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Reviews For Some Cuts Leave Scars by Melindaleo

Friday 4th May 2018 00:50
Some Cuts Leave Scars
I'm so glad Ron is all right! I'm also proud of Harry for following Owen's directions and not just rushing into the mass of Dementors willy-nilly without a plan. By working with everyone, both Ron and Harry are safe and Mrs Weasley's greatest fear has not become a reality like it did in OotP. You made me smile with Harry's comment about the healers all wanting to keep the Aurors on potions until they were done dealing with the Dementors.

George's birthday party was definitely a strained occasion, with too many reminders that Fred is no longer. Harry's "saving people thing" actually did come in handy when he suggested George needed to throw something. Ginny's implied smirk when she thought of the new family tradition also made me smile. Well done.
Thursday 3rd May 2018 23:00
Some Cuts Leave Scars
This was simply inspired. I adore how you draw on Harry's most anguished moments to show how uniquely suited he is, like tempered steel, to rescue both Ron and George in this chapter. Well done!
Professor Webster
Thursday 3rd May 2018 19:16
Some Cuts Leave Scars
Wonderful chapter and the bit with the gnomes was inspired. It's right on so many levels. It's even right on a psychological level. Kudos to you
Tuesday 22nd May 2018 16:00Some Cuts Leave Scars (Author Response)
Thanks very much! I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Professor Webster
Thursday 3rd May 2018 19:15
Some Cuts Leave Scars
Wonderful chapter and the bit with the gnomes was inspired. It's right on so many levels. It's even right on a psychological level. Kudos to you