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Reviews For Revelatio by Lola Ravenhill

Thursday 25th October 2007 22:48
wow!!! The fanfics that people come up with about the little detials in the books!! lol
I loved this!!
Thursday 24th June 2004 09:44
Hi, this was a pretty interesting story, one that I had not thought about, there actually being a real linkage between Stubby ans Sirius.

Also, I was interested in how you put Dairine in there. I have read the So You Want to be a Wizard books as well, and I almost expedted Nita and Kit to show up.

Good story.
Pineapple Queen
Sunday 6th June 2004 17:02
Wow! This is simply amazing. I love this idea, and Sirius's thoughts are so real...if only this would happen in canon! Is there going to be a continuation, by any chance? If so, I would love to read it!