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Reviews For I Saw My Lady Weep by Worldmaker

Thursday 23rd April 2009 16:04
I Saw My Lady Weep
Oh... bugger. But at least they're talking right?
Amazing chapter,
Wednesday 9th July 2008 22:04
I Saw My Lady Weep
huh... at least harry is telling her what happened
Wednesday 25th June 2008 22:57
I Saw My Lady Weep
Very dramatic chapter! Overall I think it's way more demonstrative than either Harry or Ginny are, but that's a matter of interpretation.

Obviously, I'm still a bit perplexed by the unreasonable and self-centred response of Ginny and by guilt-ridden Harry - he did what he had to do. E.g. ...
There is no defense for my actions.

That seems a bizarre attitutde to have when he proceeds to give an excellent and very justifiable defence for his actions.

Once they do get to the (Hor)crux of the matter, it's much more realistic - Ginny's response to that news was very realistic. I continue with much interest ...
Thursday 29th May 2008 06:43
I Saw My Lady Weep
Oh, this is so good! I love how the reunion wasn't perfect, it was all disjointed, and then he was crying and she was trying not to... Perfect detail of greif and confusion. I love your writing:
Seconds collided into minutes

I didn't get this, though...
My Aunt Petunia made sure I knew which road was paved with good intentions

Maybe I haven't thought about it enough, but I didn't understand. Anyway, I plough on to the next chapter!
Friday 30th May 2008 07:50I Saw My Lady Weep (Author Response)
Philospher John Ray said, way back in 1670, that the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
Wednesday 26th March 2008 09:22
I Saw My Lady Weep
I like this chapter a little better. It still seems a little overly dramatic and almost theatrically emotional, and I still do not agree that Harry did anything that horrible to Ginny ... but I see some logic here.

First, Harry always beats himself up horribly over things that are not really his fault ... he may have made the wrong choice or the best possible choice, but since Ginny was hurt by it, he will see himself and what he did in the worst possible light.

Second, it's so easy to forget how young these people, especially Ginny, are. Going from hitting, to kissing, to sobbing in a few moments and swinging from comforting Harry to speaking with "venom" in her voice seems a lot more reasonable when you consider that Ginny is only 16. There's nothing wrong with being 16 ... and at 16 I would have been resentful of anyone hinting this, but no 16 year old (even one as mature as Ginny was throughout the last several books) has the years of experience to view major life events with any perspective and without overreacting. And even while I am cringing, thinking, "I can't believe this is happening in front of all these people," that's exactly where a lot of real meltdowns occur, especially with a young person who has not learned as much emotional control.

So my problem is in assuming that you, the author, feel the same way as Ginny and would have done the same things. Obviously, you are aware that not not everyone would feel the same way about Harry's actions - you showed that with how Arthur treated him in the previous chapter.

Anyway, forging ahead with anticipation...
Sunday 23rd March 2008 16:21
I Saw My Lady Weep
You certainly know how to write drama.
Thursday 6th March 2008 01:38
I Saw My Lady Weep
Poor Ginny. She loved Harry so much but she couldn't let go of her anger until he was there for her to vent it on. Now he has to tell her the whole truth. The fact that he had part of Voldemort's soul trapped in his scar for all those years and that is why he had to die, if only for a short time, to be able to kill Voldemort for good was the hardest thing for him to do and for Ginny to accept. No wonder she got sick. To have that monster that had possessed her also spend time in Harry must have been totally disgusting to her. I look forward to where you are going with this. Thanks for writing. p