ngayonatkailanman Wednesday 11th December 2013 15:50 | A New Life |
Excellent. Enjoyed reading it. |
Dad Thursday 14th November 2013 11:36 | A New Life |
Nice to see this on this site. Pity about the formatting character. |
Friday 15th November 2013 08:58 | A New Life (Author Response) |
Nice to see this on this site. Pity about the formatting character.
Thanks! This is, after all, the site where it most belongs. |
Sherylyn Tuesday 5th November 2013 20:54 | A New Life |
I think hp4-sauce is trying to quote Ginny saying (ignore the formatting here, I'm trying to make it work)...
Is that right??
(It's the first word of this quote, in case that didn't work...
“Oi! Get your filthy mitts out of there!” squawked Ginny, turning and swinging —)
If so, I have no idea why the filter's having fits with it, but oh well... I'm sure it's serving a purpose somehow |
Saturday 9th November 2013 11:26 | A New Life (Author Response) |
I think hp4-sauce is trying to quote Ginny saying (ignore the formatting here, I'm trying to make it work)...
Is that right??
(It's the first word of this quote, in case that didn't work...
“Oi! Get your filthy mitts out of there!” squawked Ginny, turning and swinging —)
If so, I have no idea why the filter's having fits with it, but oh well... I'm sure it's serving a purpose somehow
That's hysterical! |
hp4-sauce Monday 4th November 2013 10:01 | A New Life |
Okay I'll just say it. . |
Monday 4th November 2013 21:08 | A New Life (Author Response) |
Okay I'll just say it. .
Still not showing up! XD |
Grandma Kate Tuesday 29th October 2013 09:05 | A New Life |
Quite lovely. Thank you for posting this story that reveals so much about Harry.
I loved this by Ginny-There’s a reason that sort of thing doesn’t happen much in wizarding families, luv. Accidental magic.”
Sunday 3rd November 2013 20:18 | A New Life (Author Response) |
Quite lovely. Thank you for posting this story that reveals so much about Harry.
I loved this by Ginny-There’s a reason that sort of thing doesn’t happen much in wizarding families, luv. Accidental magic.”
Thank you so much, Kate! I'm glad that this worked for you. And yeah: it occurred to me that a lot of the "natural" victims in our society -- children, women, the elderly -- would be in a very different situation in a wizarding world where physical strength meant almost nothing. Size, after all, is no guarantee of power. :-) |
lwj2 Tuesday 29th October 2013 03:28 | A New Life |
Nicely mushy.
One criticism -- the timing. I would think that this is something that had been discovered prior to Ginny's 20th or so birthday. Then again, the mind is a peculiar place, and it's action-driven. Machs nicht.
Thanks for writing and sharing this story. |
Sunday 3rd November 2013 20:15 | A New Life (Author Response) |
Nicely mushy.
One criticism -- the timing. I would think that this is something that had been discovered prior to Ginny's 20th or so birthday. Then again, the mind is a peculiar place, and it's action-driven. Machs nicht.
Thanks for writing and sharing this story.
Es macht viel!
My thinking was that Harry was sensitive to the flashback because he was already in a retrospective mood.
And I'm glad that you found it nicely mushy. :-) |
hp4-sauce Monday 28th October 2013 19:47 | A New Life |
Further to my previous review, the exclamation that Ginny made was "". A lovely very English word and very Ginny. For some reason when I added the exclamation marks in my original review as an after-thought, the way it was posted left the exclamation marks and took out the ! Anyway, hope it's not too long before you pen another. |
Sunday 3rd November 2013 18:55 | A New Life (Author Response) |
Further to my previous review, the exclamation that Ginny made was "". A lovely very English word and very Ginny. For some reason when I added the exclamation marks in my original review as an after-thought, the way it was posted left the exclamation marks and took out the ! Anyway, hope it's not too long before you pen another.
Thanks! Do you know, whatever that exclamation of Ginny's is, the filters here at PS don't like it! I keep seeing empty quote marks -- look at your quoted review above.
Rhetor Monday 28th October 2013 17:15 | A New Life |
Boy, you're tough! Back when I wrote "Blazing" (within minutes of finishing DH), you called me on having Harry and Ginny go at it too soon -- and now you're not sure they'd wait so long? Whew!
Oh sure, drag out a comment I made six years ago. You have a long memory.
Were I bent in proving my own internal consistency, I might say that jumping into bed during the first few days after DH might be too fast, while waiting three years to get married might be too slow. (At least it isn't self-evidently contradictory.) I get the impression that people get married young in the Wizarding World -- or at least they did during the first war, which might have been a consequence of the war itself rather than a social custom. I also had the feeling that both H and G were "settling down" types -- she because she's wanted him since she was eleven, he because (as you point out in the story) he's yearned for a real, loving family his whole life. I thought that, once they'd confessed their feeligs to each other and the barriers of minority and war were behind them, they'd want to beocome a public, permanent couple. I know I'm excessively romantic where the two of them are concerned, but then again, so are you. |
Sunday 3rd November 2013 18:54 | A New Life (Author Response) |
Boy, you're tough! Back when I wrote "Blazing" (within minutes of finishing DH), you called me on having Harry and Ginny go at it too soon -- and now you're not sure they'd wait so long? Whew!
Oh sure, drag out a comment I made six years ago. You have a long memory.
Were I bent in proving my own internal consistency, I might say that jumping into bed during the first few days after DH might be too fast, while waiting three years to get married might be too slow. (At least it isn't self-evidently contradictory.) I get the impression that people get married young in the Wizarding World -- or at least they did during the first war, which might have been a consequence of the war itself rather than a social custom. I also had the feeling that both H and G were "settling down" types -- she because she's wanted him since she was eleven, he because (as you point out in the story) he's yearned for a real, loving family his whole life. I thought that, once they'd confessed their feeligs to each other and the barriers of minority and war were behind them, they'd want to beocome a public, permanent couple. I know I'm excessively romantic where the two of them are concerned, but then again, so are you.
Six years ago. Eesh. Yeah, sorry about that.
In my mind (for this story) it worked something like this: they got together not long after Voldemort's defeat, broke up again because one or both wasn't sure that they weren't together for the wrong reasons, tried dating others, realized they were both miserable, and Luna convinced them both to get together again. Something like that.
Mostly, I like the idea that the road from the last chapter of DH to the epilogue may not have been entirely straight. Also, I was interested in the way in which memory can surface unexpectedly -- and if Harry were only a year removed from living with the Dursleys, I don't think this would have caught him -- or Ginny quite so much by surprise. And since it was a tenth-anniversary fic for PS, I figured I'd make it their tenth anniversary of meeting, which got Harry into a retrospective mood, which made him vulnerable.... Make sense? |
Patches Monday 28th October 2013 13:43 | A New Life |
This is a good story but a reminder of things that they would like to forget. I appreciate your talent for bringing a sad memory to a good conclusion. Thanks for writing. p |
Monday 28th October 2013 16:01 | A New Life (Author Response) |
This is a good story but a reminder of things that they would like to forget. I appreciate your talent for bringing a sad memory to a good conclusion. Thanks for writing. p
Thanks so much. I chose my penname for Anton Chekhov, who never managed to write purely fluffy or purely tragic stories. I'm glad that this worked for you! |
marinka Monday 28th October 2013 01:25 | A New Life |
True, smell is very powerful memory trigger. Good story , thank you fo sharing |
Monday 28th October 2013 15:59 | A New Life (Author Response) |
True, smell is very powerful memory trigger. Good story , thank you fo sharing
Indeed it is, in both positive and negative ways!
Thanks. |
Arnel Sunday 27th October 2013 19:58 | A New Life |
What a wonderful story! I'm glad that Harry eventually remembered the anniversary of meeting Ginny and that she was able to help him acknowledge his troubling flashback by replacing it with the realization that he was safe and living with someone who loved him. I'm going to go read it again! |
Monday 28th October 2013 15:59 | A New Life (Author Response) |
What a wonderful story! I'm glad that Harry eventually remembered the anniversary of meeting Ginny and that she was able to help him acknowledge his troubling flashback by replacing it with the realization that he was safe and living with someone who loved him. I'm going to go read it again!
Thanks so much! Yeah, I have to think that day stands out for Harry -- as it does for the readers that were along for the ride!
And my idea for the story started with that idea of a PTSD flashback -- and so I needed to start and end somewhere safe.
I'm glad that you enjoyed the story. |
Rhetor Sunday 27th October 2013 18:43 | A New Life |
*Sniff* Lovely. The new memories replace the old, and love heals.
(I thought the Weasleys knew he'd been beaten by the Dursleys, though. I don't think it's anywhere explicit, but I felt sure of it...) (They waited 3+ years to get married? I suppose it seems sensible, but I imagined they'd be in more of a hurry...) |
Monday 28th October 2013 15:44 | A New Life (Author Response) |
*Sniff* Lovely. The new memories replace the old, and love heals.
(I thought the Weasleys knew he'd been beaten by the Dursleys, though. I don't think it's anywhere explicit, but I felt sure of it...) (They waited 3+ years to get married? I suppose it seems sensible, but I imagined they'd be in more of a hurry...)
Boy, you're tough! Back when I wrote "Blazing" (within minutes of finishing DH), you called me on having Harry and Ginny go at it too soon -- and now you're not sure they'd wait so long? Whew!
(In my head, the idea was that they'd taken a less than direct route to this point, and that they've moved in together relatively recently, which was part of the cause of Harry's reverie. In my head. I think I was placing this in the same fic-verse as "Prying," which is too... well-seasoned for this particular archive.)
In any case, thank you: it's always a pleasure to get feedback from you. And yeah: new memories and old. The layering is what makes us adults, I think. |
hp4-sauce Sunday 27th October 2013 16:46 | A New Life |
It has been an age since I reviewed at this or any other HP site. Or visited for that matter.
So glad to see you're still writing. Short but sweet with your usual clean, literate style. Not sure Harry's experience with the Dursleys could really induce a PTSD moment after all he'd been through at Voldie's hands, but what the heck. Any story that has Ginny exclaiming: "!" is definitely worth a read!
Monday 28th October 2013 15:38 | A New Life (Author Response) |
It has been an age since I reviewed at this or any other HP site. Or visited for that matter.
So glad to see you're still writing. Short but sweet with your usual clean, literate style. Not sure Harry's experience with the Dursleys could really induce a PTSD moment after all he'd been through at Voldie's hands, but what the heck. Any story that has Ginny exclaiming: "!" is definitely worth a read!
Thanks so much!
My thought was that Harry has had a chance to deal with the stuff that happened with Voldemort, and that that was a clean if nightmarish series of transactions; he's evil, and trying to torture and kill Harry. We never see Harry really look at the reality of what happened in his relatives' house, so that's what I wanted at least to touch on. (This idea was sparked by a recent PFW podcast, actually.)
And what is it that you were glad that Ginny exclaimed? "Oi"? If so, thank you. It was a pleasure! |
mdauben Sunday 27th October 2013 14:25 | A New Life |
A rather sweet yet sad little one shot. I really enjoyed it, |
Monday 28th October 2013 12:15 | A New Life (Author Response) |
A rather sweet yet sad little one shot. I really enjoyed it,
Thanks! I'm glad that you liked it. |