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Reviews For The Skullduggery of Muckle Delight by Lady Whizbee

Tuesday 15th April 2008 15:00
The Skullduggery of Muckle Delight
This was really good, so creative and original. By the way, did you use the name Edmund Pevensie from the Chronicles of Narnia?
Wednesday 16th April 2008 18:25The Skullduggery of Muckle Delight (Author Response)
Thank you! I'm so glad that you found my little story.

Yes, Eddie's name had everything to do with the Chronicles and is a small clue as to why I titled the story the way I did. This will become evident in later chapters.

Thanks again for reading and reviewing!
Tuesday 15th January 2008 20:59
The Skullduggery of Muckle Delight
Oh it's deja vu all over again ... oh wait, that's why you named the chapter that.

I have to say I rarely read WIPs cuz I don't have the patience to wait for updates, and well, I also lack the brain cells to remember to first part of the story by the time the next chapter arrives (blame the college years). But since I've plowed through your other pieces in no time flat, and was desperately seeking another fix, I took the plunge.

I was so used to the general fluffiness of your shorter pieces that the angst took me by surprise here. Obviously, you need something besides fluff to add plot to a longer fic, but it still jarred me at first. Very well written, great characterization, and all my usual praise.

Edmund Pevensey though??? Obviously you felt he should be punished for his bad behavior in the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, so you changed the spelling of his last name and killed him off.

And I fear from what I've read so far that Ron is horribly injured, dead, or ran off and married a chorus girl. Hopefully we'll learn more soon.

Anyway - loved it. Saving the next chapter for tomorrow to reward myself for having a productive nmorning. SO I'll go to bed now to ensure that I DO have a productive morning.
Wednesday 16th January 2008 14:37The Skullduggery of Muckle Delight (Author Response)
I'm glad that you read this one, though I wouldn't have recommended it based on your love of fluff. It will get fluffy--trust me--but you're right, in order to write a chaptered story there must be true obstacles. Otherwise it's just silly.

However, I'm glad you're taking the plunge.

The play on Edmund's name has everything to do with the title and the significance it plays in the story. And that's all I'm going to say about that!

Judging by the emails in my inbox it looks as though you've been a busy reader today... Hmmm...let's just see what else you thought...
Saturday 20th October 2007 18:09
The Skullduggery of Muckle Delight
Hi! I started this story over at SugarQuill, and since it never updated, went looking elsewhere. I love it and hope this one goes farther than the one on SQ. I'm so sad its a WIP, hopefully it'll update soon? I can't wait!

Sunday 21st October 2007 20:41The Skullduggery of Muckle Delight (Author Response)
Oh! Please don't be too sad...I do have much of it written, but my beta has been super busy with RL. I hope that the next chapter will be up soon, it's already been cleaned up and is back in my beta's hands. It'll be up soon, I hope...

Thanks for your encouraging comments on the story. I'm really glad that you like it so much.
Friday 22nd June 2007 19:55
The Skullduggery of Muckle Delight
I went back and read this after reading ch 1, and now it makes a lot more sense, lol. I really feel for Ginny and all that's she's going through, and I'm so excited for your next update!
Saturday 23rd June 2007 08:34The Skullduggery of Muckle Delight (Author Response)
I'm glad that you were able to go back and read the Prologue. I'm sure that makes a world of difference. Thanks for your review!
Felix Felicis
Wednesday 13th June 2007 19:34
The Skullduggery of Muckle Delight
Well, I'm intrigued. It sounds good so far although it won't be nearly as fun unless Ginny comes along for the ride. Somehow I don't think she'll be all alone! I'll watch for the next chapter.
Wednesday 13th June 2007 19:57The Skullduggery of Muckle Delight (Author Response)
Thank you so much for your review! I'm glad that you're intrigued...the next update will be coming soon...
Thursday 7th June 2007 19:59
The Skullduggery of Muckle Delight
oooh I really like where this seems to be going, even after one chapter! Good job!
Thursday 7th June 2007 20:11The Skullduggery of Muckle Delight (Author Response)
Thanks so much! I'm so pleased that you liked it...
Thursday 7th June 2007 15:40
The Skullduggery of Muckle Delight
This was a pleasure to beta. I really am very intrigued to see what will happen next. Keep up the good work.
Thursday 7th June 2007 20:10The Skullduggery of Muckle Delight (Author Response)
Thanks, Kelley... I do hope that I continue to 'intrigue' you with this one!

Thursday 7th June 2007 09:02
The Skullduggery of Muckle Delight
I do hope she clubs him over the head!
Thursday 7th June 2007 20:04The Skullduggery of Muckle Delight (Author Response)
That would certainly be justified...