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Reviews For Towards King's Cross by everylittlething

Tuesday 30th September 2008 11:20
Towards King's Cross
I'm glad I found this story, it's developing into a very good one!
Tuesday 2nd December 2008 06:04Towards King's Cross (Author Response)
Saturday 8th March 2008 17:59
Towards King's Cross
hahah i loved ginnys boldness
Sunday 9th March 2008 21:59Towards King's Cross (Author Response)
Ginny is a cool girl. I didn't think she'd be the type to muck around when she knows what she wants. Look at her on Harry's 17th birthday!?
Saturday 17th November 2007 13:05
Towards King's Cross
That's what he gets for shoving such a big glob into his mouth just before she answers! Very fun chapter ending, and I loved the scene between Harry and Andromeda.
Saturday 17th November 2007 15:36Towards King's Cross (Author Response)
thanks heaps for the review - I love reading people's reactions - especially when they're specific like this one!

Yeah, can't you just see a boy trying to get something important out, eyes on his plate, murmuring whatever it is and then shoving in a mouthful to cover for whatever he's come out with!?

And thanks, Andromeda is such a tragic character for me at the conclusion of DH - no Ted, no Tonks, no Remus, one sister dead (not that she'd really be mourning Bella all that much) and another sister who is not particularly appealing either... I guess there is hope of reconciliation between Narcissa and Andromeda but judging by the distance between the Malfoys and the Potter/Weasley clan nineteen years later on Kings Cross Station, I'm guessing that things don't ever really become rosy between them. Anyway, I wanted to give her Harry! I wanted the "Saviour of the World" to lavish his attention and affection on this poor widow because he loved Tonks and Remus so much and because he is determined that Teddy will get as much love as possible. Yeah, thanks for commenting on their relationship!
I hope you like the rest of the story!
Monday 5th November 2007 01:57
Towards King's Cross
Monday 29th October 2007 12:44
Towards King's Cross
when's the next? When's the NEXT?????
Monday 29th October 2007 19:47Towards King's Cross (Author Response)
It's with my beta! Hopefully any day now - I think she's having some computer issues...
It is elsewhere if you're feeling really impatient. Ch1-9 are published on siye.
Saturday 27th October 2007 19:53
Towards King's Cross
Looking good up to now.

Nice chapter but a bit calm for my liking, still looking forward to the next chapter.

Keep it up
Wednesday 24th October 2007 14:48
Towards King's Cross
Its great follow up.J.K.R must have wanted all these stories since she left the end so open and millions of people were clingin to her every word!Teddy scare me for some reason .I hope Neville finds a girlfriend he deserves one ,its weird the way there's such an aftermath especially Ginny she's really soft but that mit help her fall back in love with Harry.Great story!
Wednesday 24th October 2007 20:40Towards King's Cross (Author Response)
Thanks for your review! I'm not really convinced that JKR left the gap for her fanficcers to fill, but I'm glad that she did!
I'm sorry that you find Teddy scary... not sure if I can fix that!
Neville totally deserves a girlfriend but then JKR assured us that he ends up marrying Hannah Abbott so we can rest assured that whether or not I make it happen in my version of events, Neville ends up with someone!
Not sure what you mean by Ginny being "really soft"... Oh well, you seem to like it overall so that's a good thing!
Monday 22nd October 2007 06:27
Towards King's Cross
I'm absolutely loving this story! It is so well-written and flows smoothly and cleanly. It is great to see a story delving with the healing process that each one has to go through in order to go on living. At first, I wasn't buying the domestic Harry thing and he seems too mature for just two months out of the war. But the more I thought about it, I realized that Harry probably could be very domestic. After all, he was forced to do a ton of chores around the house at the Dursley's. As far as his level of maturity goes, I think that he must have done an enormous amount of maturing during DH and dealing with his own as well as everyone elses grief. Yup, I'm really liking it.
Monday 22nd October 2007 16:16Towards King's Cross (Author Response)
Wow, thanks for the feedback!
I'm so glad that the story is working for you. I just really wanted to imagine how they would really be - even though they don't really exist (gasp!). In terms of the maturity thing, just think of the way Harry handles everything at Shell Cottage. From the moment that he buries Dobby and he has that epiphany that JKR doesn't really let us in on, he becomes a man - that's the Harry that I'm writing about. Sure, there's still some residual angst, but essentially, this is a man who has triumphed, and all of his uncertainty about himself and his role has gone. This is my Harry!
Sunday 21st October 2007 00:44
Towards King's Cross
This is a great chapter. I love the way Harry interacted with Andromeda and Teddy. It was great to see Ron startle Ginny with "Harry needs you this morning!" The crowning glory was Ginny saying "I'll probably do whatever you do, Harry!" That was great! I really look forward to more of this story. Thanks for writing. p
Sunday 21st October 2007 04:40Towards King's Cross (Author Response)
thanks for the feedback - I love it when people are so specific!
i'm really glad that you're enjoying reading it. there is definitely more to come!
Sunday 21st October 2007 00:22
Towards King's Cross
I have sat down here after an exhausting afternoon of housework, to find my favourite fic updated. Cheers! (and yes, she is a great beta)
Sunday 21st October 2007 04:39Towards King's Cross (Author Response)
your favourite fic!? what an honour!
are you an author too? I shall go straight from here to find your stories - I hope they're not novel length ones, I get a bit useless when i start reading the long ones!
Friday 19th October 2007 22:42
Towards King's Cross
Great story! I can't wait for more!
Friday 19th October 2007 23:42Towards King's Cross (Author Response)
thanks! more is on the way!
blue artemis
Friday 19th October 2007 20:09
Towards King's Cross
I'm really enjoying this so far. And I like the end statement there. I think Ginny probably needs a better game plan than "whatever you do, Harry" but it made for a good start.
Friday 19th October 2007 21:44Towards King's Cross (Author Response)
glad you're liking it!
this isn't really her game plan - just a bit of flirtation!
Friday 19th October 2007 15:37
Towards King's Cross
loved it! Way to get your man Ginny. You really are a fantastic writer and I can't wait for more. Update soon!
Friday 19th October 2007 17:04Towards King's Cross (Author Response)
hello again!
thanks so much for the ongoing feedback - you're a champ!
Friday 19th October 2007 13:32
Towards King's Cross
Very nice eveloping of the story, read all three chapters, and its very good, looking forward to the next chapters, great follow up of the aftermah.
I thank you for your story
Friday 19th October 2007 17:02Towards King's Cross (Author Response)
no problems! wow, you liked it so much that you reviewed twice!
well, there's more to come so i hope you like the rest of it!
Friday 19th October 2007 13:31
Towards King's Cross
Very nice eveloping of the story, read all three chapters, and its very good, looking forward to the next chapters, great follow up of the aftermah.
I thank you for your story
Grandma Kate
Friday 19th October 2007 13:05
Towards King's Cross
There is so much that I love about this story. Harry is such a dear. He is obviously surprised by Ginny's declaration-
"I'll probably do whatever you do, Harry."
Friday 19th October 2007 17:00Towards King's Cross (Author Response)
yeah, i know - I think I laboured that last sentence a little bit but, oh well...
thanks for reviewing and i'm glad that you're liking the story!
Friday 19th October 2007 12:55
Towards King's Cross
Another great chapter! I really love this story! I love the way they are all trying to get back to there live but are struggling with how to put it all back together and adding in all their new feelings and responsibilities. Many choices are still out there for all of them as they embark on life after the war.
Friday 19th October 2007 16:55Towards King's Cross (Author Response)
thanks! and yeah, that's right - we know that Harry's scar hasn't caused him any pain in nineteen years and that by the time little Albus is off to Hogwarts "all was well" but that doesn't mean that everything has been easy along the way! I kind of wanted to see for myself how things might have worked out and then I think I probably got a little bit carried away!
anyway, I'm really glad that you're enjoying it - thanks for reviewing!
Friday 19th October 2007 08:37
Towards King's Cross
I absolutly adored the last part. It was romantic and soo funny!

Harry will be a great daddy, lucky GinGin...

Post more soon please! (I'm looking forward to it..)

kiss kiss


Friday 19th October 2007 16:51Towards King's Cross (Author Response)
thanks so much for reviewing - and this sounds familiar!? i think you might be around on siye too?
I'm really glad that you're enjoying the story!
Friday 19th October 2007 04:28
Towards King's Cross
I love this story!!! I said this before and I'll say it again: WOW!! Please write the next chapter quickly, for my health and sanity
Friday 19th October 2007 05:02Towards King's Cross (Author Response)
thanks for your review, wow! i hope that you're joking about your health and sanity - maybe you should eat some vegetables? there's more to come and hopefully it will be soon!
Friday 19th October 2007 03:15
Towards King's Cross
I've cheated a bit and read what is posted on SIYE but I will review here. I haven't checked, but is there much difference between the two versions?

I haven't reviewed before because I was waiting to see how the fic went. Harry and Ginny and Teddy is a very easy combination to like and panders to all H&G fans love of them being together. But the fic is more than that. It is well observed and a very easy and enjoyable read.

Thank you.
Friday 19th October 2007 03:25Towards King's Cross (Author Response)
wow! i love your stories! I'm so honoured that you're reviewing me.

almost no difference except that siye is much further ahead. My beta is just helping these versions to be a bit more polished as they come up.

yep, i'm a panderer. i like it when people pander to the H/G/T combo - though sometimes it can get a bit vomitous - I hope I haven't crossed over into vomitousness!?

Thanks for the great feedback. and i think i noticed you lurking on potterficforum so maybe i'll get to chat to you more there?
Friday 19th October 2007 02:37
Towards King's Cross
Wondreful story. More Please.
Friday 19th October 2007 03:16Towards King's Cross (Author Response)
thanks for your feedback! glad that you like it, and yes, there's more to come!