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Reviews For A Change Of Heart by melkior

Wednesday 25th June 2008 18:30
A Change Of Heart
(F1RST R3V31W!)
Wednesday 25th June 2008 18:46A Change Of Heart (Author Response)
Indeed. Though I must admit, I was starting to think that no one cared much for this story.
Wednesday 25th June 2008 18:28
A Change Of Heart
If only Harry would speak up!
If alas but melkior our author,
To impede our young hero,
Our knight in shining armour,
that he mightn't Save his,
Damsel in such distress?
Alas, for us nervous and wondering onlookers,
but to watch, to wait,
for another Up-Date.

Wednesday 25th June 2008 18:46A Change Of Heart (Author Response)
Alas, if only the next chapter came back from beta so I could post it.
But it'll be soon.

Thanks for this rather unique review.