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Reviews For A Whole Minute by Ladybug

Sunday 28th December 2008 20:37
A Whole Minute
Monday 26th November 2007 02:04
A Whole Minute
Aw, Seamus.
Tuesday 27th November 2007 16:30A Whole Minute (Author Response)
Glad you liked it! I hope you did read all seven chapters, though.
Thursday 1st November 2007 05:36
A Whole Minute
Wow! Seamus thought he might want to be in Slitherin? That wouldn't have worked. His father is a muggle. Gryffindor was deffinitely the right house for Seamus. Thanks for writing. p
Thursday 1st November 2007 16:32A Whole Minute (Author Response)
You're quite right, but Seamus didn't know about Slytherin House's reputation, growing up Ireland, so all he had to go on was the Sorting Hat's song. Luckily the Sorting Hat sorted him out! Thanks for reviewing!
Wednesday 31st October 2007 21:20
A Whole Minute
I have thoroughly enjoyed your story! As a result, I've rec'ed you over at "Know It Alls," where I've left a rather detailed review. Even so, I don't feel like I can really do your story justice! It's truly fantastic. Thank you for writing it!

Thursday 1st November 2007 00:31A Whole Minute (Author Response)
Oh, Gioia! You fill me with "gioi"!! Getting rec'ed is pretty much the best kind of review, so thanks a million. I've been over to read your comments and I'm so touched by what you wrote - you truly understand what I was trying to put into the story - about his growing up from boy to man, and how each year's experiences shaped him and brought him to that final, important minute. And by the way, it's the quality of reviews, like yours (and the other kind reviewers'), that more than make up for the small number, so I feel you've done more than justice to my simple story.