturday 29th July 2006 03:05 | Ghostly Past (Author Response) |
Thanks, MysterySilk! |
Novera Thursday 13th July 2006 19:31 | Ghostly Past |
Saturday 29th July 2006 03:04 | Ghostly Past (Author Response) |
lol. Thanks for reviewing! |
thisgrlrox Thursday 13th July 2006 17:46 | Ghostly Past |
I can't see what I'm typing through my tears. This story holds all my worst fears about how things will end up. Ginny is my favorite character and if she dies I'll weep for days. It was nicely written though so I can appreciate that. |
Saturday 29th July 2006 03:01 | Ghostly Past (Author Response) |
I'm glad to see that someone read it. Thank you for reviewing too.
I must say, I agree. If Ginny dies, I'll cry.