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Reviews For Death of a Hero by Ari

Sunday 20th September 2009 07:54
Death of a Hero
I just picked this story at random. I thought it was a bit depressing.
Sunday 25th January 2009 16:29
Death of a Hero
pleas write more! all of your story's are really tuching and they make me cry, good work . write more!
Tuesday 27th January 2009 02:20Death of a Hero (Author Response)
Thank you, Thorn, I'm glad you like it.

I've stopped writing H/G fanfic now, so I no longer post stories here. however, if you want to read some more, not nessecarily of H/G leanings and including my Sentence Story sets, go to and click on the link to the Harry Potter fanfic.

As always, thanks for R&Ring!

Sunday 25th January 2009 02:52
Death of a Hero
snif i cant stop crying this is really tuching.
Wednesday 5th December 2007 09:57
Death of a Hero
Great story I really liked it. Specially the ghost of harry.
Wednesday 5th December 2007 21:55Death of a Hero (Author Response)
Thanks Pyro. Glad you liked him.
Wednesday 28th March 2007 17:15
Death of a Hero
Wednesday 28th March 2007 20:41Death of a Hero (Author Response)
Thanks very much for reviewing, Astrid
No Idea Why I Smile
Tuesday 13th February 2007 16:58
Death of a Hero
that was so sad...i seriously cried..good but sad...
Friday 16th February 2007 20:18Death of a Hero (Author Response)
I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Tuesday 13th February 2007 15:10
Death of a Hero
Ahh, that was good. Nice action, and nice memorys. Very good, I wait for the next one with baited breath.
Friday 16th February 2007 20:17Death of a Hero (Author Response)
*sweeps off her hat and bows*

Thankee HWNN. I am too.
Monday 12th February 2007 21:38
Death of a Hero
You certainly have no scruples in killing off characters. This made me sad, though. Especially about Fred and George. They're my favorite Weasleys. Dang it! You give these little teasers...I don't suppose there's any more?

Great job!
Friday 16th February 2007 20:04Death of a Hero (Author Response)
I hadn't really thought of making another chapter, Kamalia. And I do love those 'little teasers' -- They're fun to write, but I don't do it intentionally. I don't even think of doing them.

Nope. No scruples against killing characters. It's a favourite thing to do, and it happens when the piece of fiction you spend all your time writing is about an immortal - lots of death.

Thank you very, very much for your review. I appreciate it!