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Reviews For The Squib by girlyswot

Friday 19th October 2007 18:50
The Squib
ahh! I'm such a horrible reviewer, I'm so excited to get to the next chapter I always forget my promise! I hope that was review worthy enough, obviously that all translates to: great story, must read more, no time to chat!


Saturday 25th August 2007 06:57
The Squib
Yay! I loved Ben in this chapter - what a hero. Raphael's description of what he'd like to do to Mackenzie was a bit much *shudder*

Another great chapter. This really is a wonderful story, Ros.

One of my favourite bits:
He went fast and low and, with the Disillusionment Charm cast, it took all her concentration to follow him. She’d never seen him like this before: fierce and determined and seemingly without fear as he focussed only on his goal.

Now that's Harry. *swoon*
Saturday 25th August 2007 07:23The Squib (Author Response)
It's funny - I never meant Harry to have such an important role in this story but he just kept unobtrusively sliding his way in. I was glad to have the chance to write him with such obvious echoes of his past as well as in his more normal adult life.
Sunday 19th August 2007 11:28
The Squib
very good, I really liked this chapter. i can't wait for the next one where everything is finished up. You really do a good job and I've really enjoyed your writing. Great work.
Sunday 19th August 2007 12:43The Squib (Author Response)
Thank you so much. You've been such a faithful reviewer which has been a real encouragement to persevere with the story.
Grandma Kate
Saturday 18th August 2007 00:06
The Squib
You write action scenes very well and manage to keep all the various threads in good order to move the plot along. It almost reads like a screen play.

And if you hadn't sent me the recipe for flapjacks, I'd wonder about Ginny leaving plates of pancakes for her guests to eat.
Sunday 19th August 2007 12:44The Squib (Author Response)
Thanks, Kate. There are a lot of short scenes in this chapter which I hope adds to the feeling of urgency. I wanted to keep chopping between Ben and the others.

I had to send Gerry the flapjack recipe after this chapter too!