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Reviews For Harry Potter and the Final Flame by YelloWitchGrl

Monday 30th July 2007 16:58
Harry Potter and the Final Flame
'Tonks hadn't seen Nott's face, so she couldn't positively identify him as a Death Eater' -- why would that matter? he was present at an attack on Lovegood's house; unless he can explain his presence there, wouldn't they at least suspect he was part of the attackers? He should at least have some sort of an alibi. And besides all that, isn't there the dark mark on his arm?
'she chose to move out, and you can't stop her' -- she's underage, isn't she? even if she makes the choice, she would be classified as a runaway. Why would Tonks agree to helping her break the law?
Poor Neville - his parents and now his Gran.
Wednesday 16th May 2007 09:11
Harry Potter and the Final Flame
No! Not Neville, he has to live! Neville is the best, he has to survive this. This story just keeps getting better and better. I absolutely love it! it was good to see Harry get some action. Keep updating. Even though it takes me a while to read and review, i love reading. Thanks for such a great and entertaining story.
Tuesday 15th May 2007 19:41
Harry Potter and the Final Flame
Awesome but i want to know what is up with ginny
Tuesday 15th May 2007 15:12
Harry Potter and the Final Flame
What a turmoil. I can understand why Tonks is so torn. She wants to support Ginny but she is worried about her too. Ron, Harry and Hermione want her out of the Knott's house yesterday but they really can't do anything about it now. I know the order wants to keep Harry safe but he also has to fight for his friends. If he and Ron hadn't gone to the Longbottoms Neville would have died too. Noone can fault Harry and Ron for saving their friend. At least they were successful at saving Neville. Now they have to face Hermione and Mrs. Weasley. That won't be pleasant but at least they are alive to hear it. I look forward to more of this story. Thanks for writing and for making such frequent updates. I am really enjoying this story. p
Tuesday 15th May 2007 15:11
Harry Potter and the Final Flame
that was an amazing chapter!
plz update soon so i don't go crazy wondering how neville's doing.

Tuesday 15th May 2007 12:33
Harry Potter and the Final Flame
dont think its a trap if there is a nxt one that one mite be
Tuesday 15th May 2007 10:01
Harry Potter and the Final Flame
Poor Neville. I'm surprised this wasn't a trap. Or was it?