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Reviews For Rebuilding Tomorrow by kjcp

Felix Felicis
Sunday 22nd October 2006 18:10
Rebuilding Tomorrow
Oh, wow. What a cliff hanger! The emotion in this story was so very powerful. You did an excellent job building up to the last bit. The idea of Hermione being the strong one for Ron now is great. I only hope they'll see the love in each other before too long. Poor Weasleys!
Friday 20th October 2006 15:21
Rebuilding Tomorrow
Oh, I've been enjoying this story over at Checkmated, but I have to admit - I've read it while holding my breath. I know you have a fondness for writing some other pairings, but seeing it here thrills me because I know my favorites and will be okay. Hee! You've made me very happy.
Thursday 16th November 2006 07:48Rebuilding Tomorrow (Author Response)
Haha, yeah I do write a lot of pairings, but this one definitely stays with H/G and R/Hr so don't worry!!
Friday 20th October 2006 14:30
Rebuilding Tomorrow
That was pretty sad. I don't want to see all those familiar facs dead! But I guess that in war, you can't pick and choose who has died.
Mira Miracle
Friday 20th October 2006 08:06
Rebuilding Tomorrow
What a sad way to begin a story! Many are dead and all the others, it seems, are hurt.
But, despite - or because of - this depressing start, I like your story very much so far. You draw a realistic picture of everyone's feelings and I love how you get into Ron's head and show us his emotions.
While it's sad that many characters who I love have died, I think it's only "normal": Chances are not very high that everyone will survive the war. And there's nothing I despise more than fics in which everyone's just fine a few days after the Final Battle.
I'm thrilled how you'll let Ron, Hermione, Ginny and the rest of the Weasleys develop. Keep up the good writing!
Friday 20th October 2006 11:23Rebuilding Tomorrow (Author Response)
I, too, think it's normal for a lot of people to die, but the story isn't all sad! It focuses on the aftermath of the war and the strength of the characters to get through it. I'm glad you like the start and hopefully you'll like the rest of the story. I have several chapters already written