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Reviews For Happy Birthday (Gin) Jane by Thekillerpie

Tuesday 3rd May 2011 06:51
Happy Birthday (Gin) Jane
hey, good to see you back. Nice start back, is it a one shot or start of something bigger?
Tuesday 12th April 2011 04:56
Happy Birthday (Gin) Jane
This is quite an interesting beginning. I don't remember a story with Harry in a coma this long. I hope Ginny reads the news or listens to the wireless. I look forward to more soon. thanks for writing. p
Tuesday 12th April 2011 07:56Happy Birthday (Gin) Jane (Author Response)
Thanks! I enjoyed writing it, hopefully something a little different!
Monday 11th April 2011 12:28
Happy Birthday (Gin) Jane
Is this posted somewhere else? It seems familiar.
Monday 11th April 2011 12:36Happy Birthday (Gin) Jane (Author Response)
Yes I posted it on SIYE a couple of months ago to gauge reaction before adding it here, so you're not going mad! You've seen a version of it before.