gymnastgal19 Monday 25th August 2008 13:18 | Some Kind of Wonderful |
CrumplehornedKiwi Tuesday 17th July 2007 02:34 | Some Kind of Wonderful |
That was sweet, but not overly sweet, and much needed after that horrible cliffie you left us with in the last chapter.
Now will Harry enlist the twins to get revenge on Malfoy? |
Wednesday 18th July 2007 09:19 | Some Kind of Wonderful (Author Response) |
Malfoy will get his, but from an unlikely source! Thanks for reading. |
Lily Flower Monday 16th July 2007 15:20 | Some Kind of Wonderful |
lol poor Ginny. At least we know that she was okay with dying. lol. Great chapter. Any more coming? |
Wednesday 18th July 2007 09:19 | Some Kind of Wonderful (Author Response) |
Thanks again! |
Lily Flower Monday 16th July 2007 15:20 | Some Kind of Wonderful |
lol poor Ginny. At least we know that she was okay with death. lol. Great chapter. Any more coming? |
Wednesday 18th July 2007 09:18 | Some Kind of Wonderful (Author Response) |
I suppose she thought that she could die happy as long as she was able to get things off her chest. There's supposed to be an epilogue coming up. |
phoenixgirl Monday 16th July 2007 13:19 | Some Kind of Wonderful |
Too cute, but I wish it would have been Harry that told Ginny how he felt first. I liked how he took her hand right away.
Ron's reaction was perfect: “I’d say Ginny’s almost fully recovered,”
Good job. |
Wednesday 18th July 2007 09:17 | Some Kind of Wonderful (Author Response) |
Ah, but she really didn't let him get an word in edgewise, did she? It was a last hurrah for her, because she thought she was near the end! |
whitestag Monday 16th July 2007 10:57 | Some Kind of Wonderful |
Ah, the payoff. Nicely done! |
Wednesday 18th July 2007 09:16 | Some Kind of Wonderful (Author Response) |
Thank you! |
ibelieveintruelove Monday 16th July 2007 04:04 | Some Kind of Wonderful |
Oh this is the best chapter ever!!! It\'s so cute! Ginny thinking that she\'s dying and admitting verything and then she\'s all embarrassed and Harry kissing her and they have like a full out snog in front of Mrs. Weasley and the now-dating Ron and Hermione! Oh this just keeps getting better and better, well done! |
Monday 16th July 2007 05:57 | Some Kind of Wonderful (Author Response) |
I'm glad you liked this chapter. I have to admit, this is my favourite one too. |
hp4-sauce Sunday 15th July 2007 21:18 | Some Kind of Wonderful |
One of the better AU stories I've read. Lovely fluff! |
Monday 16th July 2007 05:57 | Some Kind of Wonderful (Author Response) |
Oh, thanks for saying that. I love fluff too. |
Grandma Kate Sunday 15th July 2007 20:17 | Some Kind of Wonderful |
Nicely done! |
Monday 16th July 2007 05:56 | Some Kind of Wonderful (Author Response) |
Thank you! |
frenchy Sunday 15th July 2007 19:23 | Some Kind of Wonderful |
aww... so sweet! It makes my heart get all mushy! Ha, I can definitely see R&H blushing crimson! I absolutely adore how you're able to nail everyones personality, every single time!
Great chapter, as usual!
Thank you
~Frenchy |
Monday 16th July 2007 05:56 | Some Kind of Wonderful (Author Response) |
Thanks Frenchy. It really makes my day when people say I've got the characters right. |
Patches Sunday 15th July 2007 17:16 | Some Kind of Wonderful |
This was really good. I love the fact that Ginny thought she was dying and so she was able to tell Harry how she really felt about him. Then to have her find out that she wasn't dying. She wanted to crawl into hold and really die then. Thank goodness Harry was able to tell her how he felt. I think it is great that Ron, Hermione and Mrs. Weasley interuppted their little snogging session. Harry needed to be embarrassed too! At least now he knows he really does have a girlfriend and she really loves him. Not just the image of the boy-who-lived! Cho just wasn't right. I think there is going to be more and I am glad. Please continue. I really like this story. I love romance, intrigue and mystery. Thanks for writing. p |
Monday 16th July 2007 05:55 | Some Kind of Wonderful (Author Response) |
Thanks for the great review. I'm glad you like the way things worked out. and I agree with you, Cho would never have made it past knowing about the Prophecy without crying her eyes out. Harry needs Ginny! |
lantis222 Sunday 15th July 2007 16:43 | Some Kind of Wonderful |
(I'm sighing with delight and grinning like a fool right about now) that was so incredibly cute! I loved it! So, about the revenge on Malfoy... I can't wait to see what you have planned. Great job! |
Monday 16th July 2007 05:53 | Some Kind of Wonderful (Author Response) |
I'm glad to have evoked those reactions from you. Thanks for the review, and Malfoy will get his in the next chapter. |
myketje Sunday 15th July 2007 15:35 | Some Kind of Wonderful |
Cute cute cute!!!
But I still hope there are many chapters to follow!!
Kiss Kiss
mee |
Monday 16th July 2007 05:52 | Some Kind of Wonderful (Author Response) |
Thanks, but unfortunately, there's only an epilogue left. |