kash2210 Monday 22nd September 2008 11:12 | Harry Potter and the Toll of Destiny |
A great disclaimber once again, and then the real story, a really good chapter with so many emotions flowing through whole chapter. The small titbits you keep giving us about what really happened (or did it? Is Harry's mind just creating something!!!) has really got me hooked and I'm pretty much certain, anybody else who has been reading this!!!
A sweet way of finishing the chapter!! |
GryffindorDragon Tuesday 27th November 2007 13:32 | Harry Potter and the Toll of Destiny |
Well, as for the $19.95, the check's in the mail (but then I'm sure you've heard that one before )
Nice prank on Hermione and her retaliation.
I like assertive Arthur
Very nice reunion.
Another great chapter.
Tuesday 27th November 2007 14:20 | Harry Potter and the Toll of Destiny (Author Response) |
D'oh! I could have really used that 19.95. It being the Holidays and all. Oh well looks like another bag of kitty litter for the kids!
Thanks very much for the review. I'm glad you liked it. |
gymnastgal19 Tuesday 23rd October 2007 16:35 | Harry Potter and the Toll of Destiny |
wow! the prank that fred pulled on hermonie was not so nice. and the way that molly figured it out... lol
and then they all went and ambushed harry lol
its nice that harry is back with the weasleys though
Wednesday 24th October 2007 08:38 | Harry Potter and the Toll of Destiny (Author Response) |
Oh come on, what's a little neon green paint between family?
Wolf\\\'s Scream Wednesday 18th July 2007 21:35 | Harry Potter and the Toll of Destiny |
Huh. Arthur's outburst was rather surprising.
Hmm... well, something about "plans" and "first contact with the enemy" comes
to mind, somehow. And if the plan needed to unravel, it's possible that this
was one of the better ways it could do so. :-} |
Thursday 19th July 2007 13:44 | Harry Potter and the Toll of Destiny (Author Response) |
Well the point of Arthur's outburst was that all of the Weasley's have accepted Harry as part of their family. Molly and Arthur both consider Harry to be just one of their sons.
The parallels that you will need to eventually draw are how defensive and caring Arthur is towards Harry vs. how disappointed he is in Percy. We haven't seen that come out quite yet.
THere are several aspects of this that make various people uncomfortable, but what you are supposed to take out of all of it is how openly Harry has been accepted and the family's unwillingness to let Harry's lack of understand of it, keep him from being a true member of their family.
The plan was doomed to unravell eventually Hermione couldnt just disappear forever without someone finally tracking her down.
Thanks for the R&R! |
Patches Friday 13th July 2007 03:58 | Harry Potter and the Toll of Destiny |
Ok! This is going to complicate Harry's recovery from reviewing his dreams. I hope Molly will allow Hermione to work with Harry without interuptions. That and Dobby is going to feel left out because he won't be taking care of Harry anymore. At least Harry and Ginny are talking. That is good but Harry still doesn't know everything he used to know. I hope the rest of the family allows Hermione and Ron and Ginny to work with Harry in a way that won't send him back out alone. I look forward to more of this story. p |
scarfacejjh Thursday 12th July 2007 11:58 | Harry Potter and the Toll of Destiny |
great story.. i cant wait for the next couple of chapters... this is great. keep up the good work! |
Thursday 12th July 2007 18:51 | Harry Potter and the Toll of Destiny (Author Response) |
Glad you enjoyed it. There should be more out next week before the release of DH.
dsk101867 Friday 6th July 2007 08:55 | Harry Potter and the Toll of Destiny |
great story! eager for more!!!! |
Thursday 12th July 2007 18:50 | Harry Potter and the Toll of Destiny (Author Response) |
Glad to hear it! |
dagr8critic Friday 6th July 2007 01:08 | Harry Potter and the Toll of Destiny |
! i'm desperate to finish reading toll of destiny ..ABSOLUTELY IRRESISTIBLE! |
Friday 6th July 2007 08:19 | Harry Potter and the Toll of Destiny (Author Response) |
I haven't written the ending yet... don't be desperate!
There are lots of good stories on here you can catch up on in the mean time. Have you read The Nightmares of Futures Past?
Don't fret there will be an ending...asuming I live long enough to write one. |
dagr8critic Friday 6th July 2007 01:07 | Harry Potter and the Toll of Destiny |
I cant wait ne longer ...........pls finish it before Deathly Hallows releases...PLLEEAASSE!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Friday 6th July 2007 08:17 | Harry Potter and the Toll of Destiny (Author Response) |
You can't wait? ...you can't? Oh, I think you'll wait.
Seriously though, we will get one more chapter out before DH, but not even a third of the story is posted. There are 36 planned chapters at this point, and I will probably run over. Because I am me afterall.
You must learn to exercise patience. Take a deep breath, do some stretching. Maybe take up a hobby. We are working as fast as we are able given our jobs, families, and other responsabilities and stuff.
Glad you're liking it. |
BloodySeraphim Thursday 5th July 2007 16:51 | Harry Potter and the Toll of Destiny |
you have a great story here ^^
im so glad i read it...
one question. somewhere near the beginning of this chapter, someone named juliet is mentioned?
“James, come play!” Came the voice of Juliet from the sitting room. James quickly wiggled free of Molly’s grasp and went running after his brother.
whos juliet? |
Friday 6th July 2007 08:13 | Harry Potter and the Toll of Destiny (Author Response) |
Thank you!
I'm very glad you read it too.
One Answer: Juliet is the middle daughter of Bill and Fleur. They have three very blond part Veela daughters. Josephine, Juliet, and Chantelle. Chantelle has a serious roll in the story the other two just just kind of exist. Juliet is in between Harry and James in age and very close to both of them.
Sorry if I didn't do a better job introducing them. It's all very clear in my head.
Thanks for the review. Really it means a lot.
Patches Thursday 5th July 2007 01:57 | Harry Potter and the Toll of Destiny |
Oh, there are going to be problems with Harry's recovery now. Molly will try to interfer. Ginny and Harry really need to talk but Harry's needs all his meomories before they can have a real indepth talk and resolve all their problems. This is going to be difficult but I hope that everything will straighten out in the end. Thanks for writing. p |
Wolfric Wednesday 4th July 2007 21:12 | Harry Potter and the Toll of Destiny |
Unraveled indeed. It will be interesting to see the fallout from this, I can see that it might be good or bad. I guess we'll see. Thanks for writing. W. |
Friday 6th July 2007 08:09 | Harry Potter and the Toll of Destiny (Author Response) |
Oh, I think it can only be destined to be both.
Thanks for reading and reviews as awlways Wolfric.
Acciowand Wednesday 4th July 2007 18:44 | Harry Potter and the Toll of Destiny |
I just came across your story and read all ten chapters today- obviously I really like it. I am dying to know what Harry did that he thinks Ginny wouldn't forgive him for!
I really like your disclaimers too; you have a great sense of humor! |
Friday 6th July 2007 08:08 | Harry Potter and the Toll of Destiny (Author Response) |
Great! I'm glad you like it. You're dying to know? Dying? This is tough news, because I'm just writing that part of the story now in...chapter 27...
I'm glad people like the disclaimers. I'm not a huge fan of the really boring ones I see everywhere. I figure more people are actually likely to read them, if they are at least slightly interesting.
Thanks for reading, and thanks so much for leaving a reveiw. |
bonbon_13 Wednesday 4th July 2007 15:31 | Harry Potter and the Toll of Destiny |
I love the length of your chapters and your / interactions!!! Please update soon!!! |
Friday 6th July 2007 08:05 | Harry Potter and the Toll of Destiny (Author Response) |
Thank you, the next chapter should be up July 16th |
Arnel Tuesday 3rd July 2007 23:53 | Harry Potter and the Toll of Destiny |
I'm so angry at Molly and Arthur right now I could spit nails! All they can think about is how much they themselves have suffered the last nine years! They're not even considering Harry's feelings, let alone Hermione's! It's as if they haven't heard a word of what she told them about Harry's treatment, about what to expect from him memory-wise, let alone his emotional state! I should think that as the parents of seven children Molly and Arthur would be at least sensitive to the fact that Harry stayed away for his own reasons, no matter how weirdly convoluted they may be.
I feel so sorry for Hermione. She's worked so hard to help Harry try to cope with the emotions of the past, to help him find a place in his own mind where he can be comfortable with who he is and the consequences of his actions, whether they were done because he had to do things or because he did them of his own volition. I sincerely hope that Molly and Arthur dragging Harry out of the secure environment Hermione created for him won't set him back too much and that he will be willing to continue his treatment with her.
Finally, this is the first time you've mentioned Harry having nightmares of any kind since he was captured. This does not bode well and I'm worried that this entire episode is a huge setback for all involved.
This chapter was brilliantly written as evidenced by the fact that I can't go to bed without giving you my reactions. I look forward to next chapter soully because I need to know how Harry and Hermione handle the situation Molly and Arthur have forced them into.
Wednesday 4th July 2007 00:55 | Harry Potter and the Toll of Destiny (Author Response) |
That's an interesting take on this chapter. It appears we have a Hermione sympathizer on our hands!
Molly and Arthur managed to raise six of my very favorite fictional people. GRRRRR. Percy GRRRR. You don't think they might have some idea about the needs of someone they consider to be one of their children? I can't fault Molly for thinking she knows best, it doesn't mean I agree with her, but I can' fault her. A worried mother is a very serious force and not to be taken lightly.
The reason we haven't heard about any nightmares before Harry's first night back at the Burrow is that he had not had any. But the subconcious is a complicated thing, the Burrow holds many strong memories, now Harry does not have his memories, but the subconcious works on a different level, and you never quite know what's lurking in there. Obviously even without his memories, his subconcious has a need to weigh in on recent events. The real question is will Harry bring this incident up with his healer...hmmm...
I love your reviews thanks for not making me wait for it! It's always exciting release day to see what people think. I'm actually suprised by all the differeing reactions to this chapter, but thats good i think.
dagr8critic Tuesday 3rd July 2007 22:25 | Harry Potter and the Toll of Destiny |
in the rucus created by fred in the burrow,i noticed you have used the full names of the weasleys....that just takes the magic out of the story a bit...but nevertheless,ur story continues to win over hearts and is an almost replica of the rowling style...cheers! |
Tuesday 3rd July 2007 23:09 | Harry Potter and the Toll of Destiny (Author Response) |
Well I'm sorry that it took the magic out of the story for you. I can't imagine that Mrs. Weasley doesn't go to the full name trick when she's really angry, It's just a thing the women, and Mom's especially, do. It stood to reason that Fred and George would have family names, given that most of the family does. I think Molly would definitely have wanted to name some of her children after her brothers, and they were the most logical candidates. I didn't think it would bother anyone that much. I don't think we'll be seeing it again at least.
It's a huge compliment to be compared to Rowling. It's not my goal, I'm just not that good, but at least it probably means you think the subjects are in character and thats good. So thanks a lot, and I'm really glad your enjoying it, it's always good to hear. |
dagr8critic Tuesday 3rd July 2007 22:16 | Harry Potter and the Toll of Destiny |
excelent chapter...keep the gud work on...overwork your betas if you want but please write the next few chps as quickly as you can |
Tuesday 3rd July 2007 23:00 | Harry Potter and the Toll of Destiny (Author Response) |
Oh no, overworked Betas go on strike. Nobody wants that. Betas need lives too. These chapters are pretty long, especially nine. I really appreciate the work they all do for me.
Thanks for reading, and thanks for the review! |
eaglesnest Tuesday 3rd July 2007 21:50 | Harry Potter and the Toll of Destiny |
I am surprised Hermione agreed to revealing Harry's presence. She still could have acknowledged his return and kept him sequestered. Harry still has not completed the treatment and exposing him to too many uncontrolled Weasley's and memories could be more harmful than healing. Ginny is still following Hermione's instructions, but she is also harboring some painful memories that will be unleashed on Harry when the time comes. And will Harry be ready to deal with it. Also, Hermione still does not know if there is another woman or more in Harry's memories over which she has now lost control to re-introduce into his memory. I expect lots of angst to come in futurre chapters. |
Tuesday 3rd July 2007 22:55 | Harry Potter and the Toll of Destiny (Author Response) |
Hey hey, I'm glad you're paying attention, you raised most of the issues that we will be dealing with in two weeks when chapter 11 is released!
Glad I'm getting you to ask the right questions. Maybe I'm better at this than i think!
Stay tuned. |
Jade Seraph Tuesday 3rd July 2007 18:21 | Harry Potter and the Toll of Destiny |
Just wanted to say that I'm enjoying reading this story. The idea is really cool and I find it very interesting to see older Harry reacting to his younger self, as well as Hermione. Nicely done, and looking forward to more. |
Tuesday 3rd July 2007 22:45 | Harry Potter and the Toll of Destiny (Author Response) |
Well thanks, always excited to get a new reader and reviewer espcially a semiprecious devine reader.
There is more to come!
lantis222 Tuesday 3rd July 2007 16:09 | Harry Potter and the Toll of Destiny |
Hi! Great chapter, I'm so glad that Harry is back with his family. I really love this story. I have to tell you though, I love your disclaimers, they make me laugh. Anyway, I can't wait to see what happens next, I also can't wait to see more Harry memories.
I was thinking about it after the last chapter and after I had reviewed and I was wondering if Harry is in some way responsible (or what Harry sees as responsible) for Charlie's death.
Alright I've taken enough of your time with this review, great job! |
Tuesday 3rd July 2007 22:26 | Harry Potter and the Toll of Destiny (Author Response) |
Hi Lantis!
Thanks, glad you liked it. I'm really glad that someone is reading the disclaimers. I do wonder sometimes!
As always thanks for the review, they do make my day! |
Elvenlaughter Tuesday 3rd July 2007 15:33 | Harry Potter and the Toll of Destiny |
I absolutely loved the scene at the Weasley's house! The love and protectiveness for Harry was clear and poignant, and I laughed with pride at how quickly they were resolved to bring him home and heal him themselves. And they're right, that Harry needs them. He really does. He needs space and time as well, but being surrounded by people who love him is what is going to make his transitions back to full remembrance easier to bear. I was also relieved that Harry and Ginny kept their hands to themselves, so to speak, while they were alone. It would have been way too difficult for them, and too fast for the readers. I appreciate that you are respecting their relationship, and not trying to turn this into a soap opera or snogfest. They have their place, it's true, but this is not it. I shiver in anticipation for the next chapter, and weep tears of satisfaction and contentment that Harry is home once again. *mwah* |
Tuesday 3rd July 2007 22:22 | Harry Potter and the Toll of Destiny (Author Response) |
Glad you liked it, this was a brief respite from much more serious chapters that deal with some of the harder parts of Harry's reintegration.
Thanks for the review, I liked it! |
phoenixgirl Tuesday 3rd July 2007 14:40 | Harry Potter and the Toll of Destiny |
“You know where he is!” Molly shrieked.
I love the part where Molly puts the two hands together. This was a great chapter. I couldn't stop reading. I'm glad the Weasleys know now. Harry needs all the love and support he can get. |
Tuesday 3rd July 2007 22:15 | Harry Potter and the Toll of Destiny (Author Response) |
This was a fun chapter, one of the few where you get to have all the warm fuzzies. I'm glad you liked it. I've always been a big fan of all the Weasleys so I enjoyed showing them not only being a family, but also showing their devotion to their adopted son/brother. |
Lily Flower Tuesday 3rd July 2007 13:55 | Harry Potter and the Toll of Destiny |
Very sweet, although awfully wrong timing on the family coming in. I think I would have been a little peeved. However, it was of course, like always, brilliant. And I can't wait for the next one!!! |
Tuesday 3rd July 2007 22:06 | Harry Potter and the Toll of Destiny (Author Response) |
Would you have prefered they waited until Harry and Ginny were involved in lurid activities before the family walked in?
Good news, the next chapter should be out in two weeks instead of three.
The bad news is there will be a break while you all read DH.
Thanks for the R&R I always look forward to the reviews. |