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Reviews For Out of Body by Antosha

Thursday 18th March 2010 10:00
Out of Body
I just love Luna haha. She's such an oddball, yet get inside her head and everything she's saying makes perfect sense! lol Nice job!
Monday 12th May 2008 13:11
Out of Body
Very cool. I liked it very much. Thanks.
Monday 25th February 2008 15:53
Out of Body
Luna has the unique ability to understand things others don't. The is a special moment. Thank you for writing this story. I look forward to more of your stories. p
Friday 28th December 2007 18:19
Out of Body
Really great. I thought I had read all of your stories, but this is new. I really enjoyed it.
Sunday 30th December 2007 07:00Out of Body (Author Response)
Really great. I thought I had read all of your stories, but this is new. I really enjoyed it.

Thanks so much!
Wednesday 17th January 2007 23:27
Out of Body
I haven't thought about The Glass Menagerie in years. "Blow out your candles, Laura! And so goodbye."

Saturday 20th January 2007 08:42Out of Body (Author Response)
I haven't thought about The Glass Menagerie in years. "Blow out your candles, Laura! And so goodbye."


I've always thought that Laura and Luna had a lot in common.... though there's nothing fragile about Luna. ;-)
Thursday 7th September 2006 14:02
Out of Body
How perfectly Luna!
Sunday 3rd September 2006 00:50
Out of Body
Yes, it is wonderful!
And if she was simply a projection of Luna’s unconscious, it seemed rude to interrupt herself.

LOL! Great little story! I enjoyed meeting Lily, and Luna makes any encounter entertaining.
Sunday 3rd September 2006 18:38Out of Body (Author Response)
Yes, it is wonderful!
And if she was simply a projection of Luna’s unconscious, it seemed rude to interrupt herself.

LOL! Great little story! I enjoyed meeting Lily, and Luna makes any encounter entertaining.

Thanks so much! (That was one of those Luna-thoughts that came to me out of the ether as I was writing--definitely Luna talking to me!)
Saturday 2nd September 2006 14:30
Out of Body
That was very cool.
Sunday 3rd September 2006 18:38Out of Body (Author Response)
That was very cool.

Saturday 2nd September 2006 11:33
Out of Body
Oh wow that was great!! I really loved this!
Sunday 3rd September 2006 18:44Out of Body (Author Response)
Oh wow that was great!! I really loved this!

St Margarets
Friday 1st September 2006 19:51
Out of Body
What a lovely plot bunny! Yes, Luna would have to think long and hard about whether to return to this life or the next. Lily was the perfect character for her to discuss this with for all the reasons stated. (And for the nice rebuttal of Ginny looks like Lily thing and the catty sort who like to analyze Harry's motiviation) Love the blue roses mispronunciation - a nod to Glass Menagerie?

I was relieved that Luna made the choice she did - even though it was going to hurt. Yes - it's always better to finish the story . . .
Sunday 3rd September 2006 18:52Out of Body (Author Response)
What a lovely plot bunny! Yes, Luna would have to think long and hard about whether to return to this life or the next. Lily was the perfect character for her to discuss this with for all the reasons stated. (And for the nice rebuttal of Ginny looks like Lily thing and the catty sort who like to analyze Harry's motiviation) Love the blue roses mispronunciation - a nod to Glass Menagerie?

I was relieved that Luna made the choice she did - even though it was going to hurt. Yes - it's always better to finish the story . . .

Yup! I've always felt that Luna is Laura... with a much stronger sense of self. And a wand. ;-)

And yeah, when I wrote this, I'd just seen another outburst of the Ginny-is-a-slut-so-she-must-have-fed-him-Amortencia-AND-have-appealed-to-his-screwed-up-Oedipal-fantasies argument, and was feeling snarky. ;-)

Luna, with her quasi-Buddhist world-view, would definitely see the opportunities presented by each of the choices here--which I thought a good thing. I mean, I can see Harry [i]considering[/i] the chioces, but I can't imagine him for a moment leaving behind any unfinished business. Like, say... Ginny.

Friday 1st September 2006 19:18
Out of Body
This was Luna at her absolute best. Gotta love that character. Extremely well written.
Sunday 3rd September 2006 18:53Out of Body (Author Response)
This was Luna at her absolute best. Gotta love that character. Extremely well written.

Thanks so much! I DO love Luna--not much of a surprise, I suppose.
Friday 1st September 2006 17:58
Out of Body
I really really loved this. I don't usually like reading stories about characters other than Harry or Ginny (biased me) but I adore Luna so much, I just had to. You did a fantastic job. I liked how you wrote Lily - she had a very... human quality about her, made her seem more real than I'd expected. Thank you for such a great little fic! Keep it up!
Sunday 3rd September 2006 18:56Out of Body (Author Response)
I really really loved this. I don't usually like reading stories about characters other than Harry or Ginny (biased me) but I adore Luna so much, I just had to. You did a fantastic job. I liked how you wrote Lily - she had a very... human quality about her, made her seem more real than I'd expected. Thank you for such a great little fic! Keep it up!

Thanks for branching out! Luna really is wonderful--I'm hoping that we get to see all of her sides in book seven: the whimsical, the pathetic and the insightful. Not to mention the fierce.

And I love Lily. I've only written her a couple of times, but each time is a real eye-opener for me. She has to walk this amazingly fine line between being as forthright (and human) as Ginny and as heady as Hermione. It's an interesting mix.

I'm glad you enjoyed!
Mr Tibbles
Friday 1st September 2006 15:11
Out of Body
Yes, this is wonderful! Three cheers to Luna, and to you, Antosha, for this really delightful chameo. Right from the beginning: You shall not pass! and Luna's pleasure in finally uttering that phrase to her patting Lily's arm. Thank you!
Sunday 3rd September 2006 18:58Out of Body (Author Response)
Yes, this is wonderful! Three cheers to Luna, and to you, Antosha, for this really delightful chameo. Right from the beginning: You shall not pass! and Luna's pleasure in finally uttering that phrase to her patting Lily's arm. Thank you!

:blushes and bows:

Glad this pleased!

Luna is one of my favorite characters, and I've loved Gandalf's challenge to the Balrog since I read it... way too many years ago! XD
Friday 1st September 2006 08:31
Out of Body
Sunday 3rd September 2006 18:58Out of Body (Author Response)

Friday 1st September 2006 08:05
Out of Body
That was great! Made me feel warm inside , even though it was quite a somber subject.
The only problem i had with this story, is that Luna seemed IMHO out of character, however once she had 'died' she was perfect. I also thought, having Lily as an almost 'Grim Reaper' like character, asking Luna what her next step was going to be was brilliant.
I just want to know if Harry wins now lol

Sunday 3rd September 2006 19:04Out of Body (Author Response)
That was great! Made me feel warm inside , even though it was quite a somber subject.
The only problem i had with this story, is that Luna seemed IMHO out of character, however once she had 'died' she was perfect. I also thought, having Lily as an almost 'Grim Reaper' like character, asking Luna what her next step was going to be was brilliant.
I just want to know if Harry wins now lol


Thanks, Hannah!

And what do you think: does Harry win?

If I ever have to face a Reaper, I'd like it to be someone like Lily, wouldn't you?

As for Luna at the top... I always thought one of the most interesting and revealing scenes in which she appears in canon is the Dept. of Mysteries battle. Other than Harry, she's the only one who manages to get through without being severely injured, and from the moment the DEs spring the trap on, there's nothing airy or diffuse about her--she saves both Ron and Ginny and seems to behave with a clarity of focus most unlike her everyday demeanor. And so that was the side that I wanted to explore at the beginning.

Of course, the minute the question is decided (apparently) and the Troll crushed (and Luna kinda-dead), she shifts right back into more typical behavior. For her, anyway.
Friday 1st September 2006 07:18
Out of Body
some Muggle with a very lovely name
- Freud!

Brilliant. - Delightful story and very much in character.
Sunday 3rd September 2006 19:06Out of Body (Author Response)
some Muggle with a very lovely name
- Freud!

Brilliant. - Delightful story and very much in character.

I'm so glad you enjoyed this! (And glad you glad you appreciated my playing around with the good doctor's name so shamelessly!)
Friday 1st September 2006 05:24
Out of Body
I never knew Luna liked the Lord of the Rings...

Interesting perspective. I'd never have thought I'd ever read a story of those two meeting each other, but it was very well done. Really loony.

Oh, and I'm glad that Lily didn't look like Ginny.
Sunday 3rd September 2006 19:10Out of Body (Author Response)
I never knew Luna liked the Lord of the Rings...

Interesting perspective. I'd never have thought I'd ever read a story of those two meeting each other, but it was very well done. Really loony.

Oh, and I'm glad that Lily didn't look like Ginny.

Me too. I've actually thought about the Freudian!H/G thing a lot, and then I reread OotP and realized that the description of Lily is quite, quite un-Ginny-like. As someone married to a strawberry blonde with two auburn-haired children, I know all too well that sometimes red≠red.

I can't think of another story with Luna and Lily... but they do work well together, don't you think?

(And I had this idea that Mr. Lovegood would have brought back a whole bunch of Muggle fantasy novels as research for an article on the Muggle infiltration of the Wizarding World. At least, that was my justification. )