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Reviews For Some Cuts Leave Scars by Melindaleo

Thursday 25th January 2018 14:37
Some Cuts Leave Scars
Another brilliant chapter! If I had to choose my favorite parts, they're the heart-to-heart talks between Ginny and Hermione and George and Harry. You write such poignant, heart-felt scenes that draw the reader in and makes the situation and characters so real. The reader also knows that by the end of the conversation, one or both of the participants is going to feel much better than when they started talking.

I'd forgotten that this was the chapter in which Harry decides he likes Owen. It's nice to know that he feels he can learn more from Owen than from Dawlish. Having a good mentor is important. Well done.
Friday 26th January 2018 09:43Some Cuts Leave Scars (Author Response)
Thanks, Arnel! I ended up liking Owen very much as I wrote him, so Harry's growing fondness perhaps mirrored my own, lol.
Professor Webster
Wednesday 24th January 2018 19:42
Some Cuts Leave Scars
Weĺ done! Exciting but not too unrealistic is the way to go. I really appreciate how you handle the emotions of the veterans. The horrors of war don't just disappear when hostilities end. (for whatever reasons) We need more stories to point this show that people are damaged by war , sometimes the damage is permanent.
Thursday 25th January 2018 10:20Some Cuts Leave Scars (Author Response)
Thanks! I agree with you that it isn't a switch that can simply be flipped, and although the characters are moving on, they'll all have some slips. I hope you enjoy.