Emeralds and Rubies Friday 25th July 2008 23:32 | Just Plain Harry | , enough said. | daniel_r_crazy22 Saturday 28th April 2007 17:08 | Just Plain Harry | Wow. Ron is like a 2nd grader with a crush. Haha. Very good chapter. Haha. Harry is starting to acknowledge feelings for Ginny. :0) | Wooster Thursday 3rd August 2006 17:57 | Just Plain Harry | Heeehee...Ron/Hermione stuff was amusing. The way they circle around each other is so transparent it's just plain funny. I also liked the way Harry's slightly put off by Ginny not being there, but didn't jump straight to how much he likes her or something. (That happens WAY too often in fanfiction) I love that you're giving the idea room to grow. |