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Reviews For A Beginning by Raira

Sunday 30th March 2008 19:56
A Beginning
aww ww !!!! That was awesome!!!
really cute way for james and lily to get together
I love it
Saturday 17th November 2007 16:02
A Beginning
aww ww ww!!!! that was so cute!!!! I love it!!!
Tuesday 18th September 2007 16:09
A Beginning
a beautifully put together story.
Thursday 15th February 2007 12:40
A Beginning
That was really sweet!
Thursday 15th February 2007 15:30A Beginning (Author Response)
Thank you. I had a lot of fun writing it!
Monday 12th February 2007 05:15
A Beginning
Thursday 15th February 2007 15:31A Beginning (Author Response)
Thank you.
Saturday 10th February 2007 13:44
A Beginning
Oi! *swoons* Merlin I love a good J/L fic, it just warms my wee little heart. Such a wonderful story!!!
Thursday 15th February 2007 15:32A Beginning (Author Response)
I love J/L too. I think there's a little more room for creativity since there's so little in the books. I especially had fun making James feel awkward and embarrassed, because usually he seems so suave and on top of things.
Thursday 8th February 2007 21:44
A Beginning
Nice and fluffy. Quite enjoyable.
Thursday 15th February 2007 15:33A Beginning (Author Response)
I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Thursday 8th February 2007 17:32
A Beginning
that was wonderful!really
the worst turned out to be the best...................u know what?i loved it!
Thursday 15th February 2007 15:34A Beginning (Author Response)

There's nothing like a little torture to make love really worth it.
Thursday 8th February 2007 12:41
A Beginning
So sweet. I loved James watching out for Lily. You did a wonderful job!
Thursday 15th February 2007 15:34A Beginning (Author Response)
Thank you!

Yeah, poor James. His heart was in the right place, he just couldn't get it together.
aurora luminis
Thursday 8th February 2007 12:27
A Beginning
Really, this is one of the three I see as being at the top when it is all in and counted. You told a good, good story, with wonderful detail of mood and character development. The ending was so nice...although I would have just stopped with ...Lily." That said it all. Thank you so much for the enjoyable time I had with this one.
Thursday 15th February 2007 15:36A Beginning (Author Response)
You're right, that could have been a good ending point. However, I'd peppered the story with so many commentaries on how awful the day was, I wanted to continue the theme. Thank you for your thoughts, and for your wonderful compliment!
Thursday 8th February 2007 08:35
A Beginning
So it that how Peter starts going bad, thinking James was stealing his girl?
Very nice how you turn tragedy into triumph
Thursday 15th February 2007 15:39A Beginning (Author Response)
Poor Peter, he had so little luck with girls, and James had no problem with them at all. The one time that he found someone who he thought really liked him, they ran off with one of his best friends. I think that bitterness was a poison to their friendship that ultimately resulted in the betrayal.

JKR knows better than me though.
Grandma Kate
Thursday 8th February 2007 08:34
A Beginning
I liked the ending best.
“That was wonderful. Happy Valentine’s Day, Evans.”

“James?” she whispered.

“Yes, Evans?”

“Call me Lily.”

It was the best Valentine’s Day James had ever had.
Thursday 15th February 2007 15:40A Beginning (Author Response)
I'm really glad you enjoyed it.
Thursday 8th February 2007 04:11
A Beginning
So this is what happened to make Lily change her mind about James. Sweet. And I sense the beginning of Peter's betrayal lying in the Elizabeth incident. Well done!

Thursday 15th February 2007 15:40A Beginning (Author Response)
You're right, that's exactly what I intended. Thank you.
Wednesday 7th February 2007 14:45
A Beginning
Aww! So sweet.

Kinda feel bad for Peter.
Thursday 15th February 2007 15:41A Beginning (Author Response)
Yes, poor Peter. Whatever his flaws, it must have been very hard to be constantly reminded of his inadequacies, surrounded by such brilliant wizards