J-TGriffy Monday 20th February 2012 20:25 | Making Up for Lost Time |
kopfsalat2000 Sunday 1st January 2012 20:37 | Making Up for Lost Time |
Lovely |
Delfino Sunday 16th May 2010 13:58 | Making Up for Lost Time |
Yes, I am absolutely in love with this story. Ron's humor is just perfect and I don't think I've ever read a story that captures him so well.
"Does Hermione know you're blaming this on her?"
Haha I burst out laughing when I read that. Wonderful job! Thank you for making my Sunday afternoon just a little bit more enjoyable |
Neli P Monday 7th September 2009 13:21 | Making Up for Lost Time |
This is so sweet!
My eyes got a little watery too, thinking about young Harry and Ginny that first time on Platform 9 3/4.
Well done Aggiebell |
Tuesday 15th September 2009 22:22 | Making Up for Lost Time (Author Response) |
*grins* Thanks SO much! For some reason, the Harry that lives in my head is a little sappy. He may not know how to express it, but I think he cherishes memories like that, because his childhood before he got to go to Hogwarts was so wretched.
~Julie |
Zeta_one Saturday 5th September 2009 15:03 | Making Up for Lost Time |
Very cute! Thanks for sharing. |
Tuesday 15th September 2009 22:20 | Making Up for Lost Time (Author Response) |
Thanks for commenting! |
RIPHedwig Friday 4th September 2009 15:44 | Making Up for Lost Time |
It's just brilliant, you capture Ron so well, he's funny, and adorable and messes things up in such a Ron way, too, but somehow - somehow - it works out. It's fab.
B |
Tuesday 15th September 2009 22:19 | Making Up for Lost Time (Author Response) |
Thanks so much! Ron is totally funny and adorable, don't you think? |
Grandma Kate Friday 4th September 2009 13:51 | Making Up for Lost Time |
It's all wonderful. You do Ron's POV perfectly.
I could picture the final scene-Dinner, as I'm sure you can guess, was a complete madhouse. Mum squealed with happiness when Harry and Ginny made their announcement and then went into a full-blown panic when she realised the wedding was only five months away. Dad's eyes got a little watery when he looked at Ginny. I could just tell he was thinking some sappy rubbish about his sweet baby girl. George passed Percy a Galleon--apparently they had bet about when Harry and Ginny would get engaged and Percy won.
And me? When Ginny stood up and snogged the hell out of Harry, right there in the kitchen...I grabbed Hermione and did some snogging of my own.
If you can't beat 'em, join 'em, yeah? |
Tuesday 15th September 2009 22:18 | Making Up for Lost Time (Author Response) |
Yay! I'm glad you like it! I hadn't written much of Ron before I wrote Matchmaker...he's very fun to write. And he truly took over on these two stories--I really had no say at all in what I wrote. |
Ocean Dream Friday 4th September 2009 11:54 | Making Up for Lost Time |
Brilliant! Sweet ! I love how funny you make him sound - his canon humor was somehow weakened in our translation and it´s a bit tiring having to explain the fans here how funny he is in the original story
One little question: why is the setting stated as pre-OotP?
Great story, thanks for sharing.
(Well, what about George and Angelina, then?) |
Tuesday 15th September 2009 22:16 | Making Up for Lost Time (Author Response) |
Thanks so much!
I definitely want to write George and Angelina's story, but there are other things I need to write first.
And I think the OotP thing was just a mistake in the upload--thanks for pointing that out!
Julie |
saulick Friday 4th September 2009 09:48 | Making Up for Lost Time |
Excellent! I laughed out loud. "So Ginny's a non-starter." I'll be chuckling about that for days. I like this whole little "series" about Ron. Hope to see more. You have really nailed his character. |
Tuesday 15th September 2009 22:14 | Making Up for Lost Time (Author Response) |
*grins* Thanks so much! I'm quite fond of Ron the Matchmaker myself. He's very fun to write.
I definitely want to write George and Angelina's story, and I'm thinking about doing one for Neville and Hannah (because I fangirl Neville and I think it'd be a hoot to see how Ron could push those two together). But I have a list of other stories in various stages of completion that I really want to finish before I start anything else. That said, if the muse wants to write Ron, I've learned to just give in and write him--he's very pushy! |
Worldmaker Friday 4th September 2009 04:35 | Making Up for Lost Time |
Oh, excellent. Bravo! |
Tuesday 15th September 2009 22:10 | Making Up for Lost Time (Author Response) |
Thanks, Jack!
(And sorry I'm so late in responding!)
Julie |
gymnastgal19 Thursday 3rd September 2009 23:07 | Making Up for Lost Time |
hahaahah awesome story! |
Tuesday 15th September 2009 22:09 | Making Up for Lost Time (Author Response) |
Thanks! |
Arnel Thursday 3rd September 2009 22:14 | Making Up for Lost Time |
You've got Ron's voice down perfectly. I can just see him ruminating over having to see Harry snog Ginny more than he'd care to. I also love the dumbfounded way he takes the news that Harry and Ginny are getting married before he and Hermione are, how he had thought that Harry and Ginny would get married after he and Hermione did.
Great story! It gets for making me grin. |
Tuesday 15th September 2009 22:06 | Making Up for Lost Time (Author Response) |
Hee! Thanks so much, Arnel! Ron is really a LOT of fun to write, especially when you're doing something lighthearted and from his POV. He just kind of took over, so I went with it.
~Julie |
honourary_weasley Thursday 3rd September 2009 20:43 | Making Up for Lost Time |
Poor delusional Ron... like he had anything to do with Harry and Ginny getting together! He could barely manage getting together with Hermione!
Very sweet, thanks! |
Tuesday 15th September 2009 22:04 | Making Up for Lost Time (Author Response) |
*grins* Well...he sort of had something to do with getting Harry and Ginny together in Matchmaker, although they would've gotten there eventually without his "help".
Thanks for commenting!
~Julie |
majolie Thursday 3rd September 2009 19:33 | Making Up for Lost Time |
Absolutely wonderful - funny and sweet and fluffy. A great treat.
I especially love Ron thinking, Chalk that up to a lesson well-learned. Hopefully, I'll remember that next time. Poor Ron - if he actually learned the lesson, he would remember it next time!
Thank you for well-written and amusing tidbit! |
Tuesday 15th September 2009 22:00 | Making Up for Lost Time (Author Response) |
Thanks so much for commenting! (And I apologize for the tardiness in the reply--the beginning of the school year is hectic around here!)
~Julie |