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Reviews For A New Alliance by jncarlin

Wednesday 26th November 2008 08:14
A New Alliance
Enjoyed it a lot, I love missing moments stories (and DH offers so much material to write them). A few passages feel a bit rushed and you could have gone into a bit more detail (e.g. Neville's reaction to Ab turning out to be Dumbledore's brother), but all it all, it was great
Tuesday 6th May 2008 14:16
A New Alliance
I've been meaning and meaning to read this -- I thought the premise was great, and the story absolutely lives up to its promise. The idea of people who are worn out and reaching their limit finally getting a second wind by combining forces is just perfect for both Neville (what a year he must have been having!) and Aberforth.

We know so little about Ab, but I really like this characterization of him, acting glum but secretly hopeful even though he's a little embarrassed by that. The thought of him sitting watching the mirror, night after night! I like your Ariana, too, doing what she can to help even though she doesn't really know what's going on.

I think we need more DA-at-Hogwarts DH stories...
Sunday 17th February 2008 21:21
A New Alliance
Oh I loved this. I always love to read the stories the fill in gaps where the books did not tell us all the details. And this was so well thought out and Neville and Aberforth were both so well characterized. Great job!
Saturday 13th October 2007 21:34
A New Alliance
wow! I loved this! I always wondered how that passage came to be
Thursday 4th October 2007 09:06
A New Alliance
Great fill for the book really missed these kind of details and I'm glad you filled them in for me. thanks
Friday 7th September 2007 16:47
A New Alliance
What a great idea, having Ariana bring the two of them together like that. This is a wonderful and well-written "missing moment".
Tuesday 11th September 2007 13:58A New Alliance (Author Response)
Thanks so much.
Wednesday 5th September 2007 16:45
A New Alliance
Tuesday 11th September 2007 13:58A New Alliance (Author Response)
Wednesday 5th September 2007 15:34
A New Alliance
Aww that was such a sweet story! I love Neville's determination, Ab's cynical attitude that just needs a bit of hope, and Ariana's peaceful and lovely existence with her brother in her picture frame. All in all I could totally see this happening to Neville in DH, great job!
Tuesday 11th September 2007 13:57A New Alliance (Author Response)
Thanks so much--I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Tuesday 4th September 2007 14:21
A New Alliance
To be honest, this is a part of the story I've not managed to think about. I haven't even thought about thinking about it ... I'm not making myself very clear, but anyway: this seems like a very plausible explanation.

Nicely done with a beautiful eye for detail. Thanks for drawing my attention that way and for sharing.
Tuesday 11th September 2007 13:56A New Alliance (Author Response)
Thank you for your nice words. I appreciate hearing from you.
Tuesday 4th September 2007 05:28
A New Alliance
this is brilliant, i always wondered how the tunnel was first formed.

because if it was always there Harry, Ron & Hermione as well as the twins would have discovered it a long time ago. Ariana seems lyk a really sweet gal. i'm glad that Aberforth & Neville are working together
Tuesday 11th September 2007 13:55A New Alliance (Author Response)
Thanks! I'm glad you liked my theory on how the tunnel formed.
Tuesday 4th September 2007 00:56
A New Alliance
Great! I think this is fabulous look into three wonderful characters. I loved being inside their heads for this important moment. You portray Ariana very much how I imagine her and I like the way Aberforth struggles with keeping his nose clean and desperately clinging onto some sort of connection with Harry. Neville's just plain good as he deserves to be! Well done, I really enjoyed your story.
Tuesday 11th September 2007 13:54A New Alliance (Author Response)
Thanks so much! I'm glad you enjoyed my characterizations, and my story.
Grandma Kate
Monday 3rd September 2007 22:23
A New Alliance
Excellent. The story of how Neville and Aberforth began to work together needs to be told. Ariana is delightful.
Tuesday 11th September 2007 13:53A New Alliance (Author Response)
Thank you. More Neville during DH in general needs to be told!
Monday 3rd September 2007 17:34
A New Alliance
This is very well written. I like Ariana's part in it.
Tuesday 11th September 2007 13:52A New Alliance (Author Response)
Thank you!
Monday 3rd September 2007 15:58
A New Alliance
Really, really nice! Thanks for sharing.

Tuesday 11th September 2007 13:51A New Alliance (Author Response)
thanks--I'm glad you enjoyed it.