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Reviews For Heart of Gold by Wings

Wizard Student
Thursday 15th October 2009 17:58
Heart of Gold
I've read some of it and it is really good! I've never been a HUGE HP fan but I just might be...

I had a little laugh when I read this Regulus shrugged, "Told you. Overly eager. Self-conscious. And you wonder why I don't trust our government."
Thursday 15th October 2009 21:55Heart of Gold (Author Response)
I'm glad that you are liking it so far, and that I may have converted you to HP! And yes, I can see how that would be amusing... can't wait to hear what else you think!
Monday 11th June 2007 12:49
Heart of Gold
That was very well done. How the "Dark Lord" initiates his followers. Of course he has no affection or compassion for his followers. They are just tools to do his bidding. He is a nasty piece of work. I am sorry Regulus got sucked into this mess. p
Friday 6th July 2007 07:16Heart of Gold (Author Response)
Thank you! I'd love to hear what you think about the rest of the story as well. I kind of envision Voldemort as a mob boss. Yes, Regulus isn't thinking clearly, but a lot of the time people don't when they get involved in things that are bad for them.
Saturday 26th May 2007 10:59
Heart of Gold
Wow. Great start!
I don't think I'll be surprised to read of Liam's family's deaths, and R will either be part of that or be ordered to kill Liam, I suppose. Voldie is so predictable.
Saturday 22nd July 2006 04:56
Heart of Gold
Interesting... Very different perspective.

"What beautiful names," Mrs. Black noted softly. Regulus felt a chill run up his spine. - What was that about? I wonder... Somehow I feel that something terrible is going to happen to them later.

Well, I suppose it'll all end in a big blood bath...
Saturday 22nd July 2006 15:11Heart of Gold (Author Response)
Well, Mrs. Black always creeped me out in the books, so I figured that I'd write her really...creepy...glad you agree!
Wednesday 19th July 2006 01:43
Heart of Gold
Wow. This is really interesting. I can't wait to see where this is going! Bellatrix's dialogue at the very end is very true. I like it.
