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Reviews For The Harry/Ginny Chronicles by Basil M

Saturday 11th August 2007 10:13
The Harry/Ginny Chronicles
This is a double cheesy story, the one there reading and the one there experiencing. but lovelly non the less.
Wednesday 19th July 2006 02:11
The Harry/Ginny Chronicles
Hm...bonding through cheesy romance-novel? Excellent. Five gold stars to you for a perfect representation of a romance novel.

And two thumbs up for a perfectly silly, but really fun chapter.
Wednesday 19th July 2006 02:11
The Harry/Ginny Chronicles
Hm...bonding through cheesy romance-novel? Excellent. Five gold stars to you for a perfect representation of a romance novel.

And two thumbs up for a perfectly silly, but really fun chapter.
Tuesday 6th December 2005 06:04
The Harry/Ginny Chronicles
Saturday 25th September 2004 09:22
The Harry/Ginny Chronicles

LOVED IT!!! I have to say that Ginny has more courage than I do I would die before I let a guy read my bodice ripper novels.

 I liked the little scene after they read it though. I can see Harry as quite the protagonist in one of those trashy romance novels I like so much.