PhoenixFeathers Monday 9th June 2008 19:36 | The Short Straw |
nice chapter. are you going to update or just leave it hanging? please update soon.
id give it a 8/10 . first publication?
shimotsuki Friday 2nd May 2008 09:18 | The Short Straw |
This looks like an interesting premise for a story. I'll be curious to see how Harry and Madam Pomfrey get along! |
Fics by Fumph Tuesday 29th April 2008 04:06 | The Short Straw |
Intruiging start, I'm looking forward to reading more. |
D.A.D.A.chik Monday 28th April 2008 18:42 | The Short Straw |
oh, i love this kind of fanific! so randomly cool, you know? sort of like "how on earth did you actually come up with this?" but its so good! what a difference that would have made if Vernon died. you got harry's personality down spot on too! excellent job! |
DukeBrymin Monday 28th April 2008 07:10 | The Short Straw |
Interesting start to a story--looking forward to seeing it develop. Of course, as always, it needs more H/G fluff!! |
freshwater Sunday 27th April 2008 21:10 | The Short Straw |
Ah, I was sure it would be Severus.....good for you for taking a different path. Poppy knew Remus well, and so knew a good bit about James and Sirius, too. The summer in Hogsmeade....this should be interesting.... |
majolie Sunday 27th April 2008 19:08 | The Short Straw |
This looks very interesting - I can't wait to see what you do with it. I can see several directions for you to take it and any one of them could prove quite entertaining.
I'll be looking forward to more - your writing style is pleasant and overal, you have good grammar and spelling. One friendly nitpick - in one paragraph you mention how Dumbledore calways has a way of "peaking" Snape's interest and I believe it should be "piquing" which is the spelling you use a little further on.
Anyway - so glad to see something new and different to read! |
calleighpotter Sunday 27th April 2008 18:40 | The Short Straw |
This looks like a story to remember to read. I try to keep up with WIP stories, and I'll put this near the top of my list. Thanks, it was really enjoyable. |
laryrussellca Sunday 27th April 2008 15:38 | The Short Straw |
Now that's an odd take. Since this is canon and phoenixsong locks in ships to canon, I won't complain too much that Harry doesn't get to stay with Hermione. Still, Madam Pomfrey is quite a surprise. This could be a good one. |
rose Sunday 27th April 2008 12:06 | The Short Straw |
This seems very interesting so far. Keep up the good work. By the way, I believe that quote came from Chamber of Secrets since Fawkes isn't mentioned in Philosopher's Stone. |
Gardengirl Sunday 27th April 2008 11:54 | The Short Straw |
A fascinating beginning! I hope you have more chapters finished and ready to post, but I'll wait as patiently as I must. |
runnerman87 Sunday 27th April 2008 10:29 | The Short Straw |
I hate to point it out, but the quote about phoenixes is actually from The Chamber of Secrets; canon Harry doesn't meet Fawkes until Justin and Sir Nicholas are petrified and McGonagall takes him to see Dumbledore. |
LeprechaunJV Sunday 27th April 2008 09:16 | The Short Straw |
This story just got my interest peaked, a different story base. I look forward to updates.
Memory King Sunday 27th April 2008 08:50 | The Short Straw |
Excellent start, don't think I've ever seen this done before. Will be interesting to see how much the canon plot will change as a result from this. Can't wait for more! |
James Evans Sunday 27th April 2008 05:18 | The Short Straw |
that looks promissing!!! at least it's new an refreshing...i don't think i ever read anything similar
one question: is this supposed to go and cover all of Harry's Hogwarts' remaining years of schooling? Or is it just a Summer fic???
Anyway, keep up the good work and PLZ update soon!!!
the_critic Sunday 27th April 2008 04:40 | The Short Straw |
AWWWWWWWWWW! Man, sorry but this wouldve been so much funner with Snape Being Harry's Gaurdian! |
the_critic Sunday 27th April 2008 04:40 | The Short Straw |
AWWWWWWWWWW! Man, sorry but this wouldve been so much funner with Snape Being Harry's Gaurdian!
looks promising! update soon!