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Reviews For Ginny's Owl by MyGinevra

Monday 27th July 2009 16:48
Ginny's Owl
I know, I was just teasin' back
Buck up dear Peter !! There are relationships similar to /
For instance;
My husband and I have a VERY strong connection and feel we were made for each other, love like that is real, hard to find but it can happen.
Just keep writing, a heart like yours will find it !!
Monday 27th July 2009 17:19Ginny's Owl (Author Response)
WWho knows, maybe if I had found it I would not have looked for it in Ginny.

You and your husband are indeed lucky, although I think that luck was only part of it.

Monday 27th July 2009 07:14
Ginny's Owl
Get around ?!?!?!? Are you trying to give a girl a rep ?? LOL
I'm just reading ALL your 'stuff' while waiting for the next posting of LEO
Besides I'm a lot like you I HAVE to know what happened inbetween and after. I'm not satisified guessing or leaving it up to my VIVID imagination. I guess that's why I always enjoy your work so much, we seem to agree regarding the / relationship and what we see for thier future but then a lot of people must agree or your stories wouldn't be so popular bottom line, keep up the FABULOUS work
Monday 27th July 2009 13:43Ginny's Owl (Author Response)
Of course I was joking . The only rep I can see that you have is of reading all my stories, which I don't object to at all.

Of course Ginny is my idealized girlfriend, the one I never had (and probably no one ever had except Harry, lucky guy).

Sunday 26th July 2009 17:11
Ginny's Owl

Wonderful story. Ginny is SOOO like Fred and George which has served her well on more than one occassion.
Sunday 26th July 2009 18:44Ginny's Owl (Author Response)
Hey bc, you get around don't you? This was the second fic I wrote, a missing 24 hours of the nascent love story.

Thursday 18th December 2008 10:36
Ginny's Owl
I love your portrayal of Ginny. Good work.
Thursday 18th December 2008 12:05Ginny's Owl (Author Response)
Thank you! I like getting reviews when it's been a while. I'm glad you liked it.


Monday 25th August 2008 18:13
Ginny's Owl
Wow! This is amazing! It was extremely well written, it had humour, angst, thought and planning...You really did an amazing job. And it stuck to cannon too. Incredible.
Tuesday 26th August 2008 06:37Ginny's Owl (Author Response)
Thank you! It's nice to get a review for a fic that someone just found. Ginny's Owl was the second fic I ever wrote, so it's not quite as polished as some of my later stories. I'm very glad you liked it.

Monday 11th February 2008 22:43
Ginny's Owl
A very well written "missing moment" piece. The style is readable and a good fit with OotP. More important, you hit just the right note in how you handled the relationship between Harry and Ginny at that point in the series. They weren't close friends, but they had a connection, having both touched or been touched by Voldemort.
Sunday 9th March 2008 07:53Ginny's Owl (Author Response)
I apologize for my delayed reponse. I can blame nothing but my own forgetfulness. Thank you very much fo the review. Yes, there was a connection but the relationship would not blossom for another year. Still, I thought that Jo's description of how Ginny sat next to Harry on the Underground had some significance. That's what inspired the story.
Sunday 10th February 2008 23:26
Ginny's Owl
Go Ginny! This was a great story, I loved it.
Monday 11th February 2008 15:36Ginny's Owl (Author Response)
Thanks! She's my favorite!
Friday 8th February 2008 15:39
Ginny's Owl
that was very good i want to find out what happens next!
Friday 8th February 2008 20:54Ginny's Owl (Author Response)
Thanks! I'm glad you liked it. What happens next is in chapter 23 of Order of the Phoenix.
Thursday 7th February 2008 16:19
Ginny's Owl
It's a while since I've read this and it's nice to see, all over again, just how well this could fit into canon.

There are so many great little bits in it. Ginny's trying to reach out to Harry, her interactions with Tonks and her cleverness at getting hold of Hermione. I'm even glad at her caring reaction to poor old Errol--I was always rather appalled at the lack of "responsible pet ownership" on the part of canon Weasleys to the well being of their poor, loyal owl.

One of my favourite bits in all of HP canon is the scene where Ginny cooly stops Harry's angst over his possible possesion by LV. It made me a Ginny fan and I really regretted that it didn't make it into the final cut of the OotP movie. So I really enjoyed this well written lead up to that scene.
Friday 8th February 2008 06:41Ginny's Owl (Author Response)
Min, thanks so much for this detailed review and all the nice things in it. The comment that drew my attention the most was the one about the "lucky you" scene in the book. To rant a little bit, that was one of the worst cuts (out of many, imo ) in the movie. It would have added maybe two minutes to the running time, and Yates could put it in after the scene with Sirius and the family tree. "Lucky you" is one of the best lines in all seven books and carries meaning for many things that happen afterward, even into DH.

When I re-read OotP I thought that that whole scene foreshadowed a much larger role for Ginny, especially since I had by then read HBP. Alas, it was not to be.
Tuesday 5th February 2008 23:25
Ginny's Owl
Oh, this was so sweet.
Thursday 7th February 2008 04:42Ginny's Owl (Author Response)
Glad you liked it! Thanks!
Monday 4th February 2008 21:06
Ginny's Owl
That was a well done missing moment.
Tuesday 5th February 2008 21:13Ginny's Owl (Author Response)
Thanks from the gang!
Monday 4th February 2008 20:54
Ginny's Owl
I really liked this. I love missing moments and how they fill in the parts we never got to see in the books.
Tuesday 5th February 2008 21:11Ginny's Owl (Author Response)
Missing moments are a gift to the fic writer. I'm happy you like this one. Thanks.
Sunday 3rd February 2008 14:32
Ginny's Owl
Great story. Everyone is very "in character," and this story fits seamlessly into OotP. It also completely explains Hermione's sudden appearance. Good job!
Sunday 3rd February 2008 15:56Ginny's Owl (Author Response)
The mystery solved, what? Glad you liked it, and thanks very much for the review!
Sunday 3rd February 2008 01:21
Ginny's Owl
Wow. This is great. I think you have a fine understanding of Ginny at this point in the canon. I especially like that she's uncertain of her feelings. Sometimes authors make Ginny too prescient. I look forward to more of your work!
Sunday 3rd February 2008 15:54Ginny's Owl (Author Response)
Thanks so much for your review. Ginny's my favorite character as you might guess from the fics I have posted so far. I have another one-shot and two novels approved, but not beta'd yet.
Thursday 31st January 2008 09:59
Ginny's Owl
A fun , sensitive read. I enjoyed it. Thanks for writing it.
Thursday 31st January 2008 17:58Ginny's Owl (Author Response)
And thanks for reviewing. I appreciate your comment.
Wednesday 30th January 2008 22:17
Ginny's Owl
Top notch! I enjoyed this missing moment very much - Ron and his sandwiches were especially good!
Ron stopped chewing and looked at her. He swallowed a mouthful of bacon sandwich. “Ginny, that’s right. God, I’ll never forget that.”

The irony in that little statement is monumental - well done! I loved the sense of crowdedness in the house and all the people and all the little pieces of action weaving so smoothly in and out of each other as we follow Ginny over this short period. Makes me want to grab OotP and pick up where you left off.
Thursday 31st January 2008 17:57Ginny's Owl (Author Response)
Ron's gluttony is always a fun target; it's become a Harry Potter icon. The scene in th eOotP movie with his sandwiches was hilariou.

So thanks so much for your review, and I'm really glad you like it!
Wednesday 30th January 2008 13:07
Ginny's Owl
Great job! I loved reading about this from Ginny's point of view. Well done!
Wednesday 30th January 2008 13:13Ginny's Owl (Author Response)
Thank you. I appreciate your review, and especially that you liked it!
Grandma Kate
Tuesday 29th January 2008 19:44
Ginny's Owl
You made the missing moments a cracking good adventure tale. Ginny is so resourceful.
Tuesday 29th January 2008 20:21Ginny's Owl (Author Response)
Thanks, and yes, that's my Ginny!