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Reviews For Time's Winged Chariot by girlyswot

Friday 28th December 2007 09:19
Time's Winged Chariot
They all seem so much more older and more mature than 17. It's bittersweet to read some parts of this story, especially where they talk about the future, knowing what is going to happen. Still a great read though!
Wednesday 17th January 2007 10:54
Time's Winged Chariot
Marjorie? Sounds too much like Aunt Marge
Nice making up between James and Lily.
I'm looking forward to seeing how auror results come out.
Wednesday 17th January 2007 15:17Time's Winged Chariot (Author Response)
Aunt Marge hadn't even crossed my mind! Oh well, coincidences happen in real life much more than in fiction. You may have to wait for my (as yet unwritten) third part in this James/Lily series for auror results, but I hope you enjoy the rest of this little fic.
Tuesday 16th January 2007 15:03
Time's Winged Chariot
Wonderful! This story is such a treasure, and I always enjoy every moment of it. I especially liked the quarrel you threw in...

James shrugged and said if that’s what she thought he didn’t know how she’d ever managed to pass a single exam in her life since it was apparent to everyone else in the entire school that he worshipped the ground she walked on. Lily said that was exactly what she meant and stormed out. Fantastic.
Tuesday 16th January 2007 16:30Time's Winged Chariot (Author Response)
I couldn't really bring myself to actually write the quarrel, so you just got the memory of it. But I'm glad you enjoyed it anyway.
Sunday 14th January 2007 08:04
Time's Winged Chariot
Interesting to note that James was the first of the Marauders to reach adulthood. As much fun as goofing around with his friends is--he'd rather spend time with Lily.
Sunday 14th January 2007 10:32Time's Winged Chariot (Author Response)
Yes, don't you think he must have been to settle down and start a family so soon? But he still wants to be a Marauder too...