ngayonatkailanman Thursday 26th July 2012 09:29 | Father's Day |
I have read this before. I know. I checked the reviews first. Yet, I re-read it... again! I loved it more the second time around... and it is not even love. |
Friday 27th July 2012 11:06 | Father's Day (Author Response) |
I've read all seven of JKR's books multiple times and I always pick up on things I missed the first time around. I'm glad you enjoyed my story even more during this second reading. |
J-TGriffy Thursday 15th March 2012 17:46 | Father's Day |
Thursday 15th March 2012 22:48 | Father's Day (Author Response) |
Cute. I appreciate the review. |
horselover7 Thursday 10th February 2011 07:12 | Father's Day |
u did awesome thanks!! |
Thursday 10th February 2011 07:38 | Father's Day (Author Response) |
Thanks for telling me. I appreciate your review. |
chit.94 Sunday 23rd January 2011 23:02 | Father's Day |
I loved every bit of this story! Its such a warm, lovely tale. Thank you! |
Sunday 23rd January 2011 23:10 | Father's Day (Author Response) |
Thank you for the thumbs-up! I give those out all the time, but hardly ever get them back! Yippee! I'm very glad you like my story. Thanks for letting me know. |
gymnastgal19 Friday 14th January 2011 14:05 | Father's Day |
cute story I love how you had flashbacks. They added to the story nicely
Friday 14th January 2011 15:37 | Father's Day (Author Response) |
Flashbacks are really fun to write. I'm glad you liked my story and thank you for reviewing. |
JustAFan Friday 7th January 2011 12:10 | Father's Day |
Wonderful! You've captured the beauty of parental love and I appreciate the kind way you portrayed a young father hoping to measure up. Thank you. |
JustAFan Thursday 6th January 2011 20:50 | Father's Day |
Wonderful! You've captured the beauty of parental love and I appreciate the kind way you portrayed a young father hoping to measure up. Thank you. |
Thursday 6th January 2011 21:10 | Father's Day (Author Response) |
This was an easy story for me to write because my husband and I share parenting duties every day. As much as I try not to turn into my mother, I know my husband works doubly hard not to constantly negatively judge our child, so writing about Harry's fears came easily. Thank you for your praise. I appreciate you taking the time to tell me you like the story. |
takon65 Tuesday 4th January 2011 22:25 | Father's Day |
Lovely Story Arnel!! You packed a lot of emotions into this piece.
Please passon to Aggiebell, I understand her 'pain'. I had my case of chickenpox at 35 |
Wednesday 5th January 2011 02:57 | Father's Day (Author Response) |
Parenting a child, whether it's your first or your fifth, is an emotional state of being because life with a little one is never dull. Poor Harry just has a few more demons to fight the rest of us when it comes to pre-parent fears. I'm very glad you liked the story and let me know it moved you.
And yes, I will pass your "condolences" to Aggiebell! |
DukeBrymin Tuesday 4th January 2011 18:04 | Father's Day |
What an incredibly sweet, lovely and emotional story. |
Tuesday 4th January 2011 22:05 | Father's Day (Author Response) |
I'm so glad you liked the story. Thanks for reviewing and letting me know. |
Dad Tuesday 4th January 2011 10:54 | Father's Day |
What a gentle but enjoyable read. Thank you. |
Tuesday 4th January 2011 11:23 | Father's Day (Author Response) |
This is the kind of writing I really enjoy doing. Thanks for telling me you liked the story. |
Grandma Kate Monday 3rd January 2011 23:24 | Father's Day |
Very sweet. I remember feeling just like Ginny as I waddled about the final month.
I do have a question about two-year-old Rose playing in the Quidditch game. That seems a bit young to me. |
Tuesday 4th January 2011 00:04 | Father's Day (Author Response) |
I think we all waddle at some point in our pregnancies, some more than most, though.
As for your question about Rose being two at the Quidditch match, I based it on the ages of the children in the Epilogue of DH. If one considers that Rose and Albus are both first years during the scene and Lily still has two years to wait, then logic says that both Al and Rose have most likely been two-years-old for at least nine months at the match and Lily's birth... they could very well be hitting three within the next two weeks to two months, but no sooner because of the cut-off of approximately August 31 for receiving a Hogwarts letter. Interesting puzzle, isn't it?
Thanks for your thought-provoking review. I always enjoy answering you. |
ngayonatkailanman Monday 3rd January 2011 20:34 | Father's Day |
Aw! My heart swelled and I shed a tear or 2. Bless. |
Monday 3rd January 2011 22:26 | Father's Day (Author Response) |
Thanks. I'm glad you connected with my story. Thanks for letting me know. |
rss Monday 3rd January 2011 19:19 | Father's Day |
Thanks for sharing this Arnel, even if it was intended to be shared six months earlier! (that Beta note was a laugh). I'm glad it was shared after all and late is better than never! I loved looking in on these precious moments in Harry and Ginny's life! It was fun to watch 'little' James and Albus at the zoo...that scene was so easy to visualize and so well written. Lily's birth was perfect! Sweet and touching. You captured every moment in the story so beautifully. Thanks again for sharing! -R |
Monday 3rd January 2011 22:33 | Father's Day (Author Response) |
You and I are very familiar with how children act at a zoo, so it was very easy to substitute little James and Al for my son and use some of my own precious memories in the story.
I've always visualized home births for all the Weasley children: Molly and Arthur don't strike me as the hospital-birth type of parents. Because of this image, it just seemed natural that Ginny have at least one of her children in the traditional Wizarding fashion, a home birth, complete with the completely enthralled and bowled-over look on the new daddy's face!
Thanks for your kind words. I appreciate your review more than you know. |
redheadgin Monday 3rd January 2011 03:22 | Father's Day |
Thank you for this wonderful story! Being a husband and father, and being w/ the right woman, Harry's truly a happy contented man. Harry deserves the best & stories like this is always an enjoyable read. |
Monday 3rd January 2011 08:02 | Father's Day (Author Response) |
I whole-heartedly agree with you that Harry is a contented man and I know Ginny is very pleased to help him be so happy. I'm glad you liked the story and wanted to share your thoughts with me. Thanks for reviewing. |