Praeceps09 Saturday 8th August 2009 21:03 | Echoes of Power | love the mirror idea | noylj Sunday 1st July 2007 00:58 | Echoes of Power | You know, it would be a lot easier on all if Snape had an "accident." The man is lower than pond scum, and that is on his best day. I do not know how he has survived with the way he treats everyone. How does DoubleDumb keep the parents from marching up to the school governors with torches and pithforks? If I heard just one Snape story from one of my children, there would be a lawyer on the case within hours and notifications to the police, school board, and letters to the editors of all regional newspapers. I really do not think that canon wizard parents actually care about their children's well-being. I had enough trouble with a teacher who kept my child taking the same math test week after week until he got a 100% in first grade. Of course, by the time he told me about it, he was several months down from the rest of the class. It is hard when 99% is a failure and you get more nervous and depressed. Needless to say, this was not a Snape-like problem, but the teacher, principal, and school board certainly heard about it. | Sunday 1st July 2007 19:58 | Echoes of Power (Author Response) | That's a complex question you're asking. For the record, I had to get one of my daughter's teachers fired the other day. I take it very seriously what teachers say and do in a classroom setting, and I can fully understand your situation with your son. In Echoes, the canon precedent is fully set, and I would argue that there's a reason for it (people may not like it, but there is one other than neglect) to be as it is by JKR's model. Echoes, however, isn't constrained to play nice-nice with her rules, so you'll see increasing divergence. While Snape having an accident would be quite nice, Harry knows he can't arrange that, as he needs something from Snape. Since I'm not sure you've read that far yet, I'll just let it go with that -- for now. At any rate, I'm glad the story has your interest going, even if you seem to be having a love-hate relationship with parts of it (which would place you squarely in with the rest of the readers, in case you're wondering). | Patches Thursday 12th April 2007 16:15 | Echoes of Power | This was a very busy chapter. Hermione of course wants to "know" everything. But, she doesn't want Harry to spoon feed her the information.
That was a good meeting with Hermione, Neville, Fred George,Ginny and even Ron. Even if Ron is still having problems with Harry at least he saw what happened before Ginny, Fred and George got to the ambush scene. It is really difficult to see everything that happened and not be moved by it. I like the prank Harry pulled on Snape. However that doesn't help him to get along with everyone. Even if they do enjoy his joke. Harry's schedule is really hectic. The detentions are really difficult. It is going to be even harder for Harry to learn to get along with everyone now that he is not stying in the dorm with everyone else. That could be bad where Ron is concerned. Thank you for writing. I look forward to more. p | Sunday 1st July 2007 19:54 | Echoes of Power (Author Response) | There is "know" and then there is "Know", and which is which in a given situation is very complex for a character like Herms. As for Harry and Ron becoming friends over time, I'd speculate (as an author, I'm allowed to do that without spoiling the plot) that if you sit back and ponder Who Is Ron in canon, you'll find a few baseline traits that remain true regardless of where he is emotionally in the story arc. Those traits are still there in Echoes, but they've developed in different directions -- after all, events did not unfold as per canon, now did they? The Trio as it were never formed. How will Ron and Harry become friends, if in fact they do? | anniep Saturday 7th April 2007 06:40 | Echoes of Power | This story is new to me (apparently many of your reviewers have seen it elsewhere) and it's quite interesting. I wasn't too sure about it at first, Harry was so obnoxious, but the more I read, the more you caught my interest. The slow revealing of the back-story is well done. I hope you'll give us a few more details as this progresses. (Like, who started the fire at the social agency? Was it Harry in a burst of fearful accidental magic when that man came bursting in? Or maybe Dumbledore, to ensure that Harry's location would remain secret?)
Cyril is great! Harry has truly been a bull in a china shop, making a total mess of his few days at Hogwarts. Harry is rather dangerous and annoying, being so well trained in magic and fighting but with the life experience, arrogance and patience of a teenager. A very scary combination. It looks like Cyril will be an excellent mentor and help Harry grow up a bit. | Sunday 1st July 2007 19:51 | Echoes of Power (Author Response) | The story was originally posted on SIYE. For a lot of varied reasons, it became time for me to branch out and post on more than just SIYE, so that's the source of the confusion. I now post at SIYE, PS, and FF. Anyway, I'm glad you found the story interesting. Harry does come off a bit cocky and full of himself, doesn't he? His attitude is a forced blending of his upbringing, which makes him that bull you so accurately describe. The problem for his mentors, of course, is keeping up with damage control sufficiently that they can do their function and Mentor the Student, as the case may be. Keep your eyes open, some of the most painful lessons are the ones that work best. I'm glad you took a chance on the story, and have found it worthwhile to read at least this far -- and here's hoping you find it worthwhile to keep reading as it goes. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. | rustymotion Friday 6th April 2007 09:08 | Echoes of Power | Wow, I as usual am impressed by each and every chapter you write. As the series winds down, its so nice to see interesting reinventions of the story such as this. I look forward to the next chapter immensely. | Sunday 1st July 2007 19:46 | Echoes of Power (Author Response) | Hopefully you're still reading and enjoying the story. That said, the mainline canon plot has always bothered me for how so many scenes are left on the floor. It's a children's series, so it makes sense from her PoV, but I'd like more meat and complexity in my story ... ergo this beast you've been reading. Glad you're looking forward to more. |