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Reviews For The Letters of Summer by Kokopelli

Wednesday 25th November 2009 13:56
The Letters of Summer
Get off! The real Harry Potter would never notice all these things about a girl - in fact no male of the species would. I have been married over thirty years and still cannot remember my wedding anniversary.
Sunday 23rd April 2006 15:50
The Letters of Summer
Sorry I haven't reviewed since the first chapter I believe. Ive just wanted to finish the story since I believe it to be a great story so far. I'm going to move on to the next chapter and can't wait to see what the girls/ladies are going to do.
Saturday 3rd September 2005 15:08
The Letters of Summer
I've just stumbled over your story and I love it so far. I loved how you kept the contents of Harry's big letter secret and only revealed them later on. It was perfectly done, I really hate it if people write everything in a chronological order or try to avoid mentioning something clumsily. You did a very good job on this chapter (and the ones before). Thanks for the nice story!
Thursday 7th July 2005 22:11
The Letters of Summer
LoL, Harry's too funny! I loved his list. Every girl likes to be noticed! Nice job!
Monday 31st January 2005 01:57
The Letters of Summer
Poor Harry! He didn't do anything wrong and still he has a full-fledged conspiracy against him, including his confidant Hermione. Somehow, it doesn't seem fair.
Saturday 15th January 2005 01:15
The Letters of Summer

WooHoo! Good morning for Harry and he gets to ride his bike! Here is where the story takes off. Harry is now turning into your unique version of him, which I like, and starts trusting people. I love Laurel and can just picture she's a sweet lady that gives off great trusting grandmotherly vibes. I'm glad you put her in here to give Harry advice on girls, she's perfect.

The Big One! Finally!!!!!!! I liked Hermione calling Ginny "Mastermind" it should have come up more often. Then you took so long to get to the actual letter. You just love to torture us don't you?  By the end of the letter I was a giggly girl. OMG if a boy had written a letter like that to me when I was in HS I would have had the same reaction Ginny did.

It was worth the wait and this chapter left me very excited for the rest of the story. Brilliant!

Saturday 15th January 2005 19:34The Letters of Summer (Author Response)
The letter was actually the beginning of this story - the six chapters that stand between the prologue and this chapter were so much backstory for the letter.  By the time I got those chapters written, however, I'd lost the letter, so I had to recreated it from memory.  Bleagh.  Several chapters later, of course,  I found the handwritten text again.  Life is like this.

Ima Quidditch Fan
Wednesday 21st July 2004 16:45
The Letters of Summer
Some fics in life: entertaining

Waiting on a Rowling new release: worth the wait

Reading this chapter: priceless!