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Reviews For Some Cuts Leave Scars by Melindaleo

Thursday 19th April 2018 17:18
Some Cuts Leave Scars
I get such a fuzzy, warm feeling when you write multiple Weasleys into a scene. I particularly like the Three Broomsticks scene in this chapter because you included Percy in it and had him giving back as much as his brothers doled out. Your clueless Ron had me grinning from ear to ear, especially when Harry commented that pretending nothing had happened on the sofa. I think a good time was had by all at the Three Broomsticks, especially since Ginny received the support from her brothers she needs to try out for professional Quidditch.

The motorbike seems to be a good distraction from his thoughts of Ginny for Harry. It definitely has a history with him and I like the fact that he wants to preserve the connection he has with it to his past. The fact that George and Ken Towler have agreed to help him restore it made me smile, even if Harry felt obligated to tell Ken some things he'd rather keep secret. As for how he felt afterwards, I can understand his need to talk to Ginny. I'm glad they have the mirrors.

Thursday 19th April 2018 01:01
Some Cuts Leave Scars
It's murder sometimes to wait between updates, because you leave me so emotionally invested in your characters. ;-) I swear I could feel Harry's vivid emotions and their physiological manifestations as clearly as if they were my own symptoms. Nicely written, you chapter-hogging jerk.

All my lolz emojis are malfunctioning! How else will you know I'm teasing??
Thursday 19th April 2018 00:57
Some Cuts Leave Scars
It's murder sometimes to wait between updates, because you leave me so emotionally invested in your characters. ;-) I swear I could feel Harry's vivid emotions and their physiological manifestations as clearly as if they were my own symptoms. Nicely written, you chapter-hogging jerk.